Resident evil code veronica remake rumor

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Deleted member 21244


Some new interesting rumor say that a code veronica remake is actually planned at capcom, this rumor came from the same one who say that re 4 remake is in development...

Obviously is just a rumor but I would be really excited to have a code veronica remake, but I'm also very very very worried about the final result, especially after the mediocre work they did on re 3

Maybe, if they give the game to a good studios, maybe the one who worked on re 7 or the one who worked on re 2 remake than it could, maybe, be a great game... The best think to do is to call code veronica original director hiroki Kato and some other people who worked on the original code veronica, so that they can remake the game themself

What do you guys think about this? Would you like a code veronica remake or you have my same fear on what could be the final product?
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I’m a broken record here but I want that Code Veronica REmake. It’s my favorite of the originals both due to nostalgia and characters that are involved, and I still welcome Capcom to make changes that could ground the story being told and make it feel less cheesy/cartoony. Even if that means reimagining the story and changing events that take place within the original game. Hopefully they realize that they need to stay away from making the game feel too linear though.

I would love to see REmake 2’s Claire again as she was handled perfectly. I also hope they give Chris the same treatment that they’ve given Claire, Leon, Jill, and Carlos in the most recent remakes. Liven him up and make him stand out amongst the typical action hero. Make him the type who runs his mouth- something along the lines of John McClane and Nathan Drake. Give him a chin/new face model and voice actor. I also want to see them develop the feud between Chris and Wesker further.
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I would love to see a CVX remake, and since I haven't been disappointed with remakes thus far, I have no worries. That being said, I take this with a huge grain of salt. It is just a rumor. On the one hand I can see it with all the backlash after announcing the RE4 remake but they just said there were no plans to make it.
This would be the best case scenario.

But don't worry if you think that Code Veronica would get the same treatment as RE3R. The dev team that worked on RE3R is supposedly working on RE4R which works out great because the original RE4 is very much in line with the decisions made by that team. I assume a different team is working on CVR. I wish they would come to this forum and take our suggestions for how to produce a great remake for it. I mean, Capcom absolutely nailed it with the original REmake and RE2R, but a lot could go wrong for them! But a lot could go right.
I would love to see a CVX remake, and since I haven't been disappointed with remakes thus far, I have no worries. That being said, I take this with a huge grain of salt. It is just a rumor. On the one hand I can see it with all the backlash after announcing the RE4 remake but they just said there were no plans to make it.
If i remember correctly dusk golem say that Capcom had no plant for remaking code veronica, so that's a rumor too, i code veronica remake could be easy in development or maybe started pre development now after they realize how many people wanted it instead of re 4 remake... I only hope they give the game to a good studio not M2, maybe to the old developer of code veronica
This would be the best case scenario.

But don't worry if you think that Code Veronica would get the same treatment as RE3R. The dev team that worked on RE3R is supposedly working on RE4R which works out great because the original RE4 is very much in line with the decisions made by that team. I assume a different team is working on CVR. I wish they would come to this forum and take our suggestions for how to produce a great remake for it. I mean, Capcom absolutely nailed it with the original REmake and RE2R, but a lot could go wrong for them! But a lot could go right.

This sounds like a good idea but I can tell you from experience that it's not.

I was a member of a Saw forum umpteen years ago where the creators famously would come into the forums and take member input for the films. This didn't last long as it caused great polarization amongst the fans when even an inkling what what was said by someone looked like something in the films. This side would attack that side because that side had a stupid idea and, even if ultimately the ideas weren't actually truly taken from the fans, for whatever reason it just caused all kinds of arguments and the forum basically collapsed on itself. I would hate to see that happen here.

And I know this isn't the same but when I was writing my own fiction and letting people read it, everyone always had input about what they thought would happen or what should happen even though it was nowhere in line with how I'd planned the rest of my story.

There will never be a way to please everyone and even suggesting that you're getting inspiration from this or that idea would probably anger the person who's idea you didn't take. I just don't see any way it would actually work based on my history with similar occurances on either side of the argument.

