Resident Evil 3 Remake RE3 - Members Reaction Thread

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Well personally i think there is a huge difference between re 3 remake and 4, re 3 is a completely scripted game whit little exploration, re 4 on the other hand is not a scripted game and you can approach the game, enemy and boss in different ways, there are also huge map and exploration, backtracking, you can find treasure secret ecc, there are also many puzzle even if they are easy... Re 3 remake is simply going from point A to B to the next cutscene, enemy don't require that much strategy and bosses are so scripted that you can't really use any different approach than just shooting at them until they die... There are also just two stupid puzzle in the remake... Also maps in the remake are ridiculous compared to the original whit zero interconnection between them... Think if re 4 remake will have zero interconnection between place, you start in the village and after an hour of play and some cutscene you find yourself into the castle and that instead of going into the island, leon find a secret laboratory under the castle called nest 3, and this nest will replace the island from the original lol

I don't really know if they are able to make a remake of 4, re 4 was a revolutionary game so everyone expect high result on a remake of that game, something that an unknown team whit poor passion can't do... Shinji mikami was probably the only one able to make a good re 4 remake, just like he did whit re 1 remake

But I'll try to give them some trust, but if they **** this too than i will really be ****ed off XD

OMG "Nest 3" Haha you got me there LOL. But it's something that I wouldn't be surprised if they did it, with how bad and short the re3r was I won't surprised anymore. And your reaction at first and later is just like me, I was happy at first just because the game is back. But when you focus more and more it's waaay too rushed, and RE3 to me is the best game in the series and everything about it is perfect. From the music, tricky puzzles, story, cutscenes.. Everything! So that remake is disgrace LOL, if a remake like that was for a game like Dead Aim or Gun Survivor 1 I wouldn't mind because of how short the game is XD.
Pretty much Albert Wesker said it all, when the game first came out I wasn't paying much attention to the flaws. But the game is rushed, like A LOT.. Why did they have to cut the clock tower and the park? Best areas in the game where amazing puzzles there, and why on earth is Jill wearing Lara Croft's outfit ? They don't think it's realistic to wear mini skirt, but it's realistic to wear high heels and run with them *Cough* Ada in *Cough* RE2 Remake.

I can overlook the design of Jill, but the game really doesn't deserve to be on its own. It should've been a DLC, there are only two puzzles and both of them are easier than easy itself.
Pretty much Albert Wesker said it all, when the game first came out I wasn't paying much attention to the flaws. But the game is rushed, like A LOT.. Why did they have to cut the clock tower and the park? Best areas in the game where amazing puzzles there, and why on earth is Jill wearing Lara Croft's outfit ? They don't think it's realistic to wear mini skirt, but it's realistic to wear high heels and run with them *Cough* Ada in *Cough* RE2 Remake.

I can overlook the design of Jill, but the game really doesn't deserve to be on its own. It should've been a DLC, there are only two puzzles and both of them are easier than easy itself.
Unfortunately it's true it should have been a dlc... All Resident evil 7 dlc combined provides more entertain, content and longevity than this game
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Just finished re 3 remake again because i wanted to understand how the game felt to me now after two months, and this playthrought didn't make me change my mind, but make me realize more bad things about the game... There are really some good things in this game, but the bad and disappointing things are really too much...

i never realize until know that turning nemesis into a ****ing dog was really awful and badly designed... When the hell a tyrant is able to turn himself into a dog? That form had zero personality, it dosent even look like nemesis is like any random enemy from any other videogame or movie, whit an alien face
Second form from the original was definitely better

I also noticed how bad some dialogue are, i actually never heard something like this in a re game but just in some bad action movie, some jill dialogue are pretty mhe, especially against nemesis, she dosent seems to be scared of him like in the original but he look more like some annoying thing that she had to face on her path

Also i have 40 hours into the game and i have unlocked everything, done everything and did all the challenge, too short, it took me more than 200 hours of gameplay in re 2 remake to do all challenge, all s+ rank, 4th survivor, tofu survivor, ghost surivor and all challenges from this... Re 3 should have really been a dlc of re 2, it took me more time to 100% complete all re7 dlc than doing everything in re 3 remake lol

Positive things i noticed during this playthrought is that jill is really an amazing character, i really like to play as her, i really like her gameplay, first hour of the game was awesome whit her, the part when you roam into the city to reach the power station and nemesis chasing you there really felt like re 3, but it really just that, just 30 minutes, the rest of the game dosent feel like re 3

My 7/10 stand still, unfortunately, if it wasn't for jill and Carlos, the good graphic and the awesome combat system it would have been a 6/10
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Reactions: Soul Fist
Just started this game after finally getting around to playing it. I'm at the substation which I feel I've got here really quick. I've heard conflicting reports .........How long is this game?
Just started this game after finally getting around to playing it. I'm at the substation which I feel I've got here really quick. I've heard conflicting reports .........How long is this game?
First play through for me took six and a half to seven hours.
Ahh That's longer than I've heard. Thanks
It all varies. I spent a lot of time trying to find every file, all hip pouches/items, complete all tasks for points etc. I think generally a cold playthrough takes six hours. If you've watched videos and walkthroughs possibly less.

