Resident Evil 5 RE5 The Most Anticipated RE game

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Ridley Lockhart

Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2023
Raccoon City

Is RE5 like basically the most anticipated RE game? By the way point i had already played all the games up to RE5, and so was definitely excited.

Seeing Roided Chris, supposedly Jill was dead, among many other things it was also coming off of that RE4 hype. I did personally spoil a lot for myself, watching a dummy.

That's why I'm against watching ANYTHING RE8...i avoid it like the plague til i get to play it myself.

Okay so, question is, were you excited with anticipation for the release of RE5? If so did it deliver?

Or if you have a different view of that first time before we all know everything about the game, all the ins and outs.
No. After RE4 fatigue it was very difficult to feel excited for RE5, and though I did have fun playing through it back then, I honestly just kind of stopped caring at that point up until a few years ago when RE2R came out, then I started wanting my childhood series back. :)
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So RE2R gave you that experience? I thoroughly enjoyed the RE2R, very nice and respectable remake.

I'm still unsure how i feel about Claire basically looking EXACTLY like Zoey from Left4Dead.

Maybe that's why RE5 made me upset, i had way too much 'expectations', and i was so disappointed, as much as i still love the game, and how many times I've played thru the story, all the DLC, so many Merc's runs, etc.
If I recall correctly, this was the first multiplayer game in the series, yes? I don't really remember the anticipation leading up to it, but I definitely had a blast playing it with my buds. I played tf out of the DLC.
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If I recall correctly, this was the first multiplayer game in the series, yes? I don't really remember the anticipation leading up to it, but I definitely had a blast playing it with my buds. I played tf out of the DLC.
Well, technically Outbreak File#1 and File#2 were the first multiplayer RE'S. also REDS(Resident Evil DS) had a multiplayer mode, similar almost to like the Extreme Battle Mode in RE2 and Code Veronica.

Lol calm down! Yeah i played tf outta that game too. I mean, it's got such replayability. I still really like Plague Doctor Jill, with the 'Bird Mask'. I still dislike DC Douglas replacing Richard Waugh for Wesker's VA, i dislike the matrix long trenchcoat barrel rolling to avoid bullets crap. And Sheva.

I digress.

Still an awesome game, and i don't get why SoMe people are asking, begging, desiring, wanting an RE5 remake!? Are you serious!?!?... Ugh...

Btw, i uploaded this like 9 years ago, but this is something that got me quivering with anticipation.
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I think the earliest I can recall being excited for the release of a Resident Evil game was Resident Evil 4, back when it was still a survival horror game. I was younger and mainly watched my brother play through the series, and at that age, horror is a bit taboo, so for me, there was a mystique around the series which intrigued me the most. So even when RE4 shifted to what it became, I was just excited that the game was coming out.

It was the first game in the series that I got to play and I didn't really question much about it. I knew it was easier than previous entries, but I wasn't really thinking the series had been ruined at that point either. In my mind, Resident Evil 4 was still a "scary" game, just in a different way. So when Resident Evil 5 was first revealed, it just looked like a natural evolution to me.

I remember playing and finishing the RE4 demo at Gamestop shortly before release and finally feeling confident enough to play through a Resident Evil game because my brother would never let me play them since I would have sucked at it. But I had gotten a lot older between the initial reveal of RE4 and the lead in to RE5. So at some point after its release and with the confidence of having beaten the demo, I decided to play through Resident Evil 4 and I actually beat it.

The dark atmosphere, the cultists chants, the creepy village, and smart enemy A.I. is what I took away from Resident Evil 4 and in my eyes, Resident Evil was still a horror franchise. So when I saw that reveal trailer for Resident Evil 5 with that "mystery" protagonist and running, almost crimson-like enemies afflicted by the sunlight, I was hyped. Especially at the cusp of next generation hardware which is always exciting for on-going franchises.

But was it really the most anticipated Resident Evil game? It was not only the best selling game in the series but best selling Capcom game of all time for a while, so maybe. I wasn't really on the internet all that much prior to its release, so I'm oblivious to much of the discourse that surrounded the game. I spent most of my time on the internet just Googling things I was into for the latest information and joined my first forum only a few months after RE5's release.

Though, there are several factors that I can see that could make this true. For one, it's coming off the heels of the groundbreaking and game changing Resident Evil 4 and as I already mentioned, was one of the earliest titles announced for next-gen consoles. But then there's also the fact that it was announced so early, creating long droughts of information, allowing time for people to build all sorts of unrealistic expectations.

What I do remember though is all the speculation surrounding the protagonist. Is it Chris? Somebody else? Nobody knew for sure. Then it was confirmed to be Chris Redfield and there was a mysterious blonde haired woman. They also dropped bombs like the game being co-op and Jill being dead and even flat out spoiled Wesker's return along with Chris dropping a reference to Leon Kennedy. There was just so much going for it if you weren't a jaded Resident Evil fan at the time. I even played the hell out of the demo they released on XBLA.

It was also around this time when I realized I wasn't always going to be able to just borrow games from my brother's collection. So I actually hunted down the entire series on Gamecube which was becoming harder to do in 2009 than a few years earlier. I was able to get used copies of 0, REmake, and 4 from Gamestop and managed to order brand new copies of 2 and 3 from some obscure website that probably doesn't exist anymore. Code Veronica on the other hand was my white whale. It was hard to find a decent copy and it was the most expensive, which I didn't feel comfortable paying for a used copy. Eventually, I bit the bullet and ordered one online that was in great shape.

But I did all this because I wanted to play through the whole series before RE5 launched, which quickly became impossible with so little time left. What mattered though was that I had secured copies of the games and would eventually be able to play through them all, which I did in 2010, minus Code Veronica, which I've actually played for the first time in 2020. This game was such a big deal to my brother and I that he even bought a new 20-something inch flat screen HDTV to replace the monitor I had been gaming on whenever we'd play games side by side or in co-op through Xbox Live.

There aren’t many games I can think of that had me in this much anticipation other than The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Halo 3, and... yes, Resident Evil 6. It's hard to say which Resident Evil game I had the most anticipation for. I mean, I remember all the discussions, speculation, fake leaks, and spoilers for Resident Evil 6 because I was active on forums during it and the time-frame between reveal and release was a lot closer and tight knit, but sure made 2012 feel like such a long year. Those trailers were also on another level. Honestly, the fondest memories I have with that game is the marketing, hype, and build up to it. They haven't really gone that hard since.

But as far as Resident Evil 5 is concerned, I can at least say that I did thoroughly enjoy it and have played it regularly throughout the years. I think it's a solid game that still holds up today and doesn't get enough credit for what it does well and in some cases, better, than its predecessor and is unfairly hated for doing things to the series that originated in the much more beloved Resident Evil 4. It's a co-op experience unlike anything else and nothing has since filled that void created by the absence of that particular style of Resident Evil game.

That’s more or less my objective take on the game. As a fan of the series, I think the game certainly dropped the ball in terms of story and survival horror for a lot of the same reasons Resident Evil 4 did, which is why I honestly wouldn't mind a remake of Resident Evil 5 despite it holding up so well. A new take that can improve the story and atmosphere and inject more survival horror into its design and gameplay is definitely something I find really appealing, especially after what they did with the Resident Evil 4 remake.
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Sooo..cliff notes version, you were in anticipation mode

I really enjoyed your perspective on this topic, amigo.

Man, you mentioning the almost 'crimson head' enemies, or that's kind of what it seemed like, it was mostly shadows and blurry thousand degree heat kind of stuff. Originally it was said how the heat would play a part...not so much really. I feel like the game got..changed, right before it's release.

The Plague Doctor Jill is one of my favorites, Roided Chris is possibly, plausibly my favorite version of Mister Redfield, although i liked him in RE6 as well, the Pray theme song is epic, the game is awesome.

Also, Why TF ever since RE4 do we just HAVE to have chainsaws in every freaking game!? Okay, Dr. Salvador in RE4. Then RE5 chainsaw enemy, Revelations, chainsaw enemy, Revelations 2 chainsaw enemy, i think RE6 also, chainsaw enemy, RE8 chainsaw enemy(honestly i haven't played the entirety of RE7 but im pretty sure there's a damned chainsaw. Need i go on..? Like dang Crapcom, it was cool and scary the first time in RE4 now you're just beating a dead horse

Also I haven't played RE4R, but from the few things I've seen, Dr.Salvador seem SAWFT, like nowhere near as intimidating as the OG. Not going to go into my dislike of all these remakes people are begging for cause i know it's most likely gonna be horse crap. Or at least extremely disappointing..don't get me started on RE3R. I'm seriously gonna have to put something about my disdain for RE3R in my sig.

But anyways, RE5 is awesome, i bet it could've been better, it's still epic, it's fun, all the extra DLC stuff, replayability, everything. I can't even imagine a "REMAKE". still looks great.

Okay, /done

So RE6 is undoubtedly a Hot Mess...i still like it.
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So RE2R gave you that experience?

Yes, it really felt like a classic 'Biohazard' game and reminded me of the old days, and suddenly I wanted the series to revert with great vigor to the 1996-2002 days, which I never really thought of very strongly until recently.

Because some people on here make me feel old, the most excited I've ever been for a RE release was literally OG RE2, and I really liked all the content packed into the 2-disc game and felt that is what made the game so great.

My 2 favorite games in the series, RE1 and RE2R, both caught me by surprise so I couldn't feel excited about something that I didn't expect, but from my experience that's always how things work, the best things always come out of nowhere.
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Yes, it really felt like a classic 'Biohazard' game and reminded me of the old days, and suddenly I wanted the series to revert with great vigor to the 1996-2002 days, which I never really thought of very strongly until recently.

Because some people on here make me feel old, the most excited I've ever been for a RE release was literally OG RE2, and I really liked all the content packed into the 2-disc game and felt that is what made the game so great.

My 2 favorite games in the series, RE1 and RE2R, both caught me by surprise so I couldn't feel excited about something that I didn't expect, but from my experience that's always how things work, the best things always come out of nowhere.
Hey brother you ain't old, well at least not like Ozwell E. Spencer, that shady, sheisty, mysterious, enigmatic, egotistical, malevolent, tyrannical dude, whom btw Spencer it might take more than simply changing a single letter in your name to disguise yourself or hide and throw ppl off your trail it "Ozwell Spencer" or "Oswell Spencer"? I swear I've seen each written in Files and stuff. Could just a typo but i prefer to think Spence thought he was being clever, so what. That's some clever evasive tactics, he really is a genius or madman.

Anyways, Ikawaru(btw im curious your name, is that perhaps from an anime? Unrelated question but figured id ask), you claim RE1 and RE2R as your personal favorites. Very respectable choices, can't go wrong. But wait are you referring to RE1 the OG, or REmake? It's the same story sure, both are The Mansion Incident, but they're quite different.

Personally i find it hard to choose between the OG and the REmake... While REmake's graphics the atmosphere of things like just quietness lest you hear some moaning, footsteps, maybe a lil lightning a lil thunder the sounds are great for the atmosphere. Then...RE1 the OG had such great BGM, MF1, MF2, all of it, even the end credits i really enjoy...and also i get a kick out of how damn cheesy the Voice Acting was. "Terrible demons..Ouuccchhh", "Hay, There's A Page Missing!". "Yea i thought that too. Perhaps that was the most important part.".

Oh and while i may come off as opposed to remakes, I'm a reasonably fair individual, i just don't want Crapcom Mucking up my favorite games, im looking at You RE3R. That's why i get slightly, almost not but just a tincy wincy but peeved when i keep seeing, "I want a remake of game that came out like a year ago, "this game deserves a remake", "this needs a remake" "hey let's remake the REmake of the remake and then port it, and remake it again just for good measure!!"

Okay, it's outta my system. However the Resident Evil 2 Remake was genuinely, sincerely, absolutely, definitely, indubitably, undoubtedly, reasonably, respectfully, unquestionably, realistically, evidently, apparently, seemingly, an AWESOME remake, and that's the bottom line. It really did feel like RE, for real. I really loved that game(except the annoying, cruel & unusual chess piece keys puzzle...). I'm really a little bit caught in the middle on which version of RE2 i like more, RE2R or the OG RE2...

Anyways glad you liked those two, too, as well lol. Real quick, i effing despise mostly how they did RE3R, yup that's enough to kill any faith i had in Capcom to not straight **** up a 'Code Veronica REmake's, or god forbid, RE5..? Really, ive even read from some nimrods already thinking about an RE6 really, foot in mouth & head up ass, do these people even think or are they just...zombies. needed to be said.

My favorite...idk if i can fully commit myself, but i MIGHT go with CVX(Code Freaking Veronica). And if Darkside Chronicles is any indicator or gives a clue of taste of what a CV remake will be like...sorry, no thank you. Sure Steve was kind of cool in DSC, they had Alison Court as Claire and Roger Craig Smith as Chris. The Ashfords were lame, especially Alexia. Anyways all I'm getting at, at this point is if your gonna something, MFing do it right. Why would they not?? It makes no business sense. What gotta rush the game out, on a deadline, some of the game devs didn't show up, couldn't obtain the actual VAs so we have to settle for a crappy doesn't even sound like the character stuff. Ugh.

If i had the option to play any of the RE games right prolly choose to play the OG RE1. I haven't played anything in awhile, no console. I played Chess on my phone against a broken CPU, cheating douche. Or some Lara Croft Temple Run, which is kind of fun. Or if any games in general, I really want to play WWE2K22, or AEW Fight Forever, but that's neither here nor there.

Btw speaking of REmake, this is the Grenade Launcher Glitch. R.I.P. Forest.

Cheesy VA ftw.
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