Do you have an email acoutn...it so, i'll explain it there...email me at...
Do you have an email acoutn...it so, i'll explain it there...email me at dean.winchester29@hotmail.com
You two derailed the hell outta this thread. lol
It's like the RE Zero train wreck all over again!
Haha...sorry...sometimes you just meet people thatre awesome to talk to...
I heard that, and thanks man.
Lol Im gonna smoke up with my lil' bro and watch shaun of the dead.
Man, how was Sean of the Dead with your little bro...
Fun Fun Fun. The weed was awesome.
Haha, i can only imagine my man..so how much older are you than your bro?
3 years. the weed tasted like the smell of cat ****. like you know how you can kinda taste stuff when you smell it. well it tasted like the smell of cat ****. but it got me higher than a kite, so it was tolerable.
I actually don't usually have that problem with things tasting like they smell because my sense of smell is almost nothing...
thats good.
My favorite smell is my girlfriends hair...i actually guessed her shampoo the first time i smelled her hair and i got it right...
My favorite smell is a fresh bud of pink kush.