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Resident Evil 5 Strategies for beating DE on Pro?

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
So, the other day Capcomplicated and myself got up until the very last bit where you have to wait for Doug whilst taking on the army of Sauron and we died and died and died and did quite some more dying until I caved in and had to quit before checking myself into a mental institution (run-on). For those who've beat DE on Pro, how in the world did you get through the last part?

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
First make sure you or your partner has 2 M3s and 1 S&W magnum. If you were unlucky enough to get 2 M3s then a SMG like the Scorpion or the MP5.

What you want to do is first is to smash open all the containers near the area and grab all the ammo and health items, but don't trigger the cutscene while doing this. After you have collected all the ammo and health items then trigger the cutscene.

When the timed fight starts head into the little room with the hole on the top and grab the ammo inside. You and your partner must then hunker down in a corner after all the ammo has been collected, but make sure that the corner is not near or below the hole. You want to be in the corner near the door that is away from hole and make sure you on the right corner so that way it can open and you can see the enemies, standing in the left corner will make it worst as the door will open on you and you won't get a good shot at the enemies. 1 person must shot the enemies that are coming through the door and other other must shoot the enemies coming in through the hole and the door on the other side of the room.

When the bosses arrive then both of you must focus fire on the boss rather than the regular enemies. If you get the Chainsaw Majini then they should be a piece of cake if both of you focus fire on them. If you get reapers then both of you must keep firing at them. If you get the Executioner Majini or the red one (I can't remeber if both varients will spawn during the fight) then focus fire on it, but if 1 person dosen't have the S&W magnum you want to move around the room so he can't get you, but if you are lucky and Executioner decides to take the stupid route and jump through the hole then you shouldn't have any problem, but if he comes through the door near the corner you 2 are guarding then move around the move so both of you won't get pinched.

Just stand in that corner and defend yourselves from the enemies and bosses until time runs out and you will be done.

Also when you and your partner has time, try to grab ammo that were left behind by the enemies, but make sure that the ammo is inside the room.

I know that this may be kinda of hard to understand. If you need a better explanination of this I will try to make a little tutorial video.

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Awesome - thanks! That little room was actually the only place we didn`t touch - we mainly kept to the one with the gas canisters but I`ll definitely try that one next time!

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
If you are still having some trouble let me know and I will see if I can make a little tutorial video for you (and quite possibly more people in the future who need help).


Well-Known Member
Play with a buddy thats really good and stick together
for the last part go to the corner near the elevator and stay there and kill anyone that comes near you. when the coast is clear grab some ammo and go back to the corner


The Lousy Architect
Lol you heard child la femme, Play with a buddy thats really good. One that probably evaluates this type of situation better "i'm in a small room with gas canisters....shoot the gas canister?"

But i cant wait to try out the new strategy it sounds much better than what i had in mind.


PftU Spokesperson
Try and pick up heavier weapons like the Magnum and the M3 Shotguns. Since it's entirely based on luck what you find you may be SOL.

The enemies that appear are also based on luck. On one runthrough I got 3 Reapers and on the next I got none but instead got the Super-Executioner.


You can't kill me.
It does help to have a really good partner lol.

When it comes to the final stage, my partner and I went into the little house (for lack of a better term at the moment) with the shelf with a few boxes of ammo on it, usually shotgun and machine gun ammo. There should be an open doorway to the right of the shelf and a hole in the ceiling above and to the left of it.

We would destroy the barrels in there and take whatever ammo might be there, and then my partner would stand in the corner under the hole (so that he could see both doorways), and I would stand adjacent to him where I too could see both doorways and also cover him under the hole whenever I had to.

While it's nice to have the S&W, if you don't have ammo for it at this stage, then a shotgun at close range should suffice, especially if you can nail a 3 move combo on whatever boss happens to be the current target. The 3 move combos will usually beat a boss fairly quickly in my experience, so try to be close enough to do it when you get the chance :).
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