Harry Sachz
Ancient Alien
I don't really have any odd combinations, but my brother likes to put pancake syrup on his grilled cheese sandwiches. I probably shouldn't judge something without trying it, but that just sounds gross.
I used to know a guy that had ketchup with his ice cream... It sound's gross.
Depending on what you mean by that, I do it to.and I can only eat Wendy's fries with their frosties.
The other day I kinda did something abit weird... Tuna Pasta with mayo (cold) I er.. put a drizzle of honey on for laughs... It tasted nice !! HP sauce goes nice with cheese on toast... I really dont cook as often as I should, Im lucky to have a nice nana!
I like BBQ sauce alot, here are a some of my strange combo's (Including BBQ Sauce of course)
Mashed potatoes and BBQ sauce, Corn and BBQ Sauce, White Bread and BBQ sauce, crackers and BBQ Sauce. I eat almost everything with BBQ Sauce.