So I was recommended an article today from game rant that essentially complained about the inaccurate reticle of the remakes and Village's third person DLC. The argument was made that RE7 and Village, or the first person titles, do not suffer from this problem and that it is much easier to play when you don't have to wait for your reticle to tighten up so that you can potentially earn a critical hit.
As someone who has never played the first person titles, I guess I've never really thought about how the reticle behaves in the remakes, or noticed that the Village DLC has a different reticle type than the actual game. It never really stood out to me as an issue, especially when there are weapons that have a more accurate/quicker reticle and upgrades that enhance reticle responsiveness to make criticals easier, it normally just requires some reading on your part when you get weapons/upgrades.
Maybe I never thought about it because I never really had anything to compare it to. For those of you who have played both ways, does this genuinely make aiming/conserving ammo more difficult?
As someone who has never played the first person titles, I guess I've never really thought about how the reticle behaves in the remakes, or noticed that the Village DLC has a different reticle type than the actual game. It never really stood out to me as an issue, especially when there are weapons that have a more accurate/quicker reticle and upgrades that enhance reticle responsiveness to make criticals easier, it normally just requires some reading on your part when you get weapons/upgrades.
Maybe I never thought about it because I never really had anything to compare it to. For those of you who have played both ways, does this genuinely make aiming/conserving ammo more difficult?