It was a pretty good one, too. Captured how insignificant your word vomit was, and definitely got a chuckle out of me.
But in case you still don't get it, you're the last person to be calling people stupid and trying to act superior to anyone around here with your generic pretentious hipster opinions when you've cried over pixelated powdered titties before.
We already know you don't understand how the video game industry works so you're just pathetically pivoting into putting others down for enjoying video games, something you clearly don't, considering how much you care about literally nothing like you're doing the world some favor. Fighting the establishment? Get the f*ck out of here.
There's been plenty of valid remakes that improve over sh*tty outdated and overrated so called Mona Lisas. Make whatever ignorant broad generalizations you want, you can't hide the fact that you don't know what the f*ck you're talking about by pretending to have some higher standard when you don't live by a higher standard nor demonstrate that with your lame ass behavior here.
Wow, I bet that little diatribe made you feel real smart and accomplished, taking all that time and spewing your little insults to create some kind of
emphasis with what you’re saying. And using profanity too, for extra flavor. Since you have no argument, I guess you’re left with no other real course except to just throw labels (incorrect ones at that) and reveal how little self-control you have.
But while you throw around your cliche’ insults, and completely misrepresent what I said by suggesting that my expectations for how the gaming industry
should be must somehow mean that I don’t know how it
actually works in practice, you’ve still said nothing of substance, nor contributed to an actual debate in any way. All you’ve done is basically whine about how I’m calling out something you’re in favor of, nothing more.
Silent Hill 2 has no business being remade. Nothing you’ve said changes that.
No remake is a one on one carbon copy of the original. That's what remasters are for.
Outside of video games, remakes have been a staple of the entertainment industry for as long as there has been one. If writers, artists, directors and developers were not allowed to do remakes, we would never have gotten classics such as Scarface, which is actually a remake of a film of the same name from 1932.
Irrelevant. Jaws, The Godfather, Casablanca; those haven’t been remade, because they were executed so perfectly the first time that not only are they timeless, but to remake them would be an insult. Silent Hill 2 is a video game equivalent of such a scenario.
You're delusional if you really think that someone finding enjoyment with a remake means it takes away from what the original game accomplished.
There have been plenty of valid points made throughout this thread as to why remakes exist. From the industry needing them to support itself. Developers and actors having the opportunity to be creative and bring to life an outdated story that deserves to be retold and loved again. To fans (new and old alike) wanting to experience the game through more enhanced graphics and gaming mechanics. There is a demand for it.
You’re the one coming in with the unrealistic and ignorant perspective about how you think things should work.
Yes, you are acting like a butt hurt hipster trying to fight the "establishment" over your unpopular opinion.
Sure, there have been valid points for remakes. A valid point for a remake of Silent Hill 2 is not among them. Want it with upgraded graphics and controls? Remaster, not remake. No purpose for a remake exists. That is not
What is it with this
hipster talk? Just what do you people think I am, exactly? One says hipster, one suggests basement-dweller
and hipster, a combination that doesn’t even work by the way. You all need to move away from your cliche’s and try to imagine that someone who says you’re wrong might actually be in a better and more respectful position than you outside your forum identities. And whether my opinion is unpopular or not is irrelevant.
I can do this for eternity, because you’re all wrong, and while I know you won’t agree, if you continue to push me, especially in these childish ways, I will continue to make my point. What else you got?