Ada Wong, the lady in red. Is a very mysterious character. So mysterious that Capcom was able to ride an entire game (RE6) on a bait and switch, tricking players into thinking she was the villain. They also caused a lot of minds to tangle up as they showed contradictions of the character until the final revelation. A revelation that ironed out only what was presented in the game. There were no real answers given to her character a even now we have zero clue as to Ada's past, her motives, and we don't even know her real name.
Whoever this rival company is. It very well may have changed over the ages. It is unfortunate to digest but a lot of Ada's character was thrown out the window when Shinji Mikami walked away and the passing of Noboru Sugimura in 2005. With Resident Evil 4, we got one of the best games in the history of gaming, a true master piece. On the other hand, we lost two of the biggest visionaries of the series. Both whom happened to be responsible with Ada's character.
Exploring this "rival corporation" from RE2 is a REAL headache. For one it is sometimes referred to as "The Agency" or "The Organisation". Ada was also working for Albert Wesker who had his own organisation called "The 3rd Organisation". He was also working his way up in another organisation. This would later become known as (likely without Mikami or Sugimura's blessing. I don't want make a definite claim on this because RE5's development started quite early on in gen 7) Tri-cell. Which also was a pharmaceutical company. Then we have another headache.... The Family and Derek C. Simmons. This one was most definitely added in after the fact. Somehow it would still make since if Ada was working for him and Albert at the same time, yet it doesn't make sense. Derek C. Simmons is now tied deeply in the lore and was the one who launched the sterilization operation to eradicate Raccoon City with a top secret missile. Let's also consider that Ada got a call from another mysterious person at the end of RE6 for another job. Just as she seemed like she was ready to give her bounty hunter ways up because it finally caught up to her in RE6. Money is calling her name, or some other motivation.
A lot of people want to know who this person calling her is. Is it a new character? Is it the new head of the family, who ever that may be. Many of us would like to believe that it's Alex Wesker. Plotting who knows what? It wouldn't be too farfetched for Alex to order a fake "kidnapping" with Ada to get out of the Burton's house without any traces. Zero suspicions that she is still alive. Pure secrecy, just as she likes it. If Natalia was kidnapped, it would be unfortunate and there would be protagonists that would go out to find the girl. They would never see Alex coming. And it is doubtful that Ada would leave any traces with her levels of skill. Alex would be free to enact the next phase of her plans for her little new world order and spreading fear across the globe. Most people speculate that Alex will kill everyone on her way out. I doubt that Capcom will kill off 3-4 protagonist in one swift blow and I don't think Alex would do it. Sure, she could blame it on Natalia. But it would all link back to her with a paper trail. I also don't doubt that Alex's violent mind sometimes day dreams of killing them all, but in the end. Alex would most likely go with a more logical, cunning, and calculated way out, without a trace. Setting those aside. Lansdale is still out there. I assume that the FBC storyline will continue in Revelations 3 as it is a core plot of that series. Unless Ada is in that, we can loosely rule this out, but must consider the possibilities. We also don't have and confirmation that Tri-cell does or does not exist. As soon as we consider that, we have Raymond and Jessica out there. Both who fit the same character profile as Ada. Additionally Raymond is also a very compelling character with a lot of potential. I have a few theories of my own regarding his character, not ones that I necessarily believe. But ones that could possibly bring a deeper level of story telling with large shades of grey instead of the black and white scenarios that this series always contains. I won't dive into this today but I will say this. I defiantly want Raymond back if and only if Capcom can utilise him as a major link to the story.
In the end. The truth is.... No one knows anything about Ada. It's all fun and speculation at this point. Whatever Capcom has in store for her better be damn good. Her mono-tonic and dull personality in RE6 made her one of the most boring characters in the whole series by a long shot. She showed zero emotion, never reacted or seemed surprised about anything, ran around shooting **** mindlessly like an action hero, acted like robot with zero humanity, and offered no sense of attachment for the player to feel or relate to her character. In RE2 she deceived the player as she had deceived Leon. Leaving us curious as to who she is and who she works for. Then in RE4, we got her at her prime. She became even more mysterious and kept players on the edge. Made us really question her motivation. Saving our asses while clearly working against us and using us. (us referring to the player and Leon). She was a spy, she acted like a spy, and was believable for the most part as far as a video game is concerned. Mikami and Sugimura were likely building things up with her character. Then Capcom appears to seem like they don't to know what to do with her. Hopefully in RE8 (her next most likely appearance. 2, 4, 6, 8) they do something compelling with her. If not ending her story. What a fitting end it would be if Leon had to actually be forced to kill her or bring her down upon revelation of her true motivation. This would likely be the final chapter in Leon's story. I feel that Leon will have at least one more adventure before the torch fully passes to the next generation of protagonists.
