Degen, your rpg sounds familiar

The car screeches to a stop in front of a barricade.
Levi: Sh*t! Another one! I'll have to try and make it on foot.
Levi cringes to the thought of being on the street again without the security of a car. He checked that thought and threw it out. No where was safe, just safer. He turned the car off and opened the door. He stepped out of the car and looked around.
Levi: Great, the Umbrella plant. I'm way off course.
Trying to find a way around the barricades had taken him across the city. He was now much further from the police station than when he started out.
Ratatatatatat The sound of an automatic weapon is heard from just inside the building.
Levi: What the hell!? There are people still in there!
Levi runs for the door and opens it to find a man dressed in all black and a gas mask firing at a dog. With a yelp, the dog fell lifeless to the ground. The man turns to look at Levi and levels his rifle.
Levi quickly darts into a room to his left.
Levi: Hey! I'm alive! Stop shooting!
Man: Shut up! You can't f***ing trick me! Die you f***ing freak!
Man: Sh*t!
Levi peeks around the corner to find the man standing in the middle of the room fumbling with his weapon. He rolls out of the room and fires three rounds. Two smack the man in the chest and the other in the throat. The man falls backward, dead.
Levi: Stupid bastard. Why didn't he stop?
Levi walks over the man and crouches over top of him, searching for some clue of who he is and why is he here. He finds a badge on the man's upper right sleeve. The same badge that is on his.
Levi: Umbrella? But this guy isn't in the U.B.C.S.
He sees something flash just in front of him. Levi looks up to the desk seeing a laptop downloading files from the office computer. He walks over to the laptop to see what is being transferred between the two.
Levi: What the hell.. Why is he so worried about computer documents at a time like this?
Levi spends around to see zombies break through the window in the office.
Levi: Dam*it!
Levi grabs the laptop and slips it into a vest pocket and runs for the door. Suddenly, something jumped just inches from his face, making him fall over backwards. The smell of rotting flesh wafted over him, making him gag.
Grrrr *BARK*
The dog charged him, already snapping it's jaws.
Levi: Sh*t! Sh*t!
Levi raised his rifle, already firing. Bullets smacked the walls behind and beside the dog, throwing splinters and drywall everywhere. Three rounds hit their mark. Two smacked the chest of the dog and the other it's leg, blowing it out from underneath it.
His rifle went dry.
The dog raised back onto it's feet and lurched towards him, despite missing a leg. Levi dropped his rifle and un-holstered his 9mm.
Levi Thought: Just like the infected! Shoot it in the head!
The dog was moving towards him. It pounced, going for his throat. Levi brought up his gun and fired...