Darkstar Darin
Wesker's secret project. D-Virus.
*crosses fingers hoping its actually about the Outbreak games*
Well see, I wouldn't want them to go to the Mansion. Others may disagree with me, but while I think the mansion RE's roots, it's also been done a lot.
They had a mansion in the first RE movie, but they were only in it for a short period of time. I suppose you're right.But not in any Resident Evil films, animated or live-action. It would be interesting to see how it would look/be featured in a live action series, though I'm willing to bet it would look super cheap and not nearly as innovative as in the games.
And I don't think it'll be connected to the Anderson live action series just because it's coming out AFTER The Final Chapter, I'm pretty sure they're just doing so to capitalize on its success, which these movies make quite a bit of money, right or wrong.