Resident Evil Netflix series in production

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Rocket Trash Panda
Mar 19, 2015
Bloody Disgusting has confirmed, just one day prior to REmake 2's release, that a Resident Evil Netflix TV series is in production. It will reportedly expand the lore of the existing games and focus largely on Umbrella's dealings with the world.

Constantin Films, the production company behind the Paul W.S. Anderson live-action films will apparently be backing this one.

ZOMG, I'm so hyped! Looks like Charlie Cox could be finding new work real soon after DareDevil was cancelled, he'd be perfect for Chris IMO. But yeah, let the fan castings commence.
I pray it has no real connection to the film franchise. Charlie Cox would, for sure, give a flawless portrayal of Chris from the RE1/CV days.
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im scpetical as hell, on the other hand stranger things is awesome, so hopefully it wont be crap, hard to say now, just never had any good resident evil experince in the movies, not even capcoms cg films

but of course it wont hurt to have more of this glorious franschise, if it sucks ill leave it be, if not i shall jizz in me pants
Everything that Netflix produces themselves is crap. They're able to purchase fine products then and then, but in those cases they are not in charge of the production.

I pray it has no real connection to the film franchise. Charlie Cox would, for sure, give a flawless portrayal of Chris from the RE1/CV days.
It probably won't, since Netflix will have a hand in production it's likely that it will stand on its own. But you never know, perhaps Netflix will buy the reboot film as well. Lol, that would be the worst....
By Netflix? Oh crap -_-

Better prep ourselves for a Black Chris/Leon and a mixed race lesbian Jill/Claire.
By Netflix? Oh crap -_-

Better prep ourselves for a Black Chris/Leon and a mixed race lesbian Jill/Claire.

Do we even know for sure that this show is going to feature any of the known characters from the games? Because "expanding the lore" could also mean telling the story from the point of view of some ordinary civilians living in Raccoon City, and/or a bunch of Umbrella employees that we haven't seen before.

Either way, I'm not getting excited just yet. They only just announced it, which means it will take at least another year before we see anything else, and even then it's in no way certain that we'll like what we'll see.
Do we even know for sure that this show is going to feature any of the known characters from the games? Because "expanding the lore" could also mean telling the story from the point of view of some ordinary civilians living in Raccoon City, and/or a bunch of Umbrella employees that we haven't seen before.

Either way, I'm not getting excited just yet. They only just announced it, which means it will take at least another year before we see anything else, and even then it's in no way certain that we'll like what we'll see.
I know that nothing is confirmed yet, it's just Netflix is known for pushing their social politics in their series these days, their Resident Evil series is likely to follow suit so I'm not that hopeful for this series. I'll still check it out though.
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Well, I wouldn't mind them exploring the characters' personal lives more. I mean, yeah, we can clearly see in the games that Chris isn't black, but who or what tells you that Claire or Jill isn't a lesbian? (And no, shipping goggles don't prove anything.) As long as it doesn't turn into a romantic drama and keeps its focus on the story of the games instead, I'm fine with it. My bigger concern is that they might cast actors who don't look or act like the characters at all.
Yeah, the closest we've really gotten to any overt relationships among the main characters is "unnamed boyfriend" on Jill's desk in RE2 or George Romero's movie script where Jill was implied to be banging Chris if they're living together (Incidentally, in that script I think Chris was part-Native American and Barry was black).
But anyway, I don't think a Netflix production is doomed to be injected with sociopolitical jargon, it's certainly not the bigwigs sending studio notes to make such changes.
but who or what tells you that Claire or Jill isn't a lesbian? (And no, shipping goggles don't prove anything.)
Resident Evil Code Veronica X - She clearly returns the feelings Steve has for her, though it never really got any further than that due to him dying and Wesker kidnapping him.
Resident Evil: Degeneration - Claire mentions she has a boyfriend that "won't let her get any sleep".
RE2(98) - Interacting with Jill's desk in the stars office mentions a possible boyfriend, though this is a bit weird as in REmake 2, there's just a picture of a dog.......Jill may not be a lesbo, but she may be into some other "questionable" stuff.

It's pretty much considered among fans that all the mainline RE characters are straight and changing their sexuality in this day and age would be considered pandering and cause serious backlash.
If you listen between the lines, Claire's "boyfriend that never lets her sleep" refers to her job at TerraSave, not an actual person. You might be right about Steve, but then again, she might still be bisexual.