It took me way less time to platinum than RE2R though.
Just started this game after finally getting around to playing it. I'm at the substation which I feel I've got here really quick. I've heard conflicting reports .........How long is this game?

My first play through took me about 2 hours
My first playthrough was roughly 6 hours after exploring everything multiple times. Then, subsequent playthroughs lasted about 2.5 hours or less.
Finished RE3 Remake in 6 hours.
I really enjoyed it, waaaaay more than the original which surprised me. The first hour was not that fun , it gave me the impression Nemesis was going to be a super Mr X with the way he just basically drops out of the sky and trips you up a lot but once the train power is on the game kicks it up into high gear.
The Nemesis becomes what he should be -a terrifying series of boss fights which I loved. I didn't like the graveyard, the clocktower or the factory in the original and they were all scrapped for the remake.
The hospital section was FANTASTIC , really amped up the tension.
Carlos who was a bit of a dick in the original is much improved here and I'd like to see him return maybe in the future.
Brad biting Marvin was a very cool moment as was finding out who made the holes in the wall at the R.P.D.
All in all as satisfying remake as far as I'm concerned. Yes it's short but so was the original game.
I'll look forward to another play through.
I didnt play the game due to getting disappointed by re2 2019.

I only watched the cutscenes and overall didnt like what ı've seen.

The re3 2020 version.
I can't say I like RE3Remake better than the original, because ogRE3 is my favorite of the classics RE. What I can say though, is that I like the fact that both of them can give me very different experiences, in a sense, because they're very different games.

For example, I loved RE2 Remake (it climbed the ladder on my favorite spot, next to RE4) and after a while I realized that I still didn't played the original RE2, ever since I got the remake (and I tend to play RE games sporadically, since they're short playthroughs). ogRe2 is not a bad game, but Re2 and RE2 feels more or less like the same 'experience', except that RE2R is a more rich in the gameplay department (and it's not ogRE2's fault. I mean, there are decades separating both games, although the fact that ogRE2 is one of the easiest games I've ever played might count on that).

So, bottom line is, I like the fact that both RE3's are quite different from each other, and I quite liked RE3Remake, even though I'm sure I've said that on another post xD
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I will disagree with the concept that RE2R replaces the original from an experience standpoint. The original RE2 has much more content, enemies, locations, and overall things to do --- not only in the individual campaigns, but also when you add the A and B scenarios together. It is a better game when you look at the point in time when it came out. RE2R is still a great game, but it doesn't come close to replacing the original. The original REmake faithfully replaces the original though by giving us what appeared in the original game, but adding so much more.

And when we talk about RE3R - still a good game. Fun to play. Looks great. But it is much less game than the original RE3. Does not replace it. It's like a cousin that looks similar, but has a lot of different content.
Re2 original was fine when it was launched. Hell, it was amazing, but it was a very easy game to crack up, even back then. I love RE2 for what it meant for the series, the lore and character it introduced, but 2020-me can't help but to find myself a little bored while playing (and I recognized that with a little bit of sadness. Then again, I always thought RE3 to be a better game than 2). The game has zero challenge (RE1 has director cut's arrange mode, ogRe3 has good difficulty, Code Veronica has a healthy difficulty level and so on), and this affects me, after playing for so many years. I don't mind if RE2R isn't a 1-1 remake. I never cared for this kind of stuff, but as a game, for me, mechanically speaking, is a more enjoyable experience. I'm not talking about story or the way the og games handle scenarios and stuff. But to each, it's own, og RE2 and 3 are still there and who knows, maybe if I wait one more year or so, I might enjoy RE2 like I used to. For now, the RE2R is giving me what I want, gameplay speaking, on that particular case, in my own personal experience.
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I can't argue that RE2 Remake is a technical masterpiece with great game play and tense atmosphere. I just find the other items you mentioned were fairly irrelevant to you make the older game pop out for me. It's good to see you have reason for your treasonous stance. haha
Alright, I did it! I got the game on sale last weekend, and as of today, I'm officially no longer a REmake 3 virgin. I can finally discuss it with the grown-ups and share my own experiences. Here are some of my impressions:

