Resident Evil 2 HD Remaster (Official Topic)

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I think Ada still pretty much sounds the same, but that's just me.

Claire's always been one of my favorites too but I was super open to the changes. I agree that her new outfit is definitely more realistic than that of the original, though I don't like the new spin they put on her original costume for the game. It looks like it's missing something, in my opinion. (Though I love the noir costume for her and the Elza Walker costume.)

I feel bad for Sherry. I mean her parents are pretty neglectful, evil people who create viruses and then they go and dress her in that awful schoolgirl outfit. (Which was always awful.)

I do have a question about the Mr. X thing, though. I've seen so many things about the new game and there are multiple sources, though I'm not sure how accurate they are, that say there will be no Claire A/B and Leon A/B. Are they going to mesh Birkin and X into one really long, singular campaign for each character or what are we doing here? I'm so confused by this as I've seen both Birkin and X in Claire gameplay footage. (Haven't checked out Leon's gameplay as much and have only seen zombies, dogs and Ada in his campaign.)
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Yeah, I did... let's call it... notice the redesign of Claire's original outfit too. Might be a petty thing to complain about, but... meh. I can't help it, it seems to me like they're only doing this to sexualise her, taking away the sleeves and making the cleavage bigger. Maybe it's a Redfield thing? (Looking at you, Sailor Chris.) But you have to give Annette some credit, maybe she foresaw the possibility of William turning into a monster and chasing Sherry, as well as Mister X, so she deliberately made her wear that glorified potato bag to scare them off. Whether or not this will work, we'll see. Annette herself looks like Alex Wesker without makeup now... I wonder if they did that on purpose.

(Twist ending: Annette Birkin is Alex Wesker! :eek: )

As for A and B scenarios, you got it right: Both Leon and Claire will have one individual campaign (at least that's what they're telling us), and based on what I've seen so far, I suppose he's going to be the A character, and she's B (which doesn't mean they can't mix things up compared to the original, obviously Sherry still has to get infected somehow or else RE6 is no longer canon). But both Mister X and mutated Birkin have always appeared in the B scenario, the latter just didn't show up as often as in A.

By the way, it looks like some folks already have access to the demo, because the new trailer you're supposed to see at the end of it has been posted on YouTube. I'm putting it in spoilers for people who prefer not to get tempted.

If you look closely, you can see Claire without her jacket halfway through!
Gone. It's all gone.

I am too! I think it looks fantastic.

As for Claire, being that she is such an iconic character with loads of fans, I can understand some of the criticism, I just don't agree with it. Honestly, Alyson Court's longevity has always puzzled me (not in a negative way, just observationally), as every single other character was cast and re-cast at every turn. Personally, I love the update - face, voice, and outfit. I don't have any problems with Court, nor would I have been upset if she were cast as Claire again, but I'm actually happy they didn't bring her back and instead went some new blood. it'll be nice to see what New Claire brings to the character.

My only slight gripe with Capcom's creative liberties is the soundtrack. Granted, I haven't heard much of it, but nothing I've heard has had that indelible feeling the original had. Of course, that could all change with hands on experience.
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I also hope that the board becomes much more active once the game is out. Looking forward to some deep debating.

And speaking of Claire's new look - I can't say anything less than "splendid". She actually looks like a teenager now.

If that is the case, thank God they're making Claire the "B" scenario. People have argued with me for the longest but honestly that makes the most sense. X going after Ada and Leon relentlessly never made any sense as neither of them was in possession of G, even though Ada was searching for it.


