With the announcement of The Evil Within 2 there has been a small reemergence of interest in the title, but back in the day of TEW uno most RE fans I talk to about it responded to me with a pretty clear amount of disinterest, dismissal, disgust, disapproval and dis... infectant. I'm also talking about the other Shinji Mikami game, Shadows of the Damned, which was his first game after leaving Platinum. The thing is, these games feel like they have a closer connection to what made RE kinda what they are. SotD plays the way I think RE5 should've have; they nailed what the follow up to RE4 should've played like. With TEW I got a bit more of an atmosphere but what really screamed RE to me was Mobius, the villainous corporation, It's what Umbrella should feel like.
Personally I loved them both but, like I said, most RE fans I talked to back when each released really hated them, so I'm curious, as a RE community, have any of you played either of the games? What did you think of them if you did?
Personally I loved them both but, like I said, most RE fans I talked to back when each released really hated them, so I'm curious, as a RE community, have any of you played either of the games? What did you think of them if you did?