* This isn't news, but the game is indeed really short. You know, I only wanted to start playing it yesterday, not play through the entire thing in one afternoon, but that's just what happened. Even though I took my sweet time walking around and looking at everything, reading all the documents and trying to find all the secrets, doing my best to be as slow as possible, I still managed to beat the campaign in 4.5 hours according to the end results (with 5.5 hours in total spent in the game). Granted, I did have previous knowledge of the locations and some other stuff, but with how linear this game is, it wouldn't have made much of a difference if I had gone in completely blind.
* I like the idea of the shop. Previous games often had specific requirements for specific rewards, like "Complete this challenge to unlock this item", whereas RE3 is like "Complete this challenge to get so and so many points, which you can then spend on whatever you want". What I don't like so much is that most of the buyable things are pretty boring. I'd rather have an infinite magnum than an infinite rocket launcher to be honest, and starting out with the bolt cutter or the lock pick in the item box only serves to make the game even shorter than it already is.
* Speaking of short (again)… That opening section? I really don't like how the remake crammed the first third of the original game into what is basically one overly long QTE, and if there's one thing I wish I could skip on subsequent playthroughs, it's that.
* There's only one unlockable outfit for Jill. One! And it's just the S.T.A.R.S. uniform, which I've never been as fond of as most other fans (yeah, I know, blasphemy). This is ironic considering that the original RE3 had the most unlockable extra costumes for one character in the entire series, ranging from a simple recolour of the default outfit to a cosplay of a character from another game. And Carlos doesn't get anything at all except for a "classic" DLC costume that looks nothing like his actual classic uniform.
* All of the above are just symptoms of the bigger disease that this game is suffering from, namely being neglected by the developers, which is a shame. Did they think that just because the original RE3 was less popular than 2, its remake didn't deserve as much love? Or was REmake 2 so successful that they simply didn't need another bestseller just one year later (or assumed that fans would buy it no matter what)? Either way they were wrong, because they ended up with a game that was so lacking on its own that they felt the need to bundle it with Resistance, an online mode that has absolutely nothing to do with the story campaign and could (and probably should originally) have been its own game. All the efforts that went into updates for Resistance should have gone into the campaign instead.

In general, my opinion on the game hasn't changed from what it was before I played it myself, which is basically: Fun game, but crappy remake, could have used more love and polish. I'll probably play it again… soon… because it annoys me that I didn't find all the documents and stuff, but I don't see a lot of replay value in the long run.
Alright, I did it! I got the game on sale last weekend, and as of today, I'm officially no longer a REmake 3 virgin. I can finally discuss it with the grown-ups and share my own experiences. Here are some of my impressions:

* This isn't news, but the game is indeed really short. You know, I only wanted to start playing it yesterday, not play through the entire thing in one afternoon, but that's just what happened. Even though I took my sweet time walking around and looking at everything, reading all the documents and trying to find all the secrets, doing my best to be as slow as possible, I still managed to beat the campaign in 4.5 hours according to the end results (with 5.5 hours in total spent in the game). Granted, I did have previous knowledge of the locations and some other stuff, but with how linear this game is, it wouldn't have made much of a difference if I had gone in completely blind.
* I like the idea of the shop. Previous games often had specific requirements for specific rewards, like "Complete this challenge to unlock this item", whereas RE3 is like "Complete this challenge to get so and so many points, which you can then spend on whatever you want". What I don't like so much is that most of the buyable things are pretty boring. I'd rather have an infinite magnum than an infinite rocket launcher to be honest, and starting out with the bolt cutter or the lock pick in the item box only serves to make the game even shorter than it already is.
* Speaking of short (again)… That opening section? I really don't like how the remake crammed the first third of the original game into what is basically one overly long QTE, and if there's one thing I wish I could skip on subsequent playthroughs, it's that.
* There's only one unlockable outfit for Jill. One! And it's just the S.T.A.R.S. uniform, which I've never been as fond of as most other fans (yeah, I know, blasphemy). This is ironic considering that the original RE3 had the most unlockable extra costumes for one character in the entire series, ranging from a simple recolour of the default outfit to a cosplay of a character from another game. And Carlos doesn't get anything at all except for a "classic" DLC costume that looks nothing like his actual classic uniform.
* All of the above are just symptoms of the bigger disease that this game is suffering from, namely being neglected by the developers, which is a shame. Did they think that just because the original RE3 was less popular than 2, its remake didn't deserve as much love? Or was REmake 2 so successful that they simply didn't need another bestseller just one year later (or assumed that fans would buy it no matter what)? Either way they were wrong, because they ended up with a game that was so lacking on its own that they felt the need to bundle it with Resistance, an online mode that has absolutely nothing to do with the story campaign and could (and probably should originally) have been its own game. All the efforts that went into updates for Resistance should have gone into the campaign instead.

In general, my opinion on the game hasn't changed from what it was before I played it myself, which is basically: Fun game, but crappy remake, could have used more love and polish. I'll probably play it again… soon… because it annoys me that