@Albertwesker959 So what makes you more willing to trust one rumor over the other? They both have zero grounds for believability when you get down to brass tacks. Neither have been confirmed by Capcom otherwise they wouldn't be rumors. I personally choose to believe that CVX remake is not in development because it would make sense to me to have started working on it before RE4 remake. True, there was backlash, but going off of what I see, which is RE4 remake in development, it now makes more sense to me to believe that CVX is not being remade at this time.
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This sounds like a good idea but I can tell you from experience that it's not.

I was a member of a Saw forum umpteen years ago where the creators famously would come into the forums and take member input for the films. This didn't last long as it caused great polarization amongst the fans when even an inkling what what was said by someone looked like something in the films. This side would attack that side because that side had a stupid idea and, even if ultimately the ideas weren't actually truly taken from the fans, for whatever reason it just caused all kinds of arguments and the forum basically collapsed on itself. I would hate to see that happen here.

And I know this isn't the same but when I was writing my own fiction and letting people read it, everyone always had input about what they thought would happen or what should happen even though it was nowhere in line with how I'd planned the rest of my story.

There will never be a way to please everyone and even suggesting that you're getting inspiration from this or that idea would probably anger the person who's idea you didn't take. I just don't see any way it would actually work based on my history with similar occurances on either side of the argument.

@Albertwesker959 So what makes you more willing to trust one rumor over the other? They both have zero grounds for believability when you get down to brass tacks. Neither have been confirmed by Capcom otherwise they wouldn't be rumors. I personally choose to believe that CVX remake is not in development because it would make sense to me to have started working on it before RE4 remake. True, there was backlash, but going off of what I see, which is RE4 remake in development, it now makes more sense to me to believe that CVX is not being remade at this time.
Re 4 remake is also a rumor, nothing is official, so why you believe one is developed and thr other don't? is all rumor right now and mine was just pure speculation ... Even re 8 is just a rumor... Every rumor have zero ground... Not saying that was more reliable, but the re 4 remake also have zero ground... Capcom didn't confim anything after re 3 remake came out, they didn't confirm re code veronica remake, 4 remake or re 8 story, realease date ecc... So anything can happen actually
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Well, since I always thought Code Veronica to be a mediocre, sparsed, boring (in some points) and a step back from the original RE3 in almost every aspect that don't involve graphics (for obvious reasons) I don't know how they can make it worse so... I'm up for it. I actually think CV needs a Remake way more than 4.

Also, I didn't thought RE3R to be the train wreck that everyone says it is, so I'm not worried about that.

What makes me think is the story. CV has a some sort of goofy story, with prince and princess theme and very exotic characters on Alfred and Alexia that don't match the tone the series has been setting in their remakes...I don't mind if they change some of it, honestly, but I can imagine all the complaints coming from miles away if they change the characters personalities.

To round it up, I'm taking everything with a larger grain of salt. The rumour machine in resident evil has been working a lot lately and it's hard to assume everything they had been throwing at us lately will turn out to be true.
I can definitely see that happening Rain, but also, I think we are a pretty cohesive group. Sure, there are factions in here to a degree and some hot tempers, but I think we could just give them some help along the way. Who better to know what would be great than us, right? We are the top tier level of fans. People who dedicate parts of their week to discussing this franchise whether busy or not. I don't know if they should absolutely give us a voice, but take some feedback. I can definitely give them input on how to expand and improve RE3R. haha
TBH,i'm rather uncertain. I do want a remake, but afraid that it would be like the re-imaging of RE2 and RE3 since Capcom wants to do whatever. Still, a Code Veronica remake is tempting
I can definitely see that happening Rain, but also, I think we are a pretty cohesive group. Sure, there are factions in here to a degree and some hot tempers, but I think we could just give them some help along the way. Who better to know what would be great than us, right? We are the top tier level of fans. People who dedicate parts of their week to discussing this franchise whether busy or not. I don't know if they should absolutely give us a voice, but take some feedback. I can definitely give them input on how to expand and improve RE3R. haha
I actually think that it's the input from the fan base that destroyed this series... If the resident evil series had director whit two pair of balls, like shinji mikami, we wouldn't have had a good but disappointing re 5, a bad action re 6, and a rebooted re 7 (good game of course, but if the series was going well there was no need of a reboot), re 2 and 3 remake would have been ar the same level as re 1 remake if a good director was there

Re 5 got co op, and the game was completely remade after two years of development, because capcom listen to fan feedback and world reaction and gears of war sale number and good review XD , re 6 got 3 campaign that don't know what they are (horror, action, car game? Ace combat?) because capcom wanted to please alla fan in the hope of making good sale, same goes for re 7, after the huge backslash whit re 6, they decided to return to the horror root... they didn't actually have the balls to deliver the game they want to make, or tell a story a director want to tell...

