Resident evil code veronica remake rumor

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I’d probably be more fine with Capcom taking liberties, changing characters and cutting content for the remakes of CVX and RE4, compared to RE3, since I don’t hold them in any nostalgic regard.

Alfred could be very creepy if he talks in a very slow, cold, monotone voice similar to a manipulative psychopath. I’d rather see that!
I had a lot of nostalgic attachment to RE2 but not RE3 and I liked REmake2 (not as much as the original but I enjoyed seeing an old location from a new perspective and better graphics). It was probably a blessing in disguise that I hated the original RE3 because I welcomed all the changes made in the remake and really enjoyed it.

As for CVX, it is easily my favorite game in the franchise but I'm approaching it open minded. We've seen now that the remakes have a vast potential to change the games so I'm kinda heading into it with the mindset that the game will change and I'm going to hope they at least keep the staples in place.

As for RE4, I hate that game too lol. It can really only get better with the remake as far as I'm concerned so I have 'high' hopes, although at the same time it's been ported and remastered so many times and I'm still pretty upset that it got the green light before CVX.
I’d love to see them expand on the mutiny/betrayal of Alexander Ashford.

They could even expand on Chris’ whereabouts before Leon contacts him. Maybe get a feel for where he’s at in his investigation. I’d love it if they show Barry helping locate the island and getting Chris there- since they didn’t include him in RE3R. I won’t hold my breath on that though lol.
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I’m quite curious about how they’re going to solve the fact that Alfred dresses up as his sister. Its an important aspect of his insane character so Capcom can’t cut it out completely. Well, they’re obviously going to leave out Claire’s ”You cross-dressing freak!” line, but what about everything else?

If they decide to not have Alfred play dress-up, I can instead see him having a life-sized doll of Alexia in his castle that he’s seen talking with and pretending to be real. This would in a similar way show that he’s mentally unstable and obsessing over his sister. And besides, it sounds much more creepy if you ask me.

I would honestly also ditch the royal clothing that Alfred’s wearing, or at least tone it down. Seriously. If you take a look at today’s nobility around Europe, they don’t wear that silly stuff any longer. Just have him wear something less fantasy-like.
I'll try to talk about the things I want without bashing it too much on the game, because I know it gets old. I don't like CVX, never did. Not the story only. Gameplay was a step back from RE3, voice acting is all over the place and so on...anyway.

To me the first thing to fix would be pacing. CV's pacing is HORRIBLE. Some of the worst in the series. You spend too much time walking to one side to the other of an empty map, because you killed everything already (CV has tons of ammo). I'm not worried too much about this, because on my opinion RE2R and RE3R have good pace. I suppose a remake of CV would have the slow pace of RE2R, and it would be fine.

I don't mind the change of scenery . Unlike most people, I find CV's locations to be okay-ish at best. The best place is the Ashford Manor. Training Center is alright. Antartica Research Base is forgettable for the most part. I'm really hoping for a map revamp though. Maybe a better plan on locations to eliminate the unecessary backtracking and running through empty corridors. Also, maybe changing the layout a bit so Chris could explore more new areas, instead of running through the same place as Claire, but with half of the scenario destroyed.

Like it was said before, I'm pretty sure the Ashfords will be changed in some capacity, maybe to make them feel less Disney villains and I'm all for it, since I dislike both Ashfords as they're portrayed in the original. Maybe a good place to start brainstorming would be Darkside Chronicles's Game of Oblivion. I like Alfred a lot in this game, being a complete psycho, unlike the utter failure he is in the original game. Also, DC does a better Steve, so this will always be a plus. I'm also not worried about voice acting anymore, since Capcom has sorted this out a long time ago (Revelations 1 is a bump in the way though. Weird voice acting all around in that game).

I don't think we need new monsters, since CV already has a good number of them. I expect RE3's hunters to be back, which is terrifying and exciting and I'm can only think they'll make Bandersnatches look even more gross and dangerous. Also, CV has a giant spider as a boss, so I think we'll finally see spiders as enemies in a modern remake?

Anyway, If I would choose between a remake of CV and 4, I would choose CV without thinking. Let's hope someone at Capcom can push this foward in the future.
For me, CV feels a lot like traversing through an otherworldly fever dream, and that’s what makes me enjoy it even though its completely nuts. I actually don’t mind its pacing and the insane amount of backtracking, but it obviously wouldn’t work in a modern remake.

I can see them changing up the levels and making them less interconnected and more linear, to make room for a more smooth gameplay experience. For example, you shouldn’t be able to enter the Ashford manor until you’ve completed the Training facility. And so on.
CVX is probably the game I haven't played in the longest considering no great update has been made for so long. It has probably been about a decade. But that has left my memory of the game as "the big moments".

What is going to be real fun is seeing if they remake the mansion part of the Antarctic base. What a setting!

Also, I can only hope that if they make booby traps near the end of Claire's campaign that they are easier to dodge than in the original game. Man, did I die a lot getting crushed by that huge rock when picking up that one key. I think that's what happens. Feel free to fix my statement if that is incorrect. haha
The stone mallet dropping was one of the most intense parts of the game! :lol:

I hope they change the Albinoid boss fight because that has to be one of the easiest boss fights in the entire series. The thing literally only attacks you if you enter the pool, and you have the choice of going in the water or not...
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I double agree. If they want to have an avoidable boss encounter, they should at least create some tension in the area by having to dodge attacks or some kind of puzzle (ie - Verdugo RE4, Plant 42 REmake, Nemesis Choices Original RE3). There are creative ways to create an optional boss fight that aren't "Don't go in that water!"

