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Resident Evil 3,5 Petition


Well-Known Member
Hello to all guys.:)
I wanted to show you the petition that I created in order for that Capcom decides to release the full game of RE 3.5 (I'm talking about the Hook Man version). I know that this is an old project, which was released one video demonstration......
Nevertheless, each time I see this game I go into ecstasy! The demo shows a terrifying game with a fantastic atmosphere and horror elements never seen in a game of the saga:rolleyes:: I believe this is the direction that the series should have taken...... I think this game would dribble a lot and would have been much more interesting than the real RE 4 (and its direct sequel).

Many of you probably have already seen, anyway here is the video test:


And here's the link to the petition:


I hope to get the signatures of many of you; I know that Capcom will meet our demands, but looking back at the history of RE for the PSP, I have many hopes on this...... If we can get a few thousand signatures, maybe we could be taken seriously.
Let me know what you think.;)

P.S.Oh I forgot ... in that demo there is absolutely nothing supernatural: the various dolls murderess, armor holdings, etc…. There should be none other than hallucinogenic effects caused by the virus with whom Leon seemed to have infected …… then nothing to do with Silent Hill or similar;).


Jupiter Jazz
Im not sure about this version of the game haha It looks really good and it looks hard, it does look like a awesome prototype for a game lol. It depends if they can develope the games story and make it into something playable.


The Pro Zombie Killer
It Exactly like Condemded2: Bloodshot meets Resident evil 4.
The Dolls coming to life is one of my favorite part of Condemded2. And whomever was playing as Leon makes me mad, Just shoot the damn thing. Running Around like an idiot, Just take like 3 steps turn shoot, not run while he catches up to you, the thing didn't start moving after him untill he got to a certain distance away then it sprinted. Just shoot it in the Head!

Looks interesting, but I Agree with Echoey.


Bottle Lover
Damn this game would be a trip if you're on drugs :lol:

The whole music and mood was perfect! I like how there was sudden things like doors slammed open and the fire poppin out. Very horror like! That made a jump a bit, so that passed my test.

The whole ghost thing reminds me of DMC. That zombie ghost was a toughy. I would definately support it to release it, ONLY if they can change up Leon's outfit and have multiple characters, and make up a story with it. Maybe bring up the ones from Survivor or something. Since it's between RE 3 and RE 4, it should be something that happened in between these games. Events like the T-Virus spreading to a dirrerent part of the world like Umbrella's controlled island or something. ...


Bottle Lover
ProtoTypeRaavyn;69815 said:
It Exactly like Condemded2: Bloodshot meets Resident evil 4.
The Dolls coming to life is one of my favorite part of Condemded2. And whomever was playing as Leon makes me mad, Just shoot the damn thing. Running Around like an idiot, Just take like 3 steps turn shoot, not run while he catches up to you, the thing didn't start moving after him untill he got to a certain distance away then it sprinted. Just shoot it in the Head!

Looks interesting, but I Agree with Echoey.

As for the little dolls, those are mad creepy. It reminds me of the little gnome like creatures that they have in Mexico. They pop out of no where and they are the size of gnomes, except their figure casts a shadow.

Now to come to think of it, RE has their settled (location) their games in the US, Europe, and Africa. It'll be cool if they based this prototype in a different continent, like in Asia, or in Central or South Latin America. Just to see where else the virus spreaded and to get more dicersity in the game.


The Pro Zombie Killer
tequila;69816 said:
The whole music and mood was perfect! I like how there was sudden things like doors slammed open and the fire poppin out. Very horror like! That made a jump a bit, so that passed my test.


They where all the same, the little jumps that would get repetitive and boring after half of the first playthrough. I guess I am just desencitized to horror, but I could predict every "jump".


Bottle Lover
ProtoTypeRaavyn;69822 said:
They where all the same, the little jumps that would get repetitive and boring after half of the first playthrough. I guess I am just desencitized to horror, but I could predict every "jump".

That's true. Same here. But I haven't played RE or any other suspense/horror game in a long time so that's why I said that. They shouldn't have too many, but not too little you know. And scattered so you won't be able to predict. Something like you know what's gonna happen... but getting tricked that it doesnt happen and gets you on the unexpected kind of thing.


The Pro Zombie Killer
tequila;69825 said:
That's true. Same here. But I haven't played RE or any other suspense/horror game in a long time so that's why I said that. They shouldn't have too many, but not too little you know. And scattered so you won't be able to predict. Something like you know what's gonna happen... but getting tricked that it doesnt happen and gets you on the unexpected kind of thing.

Yeah that would be nice, but the video was only A couple of minutes long (and in sequence) And there was a handful of them. I loved the Way the flashlight effected the background and Walls though.


Bottle Lover
ProtoTypeRaavyn;69827 said:
Yeah that would be nice, but the video was only A couple of minutes long (and in sequence) And there was a handful of them. I loved the Way the flashlight effected the background and Walls though.

Agree. Some special fx is nice as well. The chained zombie ghost reaper thing is like a DMC thing. The blue pulse and returning back to original color was a bit ... idk


The Pro Zombie Killer
tequila;69834 said:
Agree. Some special fx is nice as well. The chained zombie ghost reaper thing is like a DMC thing. The blue pulse and returning back to original color was a bit ... idk

Was a bit "the calming blue" from Fallout3. Vault 106
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