I had a thought burst in my head just a couple of days ago. Somethign that I never even considered before. Is it possble that killing of Albert Wesker (in the stupidest way possible sadly) the best thing? You're probably thinking. WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! STFU!!! STFU RIGHT NAOW! xD
The answer just sadly might be yes! Once again this ties back to both Mikami and Sugimura. For those who don't know who Noboru Sugimura is. He is the writer of Resident Evil 2, 0, and part of CVX. He very likely had some input in Albert Wesker's development. Albert Wesker was always a character that was tied to Mikami and was included in some shape or form in almost every RE game he was involved with. Albert Wesker's death was decided fairly early on in development. Still dying in a volcanoe mind you, but without some stupid mutation. In the original concepts for RE5, which was later changed with re-writes for co-op play. Albert was Albert. He was trying to raise up in Tri-Cell to take control of the company. To acquire more power just like he's always tried to do. Uroboros was a Tri-Cell thing, not his and Capcom somehow managed to screw his character up pretty hardcore while still making him familiar. I won't deny the fact that he was a very cool character in RE5 and a complete bad ass, maybe even at his best, but he lost many of his character traits. Traits that were not present without Mikami. For this reason, perhaps Albert's death was for the best. Instead of Capcom further screwing up his character plot wise, he exists as a bonus character for the sole purpose of fun. And the true fans, in their minds, can preserve the great epic villain that was Albert Wesker. In exchange. We got another villain with Alex. One that is written with much more substance and a greater layer of complexity. I never thought we'd see a better villain in RE that Albert, but with Alex, the strong philosophical views and evil deeds beyond redemption really hit the spot. A new villain for a newer generation of developers and writers at Capcom. While some of the older developers from back when still work with the Resident Evil franchise. They have shown a lack of the understanding of many of the fundamental characters of Albert's personality. It is evident that the magic of Albert had come straight from the hands of Mikami and his crew.
And for this reason. Maybe it's best Albert is dead to live on in our memories. I only hope that when the likely event of when Jake learns about his father and more story is written for Albert. I pray that Capcom does not screw it up again. It took me 5-6 years to get over his death, I don't want another long period to get over some little BS retcon that Capcom decides to throw in.
Whoever this rival company is. It very well may have changed over the ages. It is unfortunate to digest but a lot of Ada's character was thrown out the window when Shinji Mikami walked away and the passing of Noboru Sugimura in 2005. With Resident Evil 4, we got one of the best games in the history of gaming, a true master piece. On the other hand, we lost two of the biggest visionaries of the series. Both whom happened to be responsible with Ada's character.
Exploring this "rival corporation" from RE2 is a REAL headache. For one it is sometimes referred to as "The Agency" or "The Organisation". Ada was also working for Albert Wesker who had his own organisation called "The 3rd Organisation". He was also working his way up in another organisation. This would later become known as (likely without Mikami or Sugimura's blessing. I don't want make a definite claim on this because RE5's development started quite early on in gen 7) Tri-cell. Which also was a pharmaceutical company. Then we have another headache.... The Family and Derek C. Simmons. This one was most definitely added in after the fact. Somehow it would still make since if Ada was working for him and Albert at the same time, yet it doesn't make sense. Derek C. Simmons is now tied deeply in the lore and was the one who launched the sterilization operation to eradicate Raccoon City with a top secret missile. Let's also consider that Ada got a call from another mysterious person at the end of RE6 for another job. Just as she seemed like she was ready to give her bounty hunter ways up because it finally caught up to her in RE6. Money is calling her name, or some other motivation.
