'Zactly, 013! Ah hah! It's in his eyes, really. Come to think of it, it seems like they changed a lot about his face for the game release. He's better looking in the game, IMO.
-Well, if I may interject, in reference to the picture you posted, Valentine, that that was from one of first trailers. If you read the Resident Evil 5 strategy guide, the creators interviewed speak specifically on this and basically state they didn't LIKE the way Chris looked in the trailer, and went about making his arms smaller for the actual game release. Which I think they succeeded; but I agree, his arm DOES look ridiculous there.
And yes, I'm pretty sure I have a somewhat good idea what fighting evil, flesh-eating, undead persons can do to your mental state I was just trying to clarify that I can't believe Capcom would willingly make a main character a steroid user and think people will be okay with that. In real life, yeah, a person may react to such terror by thinking "I've got to do whatever it takes to be stronger next time.," But real life stinks, that's why there is fiction. And like I already said, Capcom said they wanted to illustrate how he's been working out. Steroids never came up.
I don't want to argue with you on the topic, because, really, there are more important things to argue about in the world than a video game character's arms.:ermm: But you asked me to "reconsider" my opinion, which kind of makes it sound like no matter what I think, I'll be wrong anyway according to you, so what's the point of pressing the matter? You have your opinion, I have mine. I defended why I think the way I do, and you defended your own position on this subject, so let's agree to disagree, yes? :mellow: