I think Ada still pretty much sounds the same, but that's just me.snip
Claire's always been one of my favorites too but I was super open to the changes. I agree that her new outfit is definitely more realistic than that of the original, though I don't like the new spin they put on her original costume for the game. It looks like it's missing something, in my opinion. (Though I love the noir costume for her and the Elza Walker costume.)
I feel bad for Sherry. I mean her parents are pretty neglectful, evil people who create viruses and then they go and dress her in that awful schoolgirl outfit. (Which was always awful.)
I do have a question about the Mr. X thing, though. I've seen so many things about the new game and there are multiple sources, though I'm not sure how accurate they are, that say there will be no Claire A/B and Leon A/B. Are they going to mesh Birkin and X into one really long, singular campaign for each character or what are we doing here? I'm so confused by this as I've seen both Birkin and X in Claire gameplay footage. (Haven't checked out Leon's gameplay as much and have only seen zombies, dogs and Ada in his campaign.)