A lot of people want to know who this person calling her is. Is it a new character? Is it the new head of the family, who ever that may be. Many of us would like to believe that it's Alex Wesker. Plotting who knows what? It wouldn't be too farfetched for Alex to order a fake "kidnapping" with Ada to get out of the Burton's house without any traces. Zero suspicions that she is still alive. Pure secrecy, just as she likes it. If Natalia was kidnapped, it would be unfortunate and there would be protagonists that would go out to find the girl. They would never see Alex coming. And it is doubtful that Ada would leave any traces with her levels of skill. Alex would be free to enact the next phase of her plans for her little new world order and spreading fear across the globe. Most people speculate that Alex will kill everyone on her way out. I doubt that Capcom will kill off 3-4 protagonist in one swift blow and I don't think Alex would do it. Sure, she could blame it on Natalia. But it would all link back to her with a paper trail. I also don't doubt that Alex's violent mind sometimes day dreams of killing them all, but in the end. Alex would most likely go with a more logical, cunning, and calculated way out, without a trace. Setting those aside. Lansdale is still out there. I assume that the FBC storyline will continue in Revelations 3 as it is a core plot of that series. Unless Ada is in that, we can loosely rule this out, but must consider the possibilities. We also don't have and confirmation that Tri-cell does or does not exist. As soon as we consider that, we have Raymond and Jessica out there. Both who fit the same character profile as Ada. Additionally Raymond is also a very compelling character with a lot of potential. I have a few theories of my own regarding his character, not ones that I necessarily believe. But ones that could possibly bring a deeper level of story telling with large shades of grey instead of the black and white scenarios that this series always contains. I won't dive into this today but I will say this. I defiantly want Raymond back if and only if Capcom can utilise him as a major link to the story.
In the end. The truth is.... No one knows anything about Ada. It's all fun and speculation at this point. Whatever Capcom has in store for her better be damn good. Her mono-tonic and dull personality in RE6 made her one of the most boring characters in the whole series by a long shot. She showed zero emotion, never reacted or seemed surprised about anything, ran around shooting **** mindlessly like an action hero, acted like robot with zero humanity, and offered no sense of attachment for the player to feel or relate to her character. In RE2 she deceived the player as she had deceived Leon. Leaving us curious as to who she is and who she works for. Then in RE4, we got her at her prime. She became even more mysterious and kept players on the edge. Made us really question her motivation. Saving our asses while clearly working against us and using us. (us referring to the player and Leon). She was a spy, she acted like a spy, and was believable for the most part as far as a video game is concerned. Mikami and Sugimura were likely building things up with her character. Then Capcom appears to seem like they don't to know what to do with her. Hopefully in RE8 (her next most likely appearance. 2, 4, 6, 8) they do something compelling with her. If not ending her story. What a fitting end it would be if Leon had to actually be forced to kill her or bring her down upon revelation of her true motivation. This would likely be the final chapter in Leon's story. I feel that Leon will have at least one more adventure before the torch fully passes to the next generation of protagonists.
I had a thought burst in my head just a couple of days ago. Somethign that I never even considered before. Is it possble that killing of Albert Wesker (in the stupidest way possible sadly) the best thing? You're probably thinking. WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! STFU!!! STFU RIGHT NAOW! xD
The answer just sadly might be yes! Once again this ties back to both Mikami and Sugimura. For those who don't know who Noboru Sugimura is. He is the writer of Resident Evil 2, 0, and part of CVX. He very likely had some input in Albert Wesker's development. Albert Wesker was always a character that was tied to Mikami and was included in some shape or form in almost every RE game he was involved with. Albert Wesker's death was decided fairly early on in development. Still dying in a volcanoe mind you, but without some stupid mutation. In the original concepts for RE5, which was later changed with re-writes for co-op play. Albert was Albert. He was trying to raise up in Tri-Cell to take control of the company. To acquire more power just like he's always tried to do. Uroboros was a Tri-Cell thing, not his and Capcom somehow managed to screw his character up pretty hardcore while still making him familiar. I won't deny the fact that he was a very cool character in RE5 and a complete bad ass, maybe even at his best, but he lost many of his character traits. Traits that were not present without Mikami. For this reason, perhaps Albert's death was for the best. Instead of Capcom further screwing up his character plot wise, he exists as a bonus character for the sole purpose of fun. And the true fans, in their minds, can preserve the great epic villain that was Albert Wesker. In exchange. We got another villain with Alex. One that is written with much more substance and a greater layer of complexity. I never thought we'd see a better villain in RE that Albert, but with Alex, the strong philosophical views and evil deeds beyond redemption really hit the spot. A new villain for a newer generation of developers and writers at Capcom. While some of the older developers from back when still work with the Resident Evil franchise. They have shown a lack of the understanding of many of the fundamental characters of Albert's personality. It is evident that the magic of Albert had come straight from the hands of Mikami and his crew.
And for this reason. Maybe it's best Albert is dead to live on in our memories. I only hope that when the likely event of when Jake learns about his father and more story is written for Albert. I pray that Capcom does not screw it up again. It took me 5-6 years to get over his death, I don't want another long period to get over some little BS retcon that Capcom decides to throw in.