Resident Evil Confessions

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Yea as much as I liked Michelle growing up (I was quite the push over when I was young and I aspired to be someone more like her characters.), I find that she is rather one note with her acting choices and I no longer have to same passion for her work as I used to. Maybe because I'm not a doormat in need of an idol anymore. I still like Rain as a character and often dress as her when costumes are welcome somewhere but that's about it.
Yeah - there is nothing wrong with her acting. She is good at being that character. But she is very typecast in to that kind of role. I don't know if she wants to do other work, but I don't know what she'd look like any other way. lol
Re6 was the 1st re game that ı played so that's one of the reasons why ı like the game a lot due to having a lot of good memories with the game.

I s ranked re6's campaigns with all characters on all difficulties; ı know the game like the back of my hand while being good at counters and other special melee stuff.

I started to like re2 2019 less; it's now one of my least favourites along with re7 and rerev. Cant stand the game's " gutted " nature. It cuts more than adding ( Unlike 2002 remake. ) and wasnt a fan of the game's some story related decisions. ( I didnt play re3 2020 due to this since ı didnt like what ı saw in it and after thinking about this; this caused me to grow disdain for re2 2019. The whole game feels like junk food to me save for claire's 1st run. )

From the main characters; jill is the most boring one in the bunch.

I like ada's mysterious image, ı think that gives her a charm similar to hunk's case.

I dont want any more weird remake / reimagining wannabe hybrid games. Capcom should stop getting obsessed with past and do meaningful story decisions for the franchise instead of convoluting the past like they did with re2 2019 and re3 2020.

I started to get disappointed by re5 and it has nothing to do with action. I started to get more disappointed by the story. I like chris and wesker's characters, bsaa background stuff but was disappointed by how jill was handled ( Didnt like p30 plot device and her dlcs arent designed well as much as separate ways or re6's multiple campaigns. ) and how sheva feels forced to story; her file doesnt have anything to do with the game's story. I think the racism complaints hurt the game's potential; it could have been better if the game was more similar to re4,5 version. ( And no; ı dont dislike having a partner with me. I'm simply disappointed that sheva feels forced; ı think she should had been partnered with josh and chris should had been partnered with jill without the unnecessary mind control plot point. ) Plus the lack of barry and rebecca in main story when the game was supposed to be a re1 reunion. It could have been more epic and wesker's death could had been more satisfying with 5 rockets instead of 2.
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Despite the numerous(Probably around 10ish) times I clocked RE4 they were never above Normal difficulty, I liked steamrolling everything back in the day.
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Ok, i have a confession to make. This might be an unpopular opinion among the fanbase, considered as sacrilege, but I just cannot stand it since my friends talks about it

I do not like Leon x Ada at all.
My confessions:

I dislike Leon as a character and don't understand the fan base surrounding him.

I like the films

I never actually played the original re2
Aside from controls - the original RE2 still holds up very well. I typically play it through every 2-3 years, but it could be nostalgia talking. Concept wise, it's a better game than the RE2 REmake.

And I love Leon x Ada. I think they need to give them a proper ending though. It's getting tiresome watching them fall in to the same patterns over and over again.
My confessions:

I dislike Leon as a character and don't understand the fan base surrounding him.

I like the films

I never actually played the original re2

I dislike Leon also, welcome to the club lol. It's hard to explain this to people without them getting defensive in my experience.

I liked the first live action movie. I liked bits and pieces of a couple sequels but Paul Anderson drives me crazy in the worst of ways. Admittedly, I'm not really into the CG movies and I haven't even seen Vendetta.

The original RE2 is very good - one if my favorites. Better than REmake 2 in my opinion. While the remake did pretty well at preserving a lot of the story, there was still some stuff left out. A and B scenarios in the original were way different to the other and didn't play out almost exactly the same like in the remake. I would definitely recommend playing it at least once.
I don't think I would be "defensive" when people say they don't like Leon. They are wrong. 100% wrong. Their opinion doesn't matter and I look down on them, but defensive? Yeah right! DEFENSIVE!? What does that even mean? Defensive??? Hellloooo????? Defensive. Leon is a perfect angel and you should feel bad for saying otherwise!

And I also think Ashley isn't that bad. I get that she is annoying, but that makes sense for her character. In real life, real people would be WAY more scared than she is. lol. I do not like escort missions in any game, but at least RE4 keeps finding reasons to keep Ashley kidnapped.
Yes, I was thankful she kept getting kidnapped. But does anyone actually LIKE escort missions?
yeah, i don't think Ashley is really a nuisance, i do find escort missions a pain, but i have warmed up to her. maybe it is because of the crappy AI in RE5 that boils my blood, the Ai partners there suck
Since OP commented about the Remake... I never unlocked those special modes, like Invisible Zombies.

I never finished Resident Evil 3 (1999) on Normal mode, I find it very hard to do it with only a handgun and some bullets (at least in the beginning of the game).
Only games I played were OG RE1, OG RE2, OG RE3, 4, 5, and some of 6. As I was born in '82 I grew up on it "in real time," if you like. "The magic" (whatever that may have been) which admittedly felt a tiny tiny bit strained in OG RE3, was CERTAINLY back in RE4 but some silliness had come in. Slightly. And RE5 (yes rock-punching Chris has clearly been on the dianabol for this one) made it proper ridiculous.

I felt unhappy at the prospect of wading through the garbage my previously treasured series had become to find out more of the "lore" - thin though that had sometimes gotten. It all seems like the subtleties of the sinister underground complexes and abandoned halls telling their own stories as they're quietly discovered in those ambient moments where oppressive silence now hangs over vast, complicated busy labs and corridors got taken away - and that was the charm. The Marie Celeste of it, The Shining... your presence in a space you shouldn't be being such a glaring violation and affront to it - it had that filtered out and replaced by cutscene "press X to double triple-backflip kick zombie's head off spinning knife juggle" and all to find out they're now magical leeches anyway or some shiz.