And that "boyfriend" on Jill's photo was just an assumption on Claire and Leon's part. Jill herself doesn't comment on her own desk, and I don't remember ever seeing that photo myself (before it got changed to a dog, anyway), so I can't judge what it does or doesn't look like. But it would be kind of funny if Jill was secretly a dominatrix.

It is "considered among fans that all the mainline RE characters are straight" only because our heteronormative society has the annoying habit of always assuming that everyone is straight unless something else is stated or obvious. But the truth is, nothing is confirmed when it comes to RE characters. (And that's the last I will say about this, not because it's not an interesting topic, but because I don't want to turn this thread into a discussion about sexuality.)
By Netflix? Oh crap -_-

Better prep ourselves for a Black Chris/Leon and a mixed race lesbian Jill/Claire.

You mean like the black Ciri they supposedly tried to push for in the Witcher series? Because that did NOT happen (thank God).

They also helmed the highly-successful CastleVania animated series and are planning a DMC one for an epic crossover, so there's still hope.
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i would rather have a show about a black barry and a lesbian jill running around in the spencer mansion looking for chris and wesker,
than some brand new walking dead ripoff who only borrows the title "resident evil" but once again fails to tell the story,

seriously we have in total 9 movies, cg and live action, and not a single one of them ever adapted the story of re1 into the big screen,
thats the story i wanna see, closest thing we will ever get to that is probably that homemade movie by those brittish teens we got like over decade ago
You mean like the black Ciri they supposedly tried to push for in the Witcher series? Because that did NOT happen (thank God).
Yeah, but all the other characters are race swapped, like an Indian Yennefer, mixed Triss, black Fringilla Vigo and so on.

I have no hope for the Witcher series and have little hope for the Resident Evil series, even if they go with their own characters.
Woohoo more junk to add to the junk that was the Resident Evil movies,

And when I say movies I'm talking about the one's that were directed by Paul.W.S.Anderson not the animated movies as they were awesome and put together fantastically,

The ironic part is when it comes to it that the TV series will have nothing to do with the timeline of Resident Evil what so ever,

And I bet top dollar that the cast won't feature the likes of the characters we know and love Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker, Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield or Ada Wong,

It will be a cast of characters no one's ever heard of and therefore have no place being in a Resident Evil TV series Just like Milla Jovovich had no place in a Resident Evil movie,

I started playing Resident Evil in 1996 right at the very start and from then to now I've never encountered a character named Alice.
Woohoo more junk to add to the junk that was the Resident Evil movies,

And when I say movies I'm talking about the one's that were directed by Paul.W.S.Anderson not the animated movies as they were awesome and put together fantastically,

The ironic part is when it comes to it that the TV series will have nothing to do with the timeline of Resident Evil what so ever,

And I bet top dollar that the cast won't feature the likes of the characters we know and love Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, Chris Redfield, Albert Wesker, Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield or Ada Wong,

It will be a cast of characters no one's ever heard of and therefore have no place being in a Resident Evil TV series Just like Milla Jovovich had no place in a Resident Evil movie,

I started playing Resident Evil in 1996 right at the very start and from then to now I've never encountered a character named Alice.

The article says it has no connection to the movies. In fact, it seems like it will be set within the universe of the games.
The article says it has no connection to the movies. In fact, it seems like it will be set within the universe of the games.
Actually, we know nothing about it. The article doesn't say anything about being connected to either the movies or games. I think it's more safe to assume that it'll be its very own thing. Which I'd gladly prefer.
Yeah, but all the other characters are race swapped, like an Indian Yennefer, mixed Triss, black Fringilla Vigo and so on.

I have no hope for the Witcher series and have little hope for the Resident Evil series, even if they go with their own characters.

Yeah, well, if the series is set in the game's universe (which it reportedly is), they won't be (if they even make an appearance in this series), so no worries.

But yeah, they need to stop with the #metoo crap, I'm tired of characters being gender/racewashed, that includes characters of color.
Yeah, well, if the series is set in the game's universe (which it reportedly is), they won't be (if they even make an appearance in this series), so no worries.

But yeah, they need to stop with the #metoo crap, I'm tired of characters being gender/racewashed, that includes characters of color.
What does race swapping characters have to do with #metoo?