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Resident Evil 5 Sheva or Ashley... who's the WORST sidekick?

Soul Fist

Well-Known Member
When it comes to canon, Sheva (For me it's Chris because I play with Sheva) is not annoying by any mean.. It's just her Al. The Al can be very annoying but helpful at the same time, I just hate when the Al waste ammo over and over. It's frustrating OMG LOOOOOL.

But Ashley's problem is not her Al at all, she's LEGIT annoying. Especially when Leon piggyback her so she can go to the cranks, she said "Watch out for me" I mean girl of course Leon would otherwise why he would come all the way to here??? And when enemies kidnap her she just screams Leoooon heeeeelp without stopping even tho Leon is nearby yet she doesn't stop crying.

But if we are talking about the worst Al, it goes to Sheva absolotely. At least Ashley is not as stubborn as Sheva, Sheva can as stubborn as a donkey.


Well-Known Member
I didn't have any serious trouble with Sheva except I do remember her healing me a number of times when I wanted to save the spray - as somebody else said, Chris is worse than Sheva as a non-playing character, he stands there like a doofus or stands in your way which in that game, blocks your shot though he doesn't take damage from it. I need to dust that game off and get my trophies back, I'm playing on backup data on a 2nd PS3 and the backup doesn't save trophies, they died with the 1st PS3 - looking at my profile online it says I got 2% of the trophies, that's a tough hit to take after all those plays :(

The only good thing about Ashley is when she gets her suit of armor in the re-play but by then you're so powered up it's little consolation for all the dragging her around you had to do (I'm talking original PS2 version, no idea about the remake att) - thinking about Chris in RE5 blocking shots, I will say at least Ashley ducks if you have to aim her way

Can Of Fizz

Well-Known Member
Sheva can be pretty frustrating, but compared to Ashley she’s Jill Valentine.

Ashley does nothing. I hope in the remake that Leon teaches her how to shoot but maybe she’s really terrible at first (always misses) but gets better throughout the game. And you can help her clear jams and stuff. That would be amazing.

Frag Maniac

Well-Known Member
They both have downsides big enough not to ignore. Ashley has very girlish dialog and tendencies, but Sheva's inventory sharing capability leaves MUCH to be desired. WAY too often she would dump things I didn't want in mine, forcing me to take WAY longer than I wanted to rearranging it. As far as I recall, several times this affected me in bad ways during combat, so I literally had to remember to check my inventory BEFORE any major battles. This can obviously be hard to do on the first play through, since you can't always guess when tough battles are coming. For that reason, I have to say Sheva is the worst sidekick.
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Ridley Lockhart

Well-Known Member
I haven't played RE 4 but I've heard that Ashley is really annoying. From what I've understood she does nothing but screaming for help. On the contrary I didn't have much trouble with Sheva except from a few cases. In fact she helped me a lot.

So, I think that Ashley is worse that Sheva. No wait. That's not the whole truth. Ashley must be even worse than the RE 2 Ada AI! At least Ada would shoot with her gun to help you! :p :lol:
AI sherry in OG RE2. You run like 7 feet too far even though in plain sight she cowards down in the fetal position.


Well-Known Member
Ashley. No doubt about it. She is the most useless and annoying side-kick in the entire series. Steve is a close second for me, but Sheva? Not annoying at all.

Frag Maniac

Well-Known Member
It depends whether we're talking Ashley in the original, or RE4R, and also whether we're talking personality wise, or effect on combat. In the remake she is far more capable, and less squeamish. Also, even in the original in tougher combat sections you could just tell her to hide in a bin, so you didn't have to worry about her. Even in the spots where she can get grabbed and carried away, I just felt it added to the strategy and challenge. As long as you equip yourself and shoot adequately with the pistol, sniper rifle, and shotgun when enemies get near you, she shouldn't get carried off. If she got carried off, I always knew I needed to refine my tactics and/or loadout, and the game gives you every chance to make such adjustments. Ashley is one part of RE4R they made needed changes, but I still think Sheva's braindead dumping of items you don't want/need in your inventory is worse. I cussed at the design of RE5 SO many times because of that huge flaw. I suppose if you go through ammo fast it might not be noticeable though, it certainly was for me.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with you, Frag Maniac, Remake Ashley is a lot easier on the nerves than the original. I am currently playing RE4 Remake for the first time and the fact that Ashley doesn't scream "Leon, help!" all the time and can finally climb down ladders on her own is a big plus.