I think fan should just stay away from this kind of things
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YES... I really liked the part where you use Claire from beginning to end, it was flawless. Chris on the other hand felt like you where at the end of the game as soon as you start with him, it felt this way towards the end of the game too.
You really can't blame the fans for this series' shortcomings. You can argue that CAPCOM chose to go in a more action direction and utilize co-op to attract more players, but that's not the real reason why this series has been struggling. The common denominator between RE5, RE6, and RE7 is the poor storytelling done by CAPCOM. RE5 partially suffered from the fact that CAPCOM received nonsensical backlash, likely from people who aren't faithful to the series, about being racist because they had a white guy stuck in Africa during an outbreak. And, frankly, I don't think RE6 would have been as poorly received had CAPCOM told a cohesive and stimulating story to go along with the fun game-play.

If anything, I'd say fans' input has better progressed the series along in some ways. Take Alex Wesker being female for example, or the fact that they finally depicted Jill's struggles with PTSD. These are things that fans practically pushed for through discussions.

It comes down to CAPCOM not having any direction for the series other than money and pushing out more titles. The fans seem to be the only ones who want any meaningful development for their favorite characters.
You really can't blame the fans for this series' shortcomings. You can argue that CAPCOM chose to go in a more action direction and utilize co-op to attract more players, but that's not the real reason why this series has been struggling. The common denominator between RE5, RE6, and RE7 is the poor storytelling done by CAPCOM. RE5 partially suffered from the fact that CAPCOM received nonsensical backlash, likely from people who aren't faithful to the series, about being racist because they had a white guy stuck in Africa during an outbreak. And, frankly, I don't think RE6 would have been as poorly received had CAPCOM told a cohesive and stimulating story to go along with the fun game-play.

If anything, I'd say fans' input has better progressed the series along in some ways. Take Alex Wesker being female for example, or the fact that they finally depicted Jill's struggles with PTSD. These are things that fans practically pushed for through discussions.

It comes down to CAPCOM not having any direction for the series other than money and pushing out more titles. The fans seem to be the only ones who want any meaningful development for their favorite characters.
It's both i think i guess... Capcom just make resident evil for money whitout having any actual direction or heart in making the games, but they also listen to fan and people feedback because they want to sale more game, and this always ruined the game they made...

Capcom himself say that they always listen to fan feedback, for example when re 6 came out they say: we listen to our fan, and we wanted to please all of them by making different type of campaign... What the hell? Just make a good game don't listen to people, have the balls to make an amazing game, even if that devise people... The fact is also that Capcom don't actually have any "real" director like shinji mikami was (well i can only think at hideaki itsuno the director of dmc 3 4 5 and dragons dogma who stil work at capcom, and hideaki kamiyama director of original re 2, dmc 1 and Bayonetta, but i don't know if he still work for them) Capcom just call people and tell them to make a game, these people are just journeyman who know jow to make the job but nothing more, they didn't have any genius idea like shinji mikami could have had, and that's why he was also taken out from the series because mikami was a person that cannot be commanded, he makes the game he want, the way he want, but capcom don't care is a company that just want money... Look at this difference, resident evil 1 remake was made because mikami wanted to make the definitive edition of the game, something he could not make in 1996, while resident evil 2 remake was made because capcom realized that many many people and fan wanted this remake so they decided to make it because they realize it could profit them a lot... Big difference XD capcom also say that if people want a dino crisis remake they will make it, so they just listen to money, they have no balls to make games whitout an ensurance

And also remember that not all fan are like us on this forum who can give good input to capcom , and we are really few on this forum, but there are milion of people out there, fan and just people who buy resident evil and prefer the action oriented call of duty version of the series... So fan and people feedback did ruin the re series in a sense
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Having almost finished my first run of RE4 by now, I’m honestly rather indifferent to the idea of a remake of neither one.

