Well personally i think there is a huge difference between re 3 remake and 4, re 3 is a completely scripted game whit little exploration, re 4 on the other hand is not a scripted game and you can approach the game, enemy and boss in different ways, there are also huge map and exploration, backtracking, you can find treasure secret ecc, there are also many puzzle even if they are easy... Re 3 remake is simply going from point A to B to the next cutscene, enemy don't require that much strategy and bosses are so scripted that you can't really use any different approach than just shooting at them until they die... There are also just two stupid puzzle in the remake... Also maps in the remake are ridiculous compared to the original whit zero interconnection between them... Think if re 4 remake will have zero interconnection between place, you start in the village and after an hour of play and some cutscene you find yourself into the castle and that instead of going into the island, leon find a secret laboratory under the castle called nest 3, and this nest will replace the island from the original lol
I don't really know if they are able to make a remake of 4, re 4 was a revolutionary game so everyone expect high result on a remake of that game, something that an unknown team whit poor passion can't do... Shinji mikami was probably the only one able to make a good re 4 remake, just like he did whit re 1 remake
But I'll try to give them some trust, but if they **** this too than i will really be ****ed off XD
OMG "Nest 3" Haha you got me there LOL. But it's something that I wouldn't be surprised if they did it, with how bad and short the re3r was I won't surprised anymore. And your reaction at first and later is just like me, I was happy at first just because the game is back. But when you focus more and more it's waaay too rushed, and RE3 to me is the best game in the series and everything about it is perfect. From the music, tricky puzzles, story, cutscenes.. Everything! So that remake is disgrace LOL, if a remake like that was for a game like Dead Aim or Gun Survivor 1 I wouldn't mind because of how short the game is XD.