Resident Evil 3 Remake RE3 - Members Reaction Thread

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Even with that knowledge, they ended up putting a lot more post game care in to Resistance when RE3R is what needed it. It is a very fun game, but it just feels incomplete.

Hel has hit the nail on the head with every comment. Perfect assessment.
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Even with that knowledge, they ended up putting a lot more post game care in to Resistance when RE3R is what needed it. It is a very fun game, but it just feels incomplete.

Hel has hit the nail on the head with every comment. Perfect assessment.
Probably the resistance team have more passion in making games then the re 3 team who didn't care that much about it, but maybe the picture is greater than this, they probably did they're best whit the time and money capcom give them for this remake
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Probably the resistance team have more passion in making games then the re 3 team who didn't care that much about it, but maybe the picture is greater than this, they probably did they're best whit the time and money capcom give them for this remake

I can see the second part being accurate; Capcom was probably looking forward to remaking RE4 and wanted to release RE3 in the meantime to keep people satisfied after REmake2's success. They probably figured anything would be good enough to hold everyone over until 8 or REmake4. I mean, I still don't think it's a bad game/remake but I know I'm in the minority. Still, the theory makes sense to me.
I can see the second part being accurate; Capcom was probably looking forward to remaking RE4 and wanted to release RE3 in the meantime to keep people satisfied after REmake2's success. They probably figured anything would be good enough to hold everyone over until 8 or REmake4. I mean, I still don't think it's a bad game/remake but I know I'm in the minority. Still, the theory makes sense to me.
My brother did finish the game for the first time some days ago and actually liked the game, saying it's a fun game but not near to re 2 remake, his final verdict was a 7.8...

He did like it because he dosent really remember the original game, after showing him some part of the original, his opinion completely changed, but he still like the game nonetheless... So it's seems the game can be liked by people who don't actually know the original game or don't Rember it

Also I just think that releasing a re game every years is going to destroy this series...
Infact re 3 was affected by this, re 3 was the re game for 2020, the game had to come out this year in any case, but could not came out after or during re 8 trailer...

the game has was already forgotten 2 month after release, Because all the lights went on re 8 , same reason why the game was released so soon while it could have been given more time to develop, and it could have came out at the end of this years, but it was impossible, because the game had to be released before re 8 trailer or people attention would have been devided between two re game...

I wonder what will happen when re 8 came out, will it be forgotten after few month just like re 3? Wil a re 4 remake or code veronica trailer be released few month after re 8 release?

I hope not, i hoe capcom will take at least two years to let the series beath and meanwhile update re 8 whit some dlc like they did whit 7
Even with that knowledge, they ended up putting a lot more post game care in to Resistance when RE3R is what needed it. It is a very fun game, but it just feels incomplete.

Exactly. Knowing what went on behind the scenes might help to explain a few things, but doesn't make the finished product any better. In fact, in this case it makes it even worse for me, because why was there a separate team working on Resistance in the first place, a game that nobody asked for, when that manpower could have been used to improve REmake 3, the game everybody was actually looking forward to after REmake 2? I know there are people who enjoy Resistance today and I'm not saying it shouldn't exist just because I'm not interested in it, but that bundling it with REmake 3 wasn't the best decision. It might as well have come out as a separate game at a later date (like... now?), to fill in the gap between REmake 3 and whatever comes next, RE8 or REmake 4, without taking away from any of them, and REmake 3 could have had a traditional Mercenaries or Rape Mode instead.
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Resistance was made because Capcom wanted to capitalize on the loot box system. However, it was probably not meant to be bundled with the RE3 remake from the beginning. That was in all likelihood an afterthought.

Both Resistance and the RE3 remake were in full production before RE2 remake was released, but once RE2R exceeded sales exceptations Capcom obviously got greedy and rushed production on both games. With both being rather lackluster and incomplete, they decided to bundle them together. They knew very well that RE3R would sell well anyways because of the hype surrounding RE2R, and they were right.