CV and RE4 actually have quite a lot in common in terms of atmosphere and themes. Both abandons the classic American horror tropes of the first 3 games in favour of a more European Gothic setting, and instead of improving on the cheesy dialogue from the previous games (which is more of a bi-product of 90s technology) they decided to EMBRACE the cheesiness and go all in with over-the-top characters and fighting scenes that might as well be from some random Japanese OVA. Hell, both games even feature a little brat dressed in traditional European royal clothes whom talks and acts like a Disney villain.

My point is: the unintentional cheesiness from the first 3 games is fixable in remakes, because the characters and the plots are actually grounded. But the cheesiness in CV and RE4? Nope, you can’t fix them simply by updating the dialogue, you’d have to completely revamp the characters to fit the new mold and over-the-top setting. And by doing so, the question becomes how much of the original game that still remains?
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I think it would be doable. It’s not like Capcom hasn’t been changing character outfits and modernizing dialogue in the remakes.
I’m all for them toning down some of the dramatics and action to give it a more realistic and horror feel. There’s a way to successfully do this game a lot of justice in the new RE engine.

I know I don’t need to explain CVX’s relevance to the series but as long as they stick with the core storyline; Claire’s search for her brother, Chris coming to the rescue and realizing Wesker is still alive, Wesker on a mission to toy with Chris and obtain research from Norman Bates and Cersei Lannister... then we have ourselves CVX. :lol:
Yeah, after that shift in RE3R, I assume we can speculate that any amount of changes are on the table. Especially when it comes to updates to maps, game mechanics, enemy designs, and dialogue. Code Veronica has some of the most iconic locations and angles of any of the games. They can REALLLLLY up the creep factor and the wow factor in both settings of the game. The Ashfords can be updated to embrace even more of that Alfred Hitchcock mystique.

I just hope that Capcom learned a lesson about game length and design from the RE3R complaints and reviews.
Yeah, after that shift in RE3R, I assume we can speculate that any amount of changes are on the table. Especially when it comes to updates to maps, game mechanics, enemy designs, and dialogue. Code Veronica has some of the most iconic locations and angles of any of the games. They can REALLLLLY up the creep factor and the wow factor in both settings of the game. The Ashfords can be updated to embrace even more of that Alfred Hitchcock mystique.

I just hope that Capcom learned a lesson about game length and design from the RE3R complaints and reviews.

This especially since, if I'm not mistaken, CVX is the longest (or one of the longest) RE games.

I don't think I would have any problems with Capcom taking liberties with CVX for the most part. As long as they keep the score (they did a better job with this in R3make than REmake2 so I'm not too worried about that part) since it has my favorite music in the franchise, Steve (though I don't care if they tweak his character a bit), something at least somewhat faithful to the original Alexia designs and fights since those were awesome imo, and the whole Chris/Wesker confrontation. Everything else I feel can be adapted to the new atmosphere that the remakes are bringing to the table.
Yes - Capcom needs to start by focusing on what is sacred/amazing about this game so they can bring it to the REmake relatively in tact. CVS has some of the best locations, gimmicks, enemy designs, and boss encounters in the franchise. They should not be reducing the amount of enemies or types of enemies, but adding features to make them better (A la Hunter Gammas in RE3R) or adding new enemies to haunt us (A la Crimson Heads in original REmake).

The next question is what do people hate about this game - This is a subject up for a lot of debate. Some people find it too difficult, but there are workarounds to that. A lot of people find Steve to be grating and they should absolutely update his personality and speech in the remake without rewriting the character entirely - but I DO hope he has a Canadian accent still. They need to do something about that one corridor in Antarctica where you get larvaed by moths and poisoned every time you go in.

From there, they need to respect the original games designs and locales - but update everything with new gimmicks, puzzles, enemies, and characters. Making a REmake should not be that hard at all. You are literally starting with a piece of Gold to mold your new masterpiece with.