I love Alyson Court but I have to say, I'm glad they went in a totally different direction. While I enjoyed her run as Claire in the beginning, once she appeared in Degeneration and the character looked different and seemed to have evolved a bit, but the voice was still exactly the same, I have to admit I was kind of side eyeing the decision to include her. I love that she enjoys the character and being a part of the series but she didn't even try to make Claire sound older or reflect the hardships the character had gone thru, in my opinion. I was a bit put off when they recast her for Revelations 2 but I think it was only because I really didn't like the new voice in that game. I feel like it didn't stand out to me as a "Claire voice" if that makes sense but I like this new woman and I think the new voice goes well with the new look.
I love Alyson Court but I have to say, I'm glad they went in a totally different direction. While I enjoyed her run as Claire in the beginning, once she appeared in Degeneration and the character looked different and seemed to have evolved a bit, but the voice was still exactly the same, I have to admit I was kind of side eyeing the decision to include her. I love that she enjoys the character and being a part of the series but she didn't even try to make Claire sound older or reflect the hardships the character had gone thru, in my opinion. I was a bit put off when they recast her for Revelations 2 but I think it was only because I really didn't like the new voice in that game. I feel like it didn't stand out to me as a "Claire voice" if that makes sense but I like this new woman and I think the new voice goes well with the new look.
I can't agree, because to me, Alyson is Claire. However, I'm not gonna let it bother me or dwell on it. I've accepted the new voice actress. Not so keen on the looks of Claire either, but I admit that's probably me that expected both models to be kept largely the same. I can deal with it.

I just wish I'd had the time to replay RE2 before the remake hits. The last time I played it I was a scared six-year-old. I'm very hyped and I will get the demo tomorrow.
I'm going to continue this discussion from the demo thread here, because my reply doesn't really have anything to do with the demo itself.

[...] I really do want to like this game, because everything I've seen and heard, especially from the data mine recently, has really got me so pumped up for Resident Evil again.

Data mine? Really? Okay, either Capcom are seriously sloppy (they could just remove the irrelevant extra data from the demo's script to stop this from happening), or they decided to troll us and lay a false trail. Either way, I really wish my fellow PC players would stop doing this already, or else I don't see our platform getting any more demos in the future. :rolleyes:

But be that as it may, I was curious, and since I already know the story anyway, I looked it up for myself. I do like some of the things I read, but others not so much. What intrigues me the most, however, is
the appearance of Ethan. At first I was like, okay, this alleged data mine must be a fanfic, because there's no way Ethan is going to be in the game. But when I think about it, this RE7 character has no personality to speak of and no past that we know about, and including him in REmake 2 could change that, as well as fit RE7 into the lore of the previous games. Sure, he would have to be quite young, but we already know that Sherry ends up in an orphanage at some point in the story, so he could be one of the kids there. And as I said, he's pretty much a blank page at this point, so there's no way of knowing that he didn't grow up in Raccoon City.
Still, as usual, I'll believe it when I see it, and not a second earlier.
At first I was like, okay, this alleged data mine must be a fanfic, because there's no way Ethan is going to be in the game. But when I think about it, this RE7 character has no personality to speak of and no past that we know about, and including him in REmake 2 could change that, as well as fit RE7 into the lore of the previous games. Sure, he would have to be quite young, but we already know that Sherry ends up in an orphanage at some point in the story, so he could be one of the kids there. And as I said, he's pretty much a blank page at this point, so there's no way of knowing that he didn't grow up in Raccoon City.

I really like this idea if true, however I have no good idea how they're going to distinguish Ethan from the other kids in the orphanage if we do end up seeing the aftermath of Sherry's situation. When you consider that the player knows Ethan's shoes better than his face because he has no face to speak of in Resident Evil VII (save for one moment and even then it's obscured), the closest thing would be having a roughly 14 year old kid in identical clothes which would be ridiculous.
I've heard about rhe data mined information, and I'm definitely hyped for the majority of it. However, the inclusion of Ethan is certainly not something that I'm happy about.

I do understand why cementing RE7 into the lore might be a good thing, but... I hated RE7 for introducing a main character that was bland as hell in place of a character we know and love, and for not continuing the main story from previous games. I kind of don't want RE7 to be cemented more into the lore because I'd have to acknowledge it more, if that makes sense.

I also kind of don't want Chris Redfield in there either if he's got his model from RE7 (and the model did say he'd been to Capcom a few months ago, so that's probably likely) . It would be way cooler to see the Chris model I love in there.
But whatever. I guess I can deal. Sorry for complaining, haha.
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