I'm a decent shot, still, the first couple of playthroughs of the original I accidently killed Ashley several times. Mostly because she was too slow to duck or she'd suddenly appear in my line of fire for no good reasons.

My tactics we're usually to park Ashley in a save spot (like up in the tower in the village), clean out the area and then whistle her back. But having to back-track to catch her made me curse a lot.

She got a much needed make-over in the Remake, charakter and gameplay wise, but I still think she's a spioled bratt.

I admit, Sheva does occasionally hand you items you don't need, but you can always hand them back and she's the perfect walking itembox.

Frag Maniac

Well-Known Member
I admit, Sheva does occasionally hand you items you don't need, but you can always hand them back and she's the perfect walking itembox.

It's just something you can't afford to forget to account for before big battles, and I just felt there should have been an option to turn off her auto decisions inventory wise, because they were far too many times excessive dump offs for me.
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New Member
Well, coming from years of experience playing RE as solo player having partner can be quite confusing...
For me, both Ashley and Sheva has their advantages and disadvantages; in case of Ashley, she has more disadvantages than advantage...

In most combat situation, I found that Sheva (or Chris) is the preferable ally, they rarely missed their shot, in some extent, tend to be very impressive and fast shooter; where they'll break your melee combo in no time, but you can't use your partner as bait, in both 'Cover' or 'Attack' mode, they keep coming close to you and won't stay away, means bringing more enemies closer, which is very hard if you only have Long Bow, Gatling Gun and knives, as a play-through I would like to run, but seems impossible... Not to mention that Chris or Sheva would become very rarely active in combat if you give them Infinite Launcher, they would hold on to it but barely take any shot, just standing in one spot like a cameraman recording you blasting Majinis into pieces with your own Infinite Launcher, not even bother to switching to other weapons...
Ashley, on the other hand would be a good little bait and would wait for you regardless, as the game more focuses on catching her (if you're with Ashley) than killing you; where ganados literally lining up to picked her, you would always know where your enemies heading to, which makes the game easier to survive as you picked the enemies one by one from fairly safe distance, but once the ganados picked her up, you can start panicking because Ashley can't do sh*t but crying for help and now enemies' orientation can be quite chaotic...

In conclusion, Sheva (or Chris) is side-kick with minor disadvantages, while Ashley is a dead-weight with minor advantages...


Well-Known Member
I just felt there should have been an option to turn off her auto decisions inventory wise, .,
That would indeed be at nice feature for the Remake. If there ever is one... While we're at it, If there ever is a Remake of RE4 Remake, I want Ashley to have a napsack, so she can at least carry around some small items. Ahhh still playing the briefcase Tetris ...

Frag Maniac

Well-Known Member
That would indeed be at nice feature for the Remake. If there ever is one... While we're at it, If there ever is a Remake of RE4 Remake, I want Ashley to have a napsack, so she can at least carry around some small items. Ahhh still playing the briefcase Tetris ...
You're not aware they already made an RE4 Remake? And sorry, no napsack, though I don't feel it's needed.


Well-Known Member
You're not aware they already made an RE4 Remake? And sorry, no napsack, though I don't feel it's needed.
No, I know there is a Remake. That's why I said "Remake of RE4 Remake". I wasn't serious. ... Although a napsack for Ashley would be a nice add-on. Like every woman I never seem to have enough space in my (Leon's) briefcase. ;)

Frag Maniac

Well-Known Member
No, I know there is a Remake. That's why I said "Remake of RE4 Remake". I wasn't serious. ... Although a napsack for Ashley would be a nice add-on. Like every woman I never seem to have enough space in my (Leon's) briefcase. ;)
LOL, yeah I actually hadn't noticed you said RE4R remake. I also should have noticed from your screen name why you were advocating that Ashley needs a napsack.
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