I'd rather pretend it all stopped at RE4 and we all went home.

Still, I thought, I've always got Silent Hill they can't mess THAT one up too. Then Homecoming came out and that was enough computer games for me. Oh but wait I think I can still like MGS ah no, they made Sons of Liberty; uniquely indecipherable and inaccessible yet top-tier retardation anyway.

In fact all three series became a bit like abusive relationships. You swear you'll never go back after the last time, and then a new one comes out, and you think "oh maybe they can change, maybe they need one last chance" and it just lets you down again.

Somewhere, there is a boardroom. In this boardroom are rich folks who have decided what computer games should be and we should all be putting more action into our horror games and that's how we sell games. And now all we have is executive consensus marketing-team led masturbation and box ticking. Thankfully there are engines powerful enough and simple enough that PC games can still be made by OH I DON'T KNOW ACTUALLY CREATIVE PPL and not suits.

But the art has long left mainstream gaming. Or if it did it came back long after it shooed me away.

It's still disgusting - remaking them too? REALLY? LEAVE THEM THE HELL ALONE. Remaking RE1 and RE2... it'd be like re-making Schindler's List with Schwarzenegger and a musical number because the boardroom reckons audiences respond 23% more positively to f-ing Disney.

TL;DR an old man rants about games a bit and doesn't like anything. Not really a confession but there are, like, words I made.

EDIT - you know what else grinds my gears while I'm at it? Resorting to YouTube summaries of the timelines, just so I could find out vaguely what went on. If I have this right then the Arklay mansion got retconned into being called the Spencer Mansion at some point, is that even right? And a man called Edward Ashford and Marcus and some other bloke built the mansion (lord knows how) and then they pretty much all killed each other with silly virus-based pranks for no good reason other than the very old one wanted to be all immortal or something and then I think the/a Wesker did that guy in. And then the architect who designed the place they thought "nah he knows too much we'll do virus experiments on him a bit" and did, and his wife, and his kid I think is some kind of monster in it, before everyone at the Arklay/Spencer lab gets done in anyway in a supposedly engineered accident.

WHERE DO THEY STOP?? They get all these top secret folks in doing top secret research and suddenly all have a flap about not trusting anyone and kill them all off?? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??

"Oh but it'd be a great idea to test out our new T-virus/G-virus/Progenitor virus/magic leech/KY jelly" - NO IT WOULDN'T what WOULD be a great idea is going "hey this secret lab should actually get on and make some virii properly and not kill folks off as they might get wind of us doing that and it'll put off the new recruits." They could have been STREETS ahead by now without that stupid testing fetish and periodically mistrusting everyone from the milkman upwards.

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I don't think I would be "defensive" when people say they don't like Leon. They are wrong. 100% wrong. Their opinion doesn't matter and I look down on them, but defensive? Yeah right! DEFENSIVE!? What does that even mean? Defensive??? Hellloooo????? Defensive. Leon is a perfect angel and you should feel bad for saying otherwise!

And I also think Ashley isn't that bad. I get that she is annoying, but that makes sense for her character. In real life, real people would be WAY more scared than she is. lol. I do not like escort missions in any game, but at least RE4 keeps finding reasons to keep Ashley kidnapped.
I think Ashley actually have the most genuine reaction in the series

Leooooooooonnnn hellpppppppp
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... I have a confession to make. I have never beaten the REmake with Chris. I have started his game multiple times, but I find him to be so boring and bland compared to Jill, that I never finish it. I'm currently doing another playthrougu as Jill, which will be my countless time having finished her story... And I think I'm finally going to stick it out and play through as Chris. But while I was sitting here thinking about how I've never beaten it as Chris, it got me thinking, what are some confessions you guys have about the Resident Evil franchise? Stuff that you wouldn't admit to any other fan for fear of sounding like you don't care about the franchise?
So, I started this thread in February to confess that I'd never beaten the first RE game as Chris...However, here we are, 8 months later, and I've done it. I've completed REmake as Chris God Damned Redfield...And honestly, didk that I'll ever do it again unless trophy hunting in the remake requires me to. As much as I love RE as a whole, Chris doesn't compare to my Jilly Bean...
I never finished PS1 RE1, hated it, it felt clunky and awkward having played backwards from 2 & 3 which also feel clunky and awkward now that I'm spoiled on the games from RE4 and forward. I always give 2, 3 and CVX good ratings but honestly upon reading this thread and thinking of all the backtracking and combining necessary to complete them, the need for typewriter ribbons to save and storage boxes etc, I would absolutely dread going back to that now.

True, in order to get the best rankings and unlock the hidden characters, infinite ammo/rocket launchers etc you need to hurry and not mess with a lot of that stuff anyway, but on a first play through it will be pretty tough without saving and healing ( i personally think the scarcity of ammo dealing with the hunters in RE3 & CVX are the toughest ever on 1st playthrough, invisible hunters in RE-REV1 included) and you only have so much carrying capabilities for all those valve wheels, eagle emblems, glass eye jewels for rotating lion heads etc lol

I do still have my old memory cards though and treat them like the hard earned gold that they are ;)
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I have never finished the original RE either. After playing RE2, I rented the Directors Cut from Blockbuster and gave up. It just felt bad to play. That's why I feel so lucky when I think about how solid the original REmake is.

I can play any of the older games except that one. My greatest hope is that the original Playstation era games get remastered with trophies so I have extra reason to destroy RE1, RE2, and RE3. The remakes are fine, but I want to play those originals.... MAYBE with better controls. haha
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