Guardin Gnome: Left 4 Dead 2 - What is worse than guarding someone is guarding a stupid looking gnome who does nothing. You have to get the gnome from the shooting range and take it all the way to the helicopter at the end. If you can't think how hard that it is, well you can't shoot no one because you will drop the gnome and there are infected to slow you down and cause you to sometimes lose the gnome.
Test of Faith: Mirror's Edge - All you have to do for this achievement is to beat the entire game without shooting a single enemy. This was super hard due to that some of the levels has enemies waiting around every corner. And at the points where you really need to shoot then you will lose the achievement unless you start the level again.
What are you trying to prove?: Left 4 Dead - One of the hardest achievements ever. You have to complete every campiagn on expert. This achievement gets to the point that you need to play co-op to get it. Even in co-op it is still a pain because the game can disconnect you from the game causing you to start all over.
Still Something to Prove: Left 4 Dead 2 - Samething as What are you trying to prove?, except even harder.
The Price of War: Modern Warfare 2 - All of the Call of Duty games share the beat the story on Veteran to get this achievement, but Modern Warfare kicked it up a notch adding pain in the a** levels and some levels where you are by yourself or with stupid AI.
Nuka Cola Challenge: Fallout 3 - You have to beat the quest Nuka Cola Challenge to get this, but the problem is that you have to collect 30 Nuka Cola Quantmas to end it, the problem with them is that they are scatter in places making this long and tough.
Sob Story: Left 4 Dead 2 - I didn't find this achievemnet tough, but some may find it tough. You have to go around a sugar mill to a safe house without killing a witch. The sugar mill is packed with them with witches every where you go. Some may find it hard due to that the AI can shoot them and kill them or just alert one.
Test of Faith: Mirror's Edge - All you have to do for this achievement is to beat the entire game without shooting a single enemy. This was super hard due to that some of the levels has enemies waiting around every corner. And at the points where you really need to shoot then you will lose the achievement unless you start the level again.
What are you trying to prove?: Left 4 Dead - One of the hardest achievements ever. You have to complete every campiagn on expert. This achievement gets to the point that you need to play co-op to get it. Even in co-op it is still a pain because the game can disconnect you from the game causing you to start all over.
Still Something to Prove: Left 4 Dead 2 - Samething as What are you trying to prove?, except even harder.
The Price of War: Modern Warfare 2 - All of the Call of Duty games share the beat the story on Veteran to get this achievement, but Modern Warfare kicked it up a notch adding pain in the a** levels and some levels where you are by yourself or with stupid AI.
Nuka Cola Challenge: Fallout 3 - You have to beat the quest Nuka Cola Challenge to get this, but the problem is that you have to collect 30 Nuka Cola Quantmas to end it, the problem with them is that they are scatter in places making this long and tough.
Sob Story: Left 4 Dead 2 - I didn't find this achievemnet tough, but some may find it tough. You have to go around a sugar mill to a safe house without killing a witch. The sugar mill is packed with them with witches every where you go. Some may find it hard due to that the AI can shoot them and kill them or just alert one.