It's a shame that Capcom never learns.
Ugh, that's terrible! Capcom might as well be EA at this point. :cautious:

Anyway, I'm currently replaying the game for the challenges. Don't know if I'll be able to finish it in less than two hours, since I'm already 1 hour and 10 minutes in and only just got out of the crashed subway, but that recovery coin is certainly helping me not to use any healing items. Two hours seems like an insanely short time to complete even this game, but... maybe I'm remembering the hospital and lab sections longer than they actually are. Wish me luck!
Resistance was made because Capcom wanted to capitalize on the loot box system. However, it was probably not meant to be bundled with the RE3 remake from the beginning. That was in all likelihood an afterthought.

Both Resistance and the RE3 remake were in full production before RE2 remake was released, but once RE2R exceeded sales exceptations Capcom obviously got greedy and rushed production on both games. With both being rather lackluster and incomplete, they decided to bundle them together. They knew very well that RE3R would sell well anyways because of the hype surrounding RE2R, and they were right.

It's a shame that Capcom never learns.
There is no loot box in resistance lol you cannot buy loot box, you can only buy resistance point booster to help you get your character level up faster, everything else like cosmetic, ability ecc can only be acquired whit in game credit that are unlocked by playing the game and you cannot buy whit money or else

Maybe they didn't rushed production, they just make the game whit the time and money they were given by capcom, Capcom went to re 3 team and say: we are giving you this money and this time, do what you can
Re 3 team say: ok let's make this remake but we have to cut this and this in order to finish it for the release time

Or re 3 team was incompetent and dispite having all the time and money for making a good remake they made bad design choices that lead to this remake.... Could be true since this is the first game this team ever made, I'm actually happy capcom is giving the opportunity to new team to make games but they should have given them the support from a capcom first team, like the one from re 7 or re 2 remake

There could also be other explanation or else like the one you say, but I think the truth will only be reviled by the time re 10 is out, or probably we will never know about it

@Rain611 yeah i would love to see a code veronica remake trailer too, but it's too soon, a game that huge as code veronica need at least 4/5 years of development, unless most things will be cut from the game, and that would be bad
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Okay, I just finished my fourth playthrough of the game, on Nightmare this time, and that final boss fight? Wow... The penultimate Nemesis encounter, which gave me so much trouble on my timed run, became a walk in the park thanks to the rocket launcher, but the last one, which is pretty easy on lower difficulties, was indeed a nightmare! Nemesis just won't stop lashing out and can kill you in two hits, even with two defence coins in your inventory, and the rocket launcher or any other strong weapon doesn't help much here. Took me three attempts to beat him.

But hey, that makes this final blow, which is already my favourite moment despite (or because of?) how ridiculous it is, an even greater joy to watch! :cool:


(Granted, this screenshot isn't actually from the final cutscene, I think, but the one where she picks up the gun for the first time, but still.)

However, I don't think I'm going to try Inferno any time soon. I may not even return to the game at all for a while because I feel like I've seen everything it has to offer. It was fun, though!
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Even with the Infinite Rocket Launcher, Nightmare and ESPECIALLY Inferno are super difficult. You have to be perfect with your timing. I don't know how people are doing it with just regular weapons!
Even with the Infinite Rocket Launcher, Nightmare and ESPECIALLY Inferno are super difficult. You have to be perfect with your timing. I don't know how people are doing it with just regular weapons!

This. Nightmare was so hard I ended up scraping together every record I could to get the IRL (didn't think I had enough but by some miracle I did) so I didn't rip my hair out... I did make it to final Nemmy but I raged so bad. I couldn't imagine beating Inferno without it even though I've seen videos of speedrunners doing it. But at the same time I can't dedicate thousands of hours into the game like runners can. Hell, it took me 2 weeks to beat Death Stranding again while working and whatnot and I know the best way to do things since I've beaten it already lol.
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I had trouble beating Nemesis final form with the Infinite rocket launcher on Hardcore...

Well, I died 3 times, not sure if that counts as trouble but...
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