Resident Evil 6 Super funny moments in Resident Evil 6

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Feb 8, 2013
Personally I like Leon vs Harper sisters scene the most, but it's just me ;)

The Leon vs Harper sisters scene? Am I missing something?

To be honest, I found nothing particularly funny. RE has a habit of being cheesy from the very first game and that in itself is rather endearing, but there was nothing like that here. The script was just... snore...
yeah the script was rather predictable and unauthentic. Helena barely had any lines through out the first few chapters but "we cant waste any time" it ads less depth and likability to a character if they don't have anything interesting to say. though I did like the scene when Jake and sherry talk in the cabin, very good voice acting; and i really believed it through their emotions. The only funny part was Jake's costume and the weird pixel characters.....I also thought Ada's wit was funny at times.
I laughed at Leon's date with the meat grinder with Helena standing right next to him and looking bored. I guess she was a fan of splatter movies in her teens and has seen better scenes before.
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At the beginning of Chris' campaign when the soldier says "Is he always that awesome?" It made me laugh at how patethic Capcom's intent of making Chris look like a total badass looked.

And a lot of ingame fails and how some things looked damn stupid I just burst into laughter haha
Funniest Moment for me was in When Leon and Ada both said

"Why Doesn't the Dead Stay Dead anymore"

Made me think....after about 12 years you NOW just relised that...?
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Probably when Jake tells Leon the big beast is like an ex girlfriend. That line was awesome.
I love the part where Finn asked Piers if Chris was always that awsome. When he said that I literally said to the screen,"Yes, yes he is." While laughing of course.

As already mentioned, Piers' and Jake's bickering was hilarious.

The part where Sherry fell and asked Jake, "You're not even gonna ask if I'm alright?" To which he replies, "Eh, I thought you were indestructible supergirl."

Jake eyeing Sherry's butt after pretending to be modest.

I'm sure there is more but I can't think of them at the moment. It wasn't the funniest RE game but the story wasn't bad. It's not like I was expecting a comedy anyway. Lol
Well i had this moment where this dude killed me in Survivors with Carla (Before she was nerfed) And taunted me

" I'll see you DEAD" Then BAM my partner had headshot her

I died laughing

As for as the cutscenes go Jake & Leon Vs Ustanak

Piers & Jake dog fight

Jake being a pervert

Annd Probably When both Leon and Ada said "Hope that's all she wrote" After killing the Ubistivo
Hmm...I think the funniest parts for me were the playground, whenever Ada would talk to herself, annnnd, in Leon's campaign, after the Lepotitsa appears on the plane, the look Helena gives him when he asks if she thinks it could fly a plane.
Helena's known you for a very short amount of time Leon and she already knows that she has a better chance of surviving if the Lepotitsa flys the plane.
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Something funny happened to me today in Mercenaries.

I was playing Rooftop Mission with Sailor Moon Sherry, and two Ubistvos appeared at the same time. When one of their chainsaws hit me and I entered dying state with several zombies nearby, I thought I was going to die. But no! The Ubistvos kept swinging their chainsaws, not only killing the zombies and thereby saving me from them, but also keeping my combo going while I was slowly crawling away. Then, when I could walk again, I immediately used a first aid spray, turned around and finished them off.

That has never happened to me before. Usually, when I enter dying state in Mercenaries, that's it for me. But this time, thanks to my temporary guardian angels, I survived and even killed more enemies than ever before on that stage. :D
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At the end of chapter 3 of Leon's campaign, I was playing with my buddy online, after the boss fight with the shark... the screen went black, I could hear Helena and Leon but for whatever reason we kept on dying over and over again XD Me and my friend was like about a few minutes later I had to go back to the main menu to restart the boss fight again...
It was probably just a glitch but it was still hilarious