No way! To be completely honest, I really do like the movies alot.

The games too ofcourse. The thing is, I feel there are little tweaks they could have given to fill in the plot holes. I'm only asking for a little more dialogue. For example, what happened to Angela Ashford? Why don't they give it a little back story if they've decided not to bring her back? She was such an integral part of Resident Evil Apocalypse and then the follow ups ignore her character as if she never existed. This they did with Jill Valentine for Resident Evil Extinction(3) as well, but I suppose they kind of made up for it in Retribution(5). 8 long years later that is.
And by the way, how did they hint Chris and Claire were captured? Do you mean the scene where Alice asks Jill about them and gets no response? That didn't seem like a hint to me. It was more of an affirmation of the attitude taken to missing characters, it was simply ignored. Speaking of ignored,they shouldn't forget about KMart either.
I know alot of people complained about Sienna "Valentine" Guillory's acting saying that it was wooden, but I personally feel it was appropriate considering she was programmed like a machine by Umbrella. Barry Burton did exceptionally well because he had very little to work with and he gave it alot of personality regardless. I wish I could say the same for Leon, but I can't. His acting was borderline cringeworthy. He almost sounded dubbed. I hope the final movie gives him a chance to redeem himself. If Ada Wong wasn't dubbed, then she did pretty good. I think the character was pretty close to the games, only I would have had her be more sexy and less timid in her movements. I don't really like this Wesker actor either, he does well I guess, but I imagined someone closer to the Wesker of the games. Older and the voice and acting more spot on. I salivate at imagining game Wesker vs Alice. It would be fantastic in my opinion. Much longer than Jill vs Alice and more brutal ofcourse.
Something they could have also done with Jill/Alice interaction, is that Jill should have somehow covered the scarab on her chest so that Alice would have assumed that for some reason, Jill had willingly joined Umbrella. Then during their final battle Alice notices the scarab and tries talking Jill into remembering her, sort of like Chris and Jill in RE5. It would have made things more interesting and given us more story to bite on. The fights are great and the action always good, but it is best if to have it all story driven and tied together - it just makes everything more enjoyable because there's an emotional payoff when you get attached to the characters. Not sure if this makes sense, but I would have tweaked things here and there.
Milla is a great actress I think. She makes these movies real. There is something otherworldly about her that makes me believe she can be this superhero bio weapon, whom can kick a giant monster's ass. She is the movie franchise. It's a combination of her talent as an actress and her undeniable beauty. So yes, I enjoy the movies and like the actors in them, I would love to co direct, but that is another story

My idea for the 6th film would be with an opening scene narrated by an unidentified old man talking about Umbrella and it's original goal to create a stronger human race. He would then talk about the breakthrough T-Virus and the price humanity has paid as a result. He would talk about his good friend Ashford whom helped him establish Umbrella long ago and that Ashford was mostly obsessed with creating something akin to the fountain of youth. Throughout the narration, we see a giant mansion and in one of the experiment rooms we see Angela Ashford in a water tank where her eyes are closed. There are many alien appliances around her and attached to her head and body. She has been there for many years and the experiment cycle is almost finished.
I would reunite Chris, Claire, KMart, Jill, Leon, Ada, Becky, and Alice. Since the movie is supposed to e around two hours long, I would divide up the screen time close to what Nolan did in Dark Knight Rises. Basically, alot of the movie would revolve around them finding a cure for those who have not turned into undead, Alice finding out that her father is Ozwell Spencer and facing him, Wesker turning on Alice, Alice vs Angela Ashford. A full out telekinetic war between the two.
I would include new monsters and characters, Regenerators, Hunters, El Gigante, and Steve Burnside.
This is Angie Ashford now and she has turned into quite the actress. I think she could pull off an evolved bio weapon type character too.