Modernist! I love it, just a little problem, the font,size,smilies box is white, and i cant see anything.
I guess the spoiler code will be added soon, and if that is true then you don't need to edit your sig..
Oh yeah! I noticed the "Spoiler" part isnt working, does that mean we're going to have to edit our sigs? Just wondering.
I believe that the character limit (140) is too small for the visitor messages. It was 2000 characters before the change.
Edited: Ok, it is 140 characters for your status but it's still too small.
And what about gold members with a lifetime subscription? I don't see gold members any more.
And what about gold members with a lifetime subscription? I don't see gold members any more.
I tried to use Firefox a couple years ago, but gave it up because it was so much slower than both IE6 and whatever Opera version I had at that time. Its performance left much to be desired, so I wondered if there was some software conflict. I decided to choose Opera because it was fast, safe and I liked everything about it.Have you tried Mozilla Firefox? It comes up in a jiffy with it.
I tried to use Firefox a couple years ago, but gave it up because it was so much slower than both IE6 and whatever Opera version I had at that time. Its performance left much to be desired, so I wondered if there was some software conflict. I decided to choose Opera because it was fast, safe and I liked everything about it.
I tried IE6 very early this morning, and this is the load times on this forum. I used stopwatch, the numbers are minutes and seconds:
5:17 - Merge two threads
4:06 - Open a thread in Feedback
3:31 - Open General Discussion
1:45 - Open a thread in General Discussion
1:48 - Click reply to post > advanced options
While in text editor, composing post: Often have to wait 15 seconds when typing a new post. This waiting is not because I click "Preview" or refreshing the page in any way. It's just the text editor that takes a pause sometimes. Response to keystrokes are slow. I type much faster than it can react.
2:12 - Posting new post
0:48 - Open site preferences in UCP
0:40 - Save preferences
1:20 - Open main forum page
3:16 - Perform search "What's New"
5:20 - Open General Discussion
9:18 - Open thread "What are you thinking"
7:42 - Open page 3 in "What are you thinking"
1:19 - Click post reply > advanced options
I disabled scripting in IE6 and everything worked fast as it should. But the forum doesn't work properly with scripts disabled. Most things works though.
In Opera everything is much faster, but still horribly slow. Loading a page in Opera takes from 20 seconds up to 1-2 minutes. Again if I disable javascript (JS), things works fast.
The CPU load is 100% when I have to wait for a page to load (JS enabled). I wonder what the heck is the JS asking the CPU to do, taking so long time? The CPU is not fast, 850 MHz, but that is enough to run alot of games, even some old 3D games. This is a website displaying text and a few images, it should not take that much computing power.
What's going on with these javascripts? I try to not complain too much, but I can't really use the forum now, I only watch Feedback + some topics in GD. When every click makes me wait a half minute on average, it wears down my patiencee in less than a week.
I have looked at the code and tried to identify the offending JS so that I could block it in the firewall, but I've not had any luck. I don't understand JS very well.
EDIT: Now before anyone tell me to not use IE6 because it is outdated - I don't use it.
I am paying top dollar for a 15,000 kb/s line. So it's not a bandwidth issue, that's for sure. I experience the same slowness day and night, it should be a difference if the net was slow due to heavy traffic. The data is downloaded at the speed the server can deliver it, but the CPU has to chew on the JS and that's where the delay is coming from. The CPU usage is 100% when the page is pausing.Is it just this website that is slow or is it your network or internet provider. Do you have dial-up? Some internet (cable) providers dont give the most efficient services and fastest internet because you arent paying top dollar for it. But switching between network providers shouldnt be the cause of slow or ineffective internet. Also it could be your computer processor and RAM is just not up to the task. The internet has evolved in such a way over the last 10 years that it almost literally takes a gigabyte of RAM just to run properly.
What are your computer specs? Or are you aware of this and trying to work a way around it?
I am paying top dollar for a 15,000 kb/s line. So it's not a bandwidth issue, that's for sure. I experience the same slowness day and night, it should be a difference if the net was slow due to heavy traffic. The data is downloaded at the speed the server can deliver it, but the CPU has to chew on the JS and that's where the delay is coming from. The CPU usage is 100% when the page is pausing.
It seems like my hardware is not up to the task, but that is ridiculous because this is a page displaying text and simple images. It's not streaming HD video and it's not a graphical game. And my PC can stream video and play 3D games like Half Life. But this JS is too heavy for it... How can that be?
CPU: 850 MHz
RAM: 320 MB
This may sound little to users with Vista and 7, but for old XP it's far more than needed.
I'm not at home now, this is a pc with 1.8 GHz and 1 GB RAM, it seems to meet XenForo's hardware requirements... :sarcasm:
As for working around it: I've tried to block single JS but have not had luck with that. It's either all JS or no JS. With no JS it works fast, but alot of functionality are lost.
Another thing: XenForo seems to not be fully compatible with Opera. That day I used IE6, I got all the wonderful formatting tools. They do not show in Opera.
I'm not an expert either, but I don't buy the RAM explaination. I have about 1GB virtual RAM and if the pc was in need of more memory I should notice alot of disk activity. I do not notice any swapping activity. In Task Manager I see that in this moment, I have 81 MB of physical RAM not in use. The swap file is currently only 367 MB wich means I also have tons of unused virtual memory available.Even for old xp users (like myself) 320 mb of RAM is very very little, Its like putting a floppy disk to back up your harddrive. Most scripting on the net requires a minimum 100 mb to run the site smoothly because it is so much more information now. In the old days you had simple html and a gif image here and there. Is Xenforo the only website you have problems with? Also you may have other programs running in the background that can slow the process down (antivirus, miscellaneous). I've never used Opera so i dont know what your specific problems are. I'm not a computer expert but it sounds to me like your computer is obsolete and needs to be upgraded to keep up with the times. If XenForo is your only problem then i dont what it could be
I'm not an expert either, but I don't buy the RAM explaination. I have about 1GB virtual RAM and if the pc was in need of more memory I should notice alot of disk activity. I do not notice any swapping activity. In Task Manager I see that in this moment, I have 81 MB of physical RAM not in use. The swap file is currently only 367 MB wich means I also have tons of unused virtual memory available.
Opera is in this moment using 88 MB RAM and 84 MB of the virtual RAM. Quite far from the amounts of memory you suggested.
Windows XP will run on a 64 MB system, 128 MB is recommended minimum. But we need more because we're also running other programmes, antivirus etc. 320 is more than enough to run the OS, antivirus and some other small apps. I have a habit of not allowing apps (MSN etc) to run at system startup, I start them manually when I need them. It's resource management.
My computer is obsolete as a gaming rig, but it should be powerful enough to browse the web. And yes this is the only site that gives me problems all the time. The one other site that sometimes gives me problems is Youtube, but that is because of their new codecs that are used to compress new videos. Some videos don't run smoothly because of the new compressing methods that are used to save bandwidth, decompressing it is very heavy work. But that is understandable because this pc is not meant to do that. My ISP is offering online HD movies (stream), my pc is powerful enough for that, actually my CPU surpasses the minimum CPU requirement by 89% (450 MHz needed, I got 850), and it surpasses the minimum RAM requirement by 150% (128 needed, I got 320). The bandwidth needed for HD streaming is 3256 kb/s.