Additionally, the Albinoid is one of the worst designed monsters in the series. It is a reptile with an actual butt for a face. It is creepy, but they can really create a creep if they want to.
CVX is probably the game I haven't played in the longest considering no great update has been made for so long. It has probably been about a decade. But that has left my memory of the game as "the big moments".

What is going to be real fun is seeing if they remake the mansion part of the Antarctic base. What a setting!

Also, I can only hope that if they make booby traps near the end of Claire's campaign that they are easier to dodge than in the original game. Man, did I die a lot getting crushed by that huge rock when picking up that one key. I think that's what happens. Feel free to fix my statement if that is incorrect. haha
That trap was actually harder than alexia final boss XD
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I'm all for CV Remake. Anything with more Claire that isn't a Rev game is fine by me.

However, I do hope (ignoring whatever RE4Make does as I can't see into the future) they take the RE2R route rather than the RE3R route.
RE3 felt far too clunky and I'd even say worse than RE2R due to a multitude of mechanical changes that just made the experience a drag to get through.
So I hope they take the more methodical atmospheric route again, given that their action in RE3R wasn't that great. Unless they somehow decide to RE4ify it and make it just as fun as that game.

Regardless, I have only one desire for gameplay and that's get rid of instakills.

I can't really speak for the story as I just absolutely hated both RE2R and RE3R's story just far too much. I would like them to really just update the performances and bits and pieces here and there of the original story, but I'm not going to hold out for that given how bad I disliked the first two.

Same for the characters, I wouldn't mind an update to Steve, and fleshing out of the others, but well, not gonna hold my breath.
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This would be the best case scenario.

But don't worry if you think that Code Veronica would get the same treatment as RE3R. The dev team that worked on RE3R is supposedly working on RE4R which works out great because the original RE4 is very much in line with the decisions made by that team. I assume a different team is working on CVR. I wish they would come to this forum and take our suggestions for how to produce a great remake for it. I mean, Capcom absolutely nailed it with the original REmake and RE2R, but a lot could go wrong for them! But a lot could go right.

You are brillant, you said everything. I hope CVR taken over by another team. Because if it was by RE3R team then it will be a bad remake that's for sure. But the question is, what team will develop RE8? It's luckily not by RE3R team, maybe RE2R team will develop RE8?
Yes - Capcom needs to start by focusing on what is sacred/amazing about this game so they can bring it to the REmake relatively in tact. CVS has some of the best locations, gimmicks, enemy designs, and boss encounters in the franchise. They should not be reducing the amount of enemies or types of enemies, but adding features to make them better (A la Hunter Gammas in RE3R) or adding new enemies to haunt us (A la Crimson Heads in original REmake).

The next question is what do people hate about this game - This is a subject up for a lot of debate. Some people find it too difficult, but there are workarounds to that. A lot of people find Steve to be grating and they should absolutely update his personality and speech in the remake without rewriting the character entirely - but I DO hope he has a Canadian accent still. They need to do something about that one corridor in Antarctica where you get larvaed by moths and poisoned every time you go in.

From there, they need to respect the original games designs and locales - but update everything with new gimmicks, puzzles, enemies, and characters. Making a REmake should not be that hard at all. You are literally starting with a piece of Gold to mold your new masterpiece with.
Totally, it's definitely not hard at all. They did just fine with RE1 and RE2 remakes so why not with 3 and CV? They should hand over the game development to other teams if necessary.

And I hope they make the music as good as the original, because I love the ost a lot. And I hope we get to explore everything, I love the painting arts on the walls. They are very beautiful and make feel relaxed, the game is a masterpiece and it's one of the best REs. And the most underrated!
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CVX is absolutely the most underrated game in the series. Maybe it's because it is a main series title without a number in its title. But that game is a piece of art and a piece of history. Games didn't feel nearly as good as CVX did at the time. Sure, there are recycled ideas from other RE games - but they really perfected a lot of the combat and puzzles in the game. And the art is unbelievable!
CVX is absolutely the most underrated game in the series. Maybe it's because it is a main series title without a number in its title. But that game is a piece of art and a piece of history. Games didn't feel nearly as good as CVX did at the time. Sure, there are recycled ideas from other RE games - but they really perfected a lot of the combat and puzzles in the game. And the art is unbelievable!
I just don't get it, why it didn't get much love? Everything about the game is perfect, like...... Ugh.
CVX is absolutely the most underrated game in the series. Maybe it's because it is a main series title without a number in its title. But that game is a piece of art and a piece of history. Games didn't feel nearly as good as CVX did at the time. Sure, there are recycled ideas from other RE games - but they really perfected a lot of the combat and puzzles in the game. And the art is unbelievable!

Weird, because I feel the complete oposite. I think CVX is a very overrated game. I see a lot of praise going into it (mostly its story.........sure.)

I do think this game is a piece of history, in a sense that it was the game when (for me) the classic RE formula became stale. Maybe because the game felt like a step back on RE3, regarding its functions and gameplay (and the horrendous voice acting). At any rate, inside the community I see way more praise for the game than complaints.

One thing I'll give to the game, it looked pretty good back in 1999 and the atmosphere and overall photography was pretty cool (except the Antartic Lab). Still, in a way more need of a Remake than RE4, for sure.
I don't get why they would skip over remaking CVX and go right into remaking RE4.
Money XD a remake of re 4 will sell asf capcom did care only about money in the end, that the reason of this all remaking things to begin whit... Re 4 remake is probably the most unnecessary game ever , yet Capcom is developing it because they know it would sell very well
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