Resident Evil TV Show In the Works.

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Well..>I have mixed feelings...I mean, this means no Alice...Which is good...But still...They could rectify everything the movies did wrong with starting from scratch...Oh well...
Hopefully these new producers will be smart enough to see what Anderson did wrong and fix that. But I'm sure anybody on this forum could do a better job than Anderson.
Hopefully these new producers will be smart enough to see what Anderson did wrong and fix that. But I'm sure anybody on this forum could do a better job than Anderson.
I mean, they are really wanting to capitalize on what the Walking Dead is doing I bet, and if you follow the games, that would be hard to do...A TV show would get boring with simply the same two characters over and over (Save for a few exceptions), so I see why they are doing it. It just has to be done right...
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I mean, they are really wanting to capitalize on what the Walking Dead is doing I bet, and if you follow the games, that would be hard to do...A TV show would get boring with simply the same two characters over and over (Save for a few exceptions), so I see why they are doing it. It just has to be done right...
An idea that I've thrown out before is doing one storyline per season. However, I think it might be better if they to do a couple different story lines in one season that would eventually intertwine.
An idea that I've thrown out before is doing one storyline per season. However, I think it might be better if they to do a couple different story lines in one season that would eventually intertwine.
I can see your point, but can you really drag out the mansion incident, for example, for a whole season...Not unless it was shot in Real Time...Note, that season is usually roughly 12 to 22 episodes...
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I can see your point, but can you really drag out the mansion incident, for example, for a whole season...Not unless it was shot in Real Time...Note, that season is usually roughly 12 to 22 episodes...
Well see, I wouldn't want them to go to the Mansion. Others may disagree with me, but while I think the mansion RE's roots, it's also been done a lot. If it were me making this, I would talk to Capcom and maybe try to do something different, without necessarily straying away from RE. I guess if they really wanted to do mansion from the first the game, they could. But like you said, they couldn't spend a whole season on it without dragging out pointless parts, or just making stuff up. I also don't want to see Chris go to another part of the world and "Save the Earth from Terrorists".
So I'm not exactly sure what I want them to do yet, but it probably is something that I'll be thinking about for a while.
Well see, I wouldn't want them to go to the Mansion. Others may disagree with me, but while I think the mansion RE's roots, it's also been done a lot. If it were me making this, I would talk to Capcom and maybe try to do something different, without necessarily straying away from RE. I guess if they really wanted to do mansion from the first the game, they could. But like you said, they couldn't spend a whole season on it without dragging out pointless parts, or just making stuff up. I also don't want to see Chris go to another part of the world and "Save the Earth from Terrorists".
So I'm not exactly sure what I want them to do yet, but it probably is something that I'll be thinking about for a while.
Well, if you were to make a show based off of the games, I think you would, in SOME way, have to start at the Mansion. Yes it's been done a lot...But a TV show will have a MUCH broader audience than a game. People who have never played, or even HEARD of the games, may watch the show...And for them, they won't know that it's been done to death...If you base if off the games, you have to remember that people who have never played the games will be tuning in, and you have to base how you create it off of that, while still keeping it true to the original series...Something that I think the movies have done both a great, and terrible job of, depending on how you look at it...
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Well, if you were to make a show based off of the games, I think you would, in SOME way, have to start at the Mansion. Yes it's been done a lot...But a TV show will have a MUCH broader audience than a game. People who have never played, or even HEARD of the games, may watch the show...And for them, they won't know that it's been done to death...If you base if off the games, you have to remember that people who have never played the games will be tuning in, and you have to base how you create it off of that, while still keeping it true to the original series...Something that I think the movies have done both a great, and terrible job of, depending on how you look at it...
I do see your point in this, and I think that you are right. Again, I don't think it would bother me that much, but I would suggest . . . keeping RE's Atmosphere, but taking a slightly different approach on it. At the same time, I don't wont it to stray away from what made the originals so great. I don't know, my mind is having trouble trying to figure out what it want's to think.
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I do see your point in this, and I think that you are right. Again, I don't think it would bother me that much, but I would suggest . . . keeping RE's Atmosphere, but taking a slightly different approach on it. At the same time, I don't wont it to stray away from what made the originals so great. I don't know, my mind is having trouble trying to figure out what it want's to think.
Man, I totally get you...This is both great and terrible news for the die hard RE fans lol.
I can imagine taking a part in the game such as Jill or Chris alone most of the time being alone might be hard to put into TV format. But then again I found that one episode of the Walking Dead with the Governor to be pretty awesome, where it just him how things were for him after certain events, there was no dialogue but it worked really well.

I think that could be cool if they started just before the mansion showing the normal lives of stars maybe and see Raccoon City before it was ****ed. Could be cool to show the mansion before the outbreak as well and during, the experiments and workers in the lab and stuff. Chris, Jill, Barry, Wesker, Bravo team, I think there's lots of content to go with. They could take some of the stuff that happened in RE2 and show things during the time from RE1, like chief irons.

It's cool to think about, I almost feel like I did as a kid when I first heard about the RE movie in a PSM magazine. ._. lol.
Well they could start with RE0 and end the first season when Alpha team arrives to the Arklay Mountains. The series could show the remaining of bravo team in the events of RE0 and how they got to the mansion. They could also show us Leon in the police academy. and also show us Claire before she hit the road to Raccoon City. And they could have some episodes for the villains.
That's accualy a good idea but the creators don't like to think about these thing and if they don't make different story lines then the show will get boring and I think it should be based off the games and book!
Im gonna be honest, before "The Walking Dead" came out, I was all for a RE tv series, but seeing how fast I lost interest in TWD, im not sure id want to see a RE tv series.
Sure, ill still watch it, but I honestly don't have very high hopes.
I agree with previous comments saying it could get boring fast if they just base it on one or two characters...
Guess we will have to wait and see how it goes, if and when it does come out.
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-i love the walking dead...HOWEVER,I am skeptical with RE as a tvshow.
if they do this,here are my demands:

-Main POV characters are Chris Redfield ,Claire Redfield (for some civilian fun)and Albert Wesker and William Birkin
-Imply Wesker is shady before **** hits the fan
-Ada should be slinking around
-Start pre-RE-0 during the RPD days
-Umbrella corporation drama-this is mostly Birkin's POV
-Get us some actual RPD assignments and Wesker and HUNK are partners part of the cleanup crew trying to handle the murders
-a tanked Alice
-Barry's family
-the gotdamned truth about wesker and imply that he ain't right in the head
-Claire popping up on the job because she can and brother sister bonding


**** this,I'm sending in a script