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Silent Hill revival announcement

Teen Tyrant

The Master Debater
Irrelevant. If the series isn’t hot anymore, then drop it and do something new. Don’t retread old ground and certainly don’t do so with the entries that were successful because of how they originally were. It just shows you have no ideas and no confidence in your product. They may be businesses, but their business is to produce art. If you can’t do that, go sell tires and let people who know how to handle art handle it. You’ll have better long-term success with a consistently successful product. If Silent Hill as a property is no longer a viable product due to mismanagement of those charged with handling it (which is what happened), then it should be left alone, not desecrated further by spoiling the very thing that made it a success in the first place in a vain and unimaginative attempt to recapture the magic. If you want to do that, then remaster and re-release it, don’t remake it. And before anyone says they already did that, I mean the actual original version, not that thing with the ****ty new voice work that was never going to have a prayer of revitalizing interest because the changes made word-of-mouth from existing fans make it seem bad and turn possible newcomers away.


The King of Kings
Irrelevant. If the series isn’t hot anymore, then drop it and do something new. Don’t retread old ground and certainly don’t do so with the entries that were successful because of how they originally were. It just shows you have no ideas and no confidence in your product. They may be businesses, but their business is to produce art. If you can’t do that, go sell tires and let people who know how to handle art handle it. You’ll have better long-term success with a consistently successful product. If Silent Hill as a property is no longer a viable product due to mismanagement of those charged with handling it (which is what happened), then it should be left alone, not desecrated further by spoiling the very thing that made it a success in the first place in a vain and unimaginative attempt to recapture the magic. If you want to do that, then remaster and re-release it, don’t remake it. And before anyone says they already did that, I mean the actual original version, not that thing with the ****ty new voice work that was never going to have a prayer of revitalizing interest because the changes made word-of-mouth from existing fans make it seem bad and turn possible newcomers away.
This is just irrelevant manchild nonsense. Stick to buying games and don't worry about who's making what and why.

Teen Tyrant

The Master Debater
This is just irrelevant manchild nonsense. Stick to buying games and don't worry about who's making what and why.
Translation: “I’ve learned nothing from what I just read and have no desire to, but I’m gonna throw in some specific buzz words to sound like I’m intelligent in dismissing the point completely.”

How about you just stick to reading posts and don't concern yourself with replying if you’re not going to stay on point. Maybe you’re willing to settle and put up with the gaming industry making $hit decisions like this, but not me; I have standards.


The King of Kings
Translation: “I’ve learned nothing from what I just read and have no desire to, but I’m gonna throw in some specific buzz words to sound like I’m intelligent in dismissing the point completely.”

How about you just stick to reading posts and don't concern yourself with replying if you’re not going to stay on point. Maybe you’re willing to settle and put up with the gaming industry making $hit decisions like this, but not me; I have standards.
You don't offer anything valuable to learn. All you do is plug your ears and cry about how much you hate things that don't cater to you specifically like a manchild. Who the hell would want to keep talking to someone so delusional and out of touch with reality that they think nothing is above their own misguided preconceived notions and standards? You don't know the first thing about business or how sh*t actually works, so don't even pretend that you do and then proceed to rattle off some bullsh*t nonsense. There's better ways to spend my time than engaging with dismissive and clearly mentally ill people who aren't ever going to reach a mutual understanding because they just want to force their own agenda onto others.

Teen Tyrant

The Master Debater
More talk, more buzzwords, more personal insults; still nothing of any substance relating to the point. The last refuge of someone with no answers and no argument. I’m going to assume from here that you have no point to make aside from some variation of “it’s business, just deal with it,” and that is not a valid argument.
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