Only thing i had some issues with is the time jump in the ending, mostly because i don't wanna see any of the original classic characters in next game as old, perhaps even retired versions of themselves. And yes, after hearing so much about all the different plans they had for this game during development, i'd say that some of it would maybe make the game even better, or at least more interesting. Like bigger involvement of BSAA in the finale and Chris battling his former comrades and their bioweapons, or return of Ada.
And ever since i first heard all the leaks, i really thought i wouldn't like what happens to Ethan in the end, but after seeing the final game, i think Capcom really made his entire character better and gave him a sad, but badass and proper ending. I would probably say something bad about Naughty Dog and their treatment of Joel in The Last Of Us 2 as a comparison, but i'm sure others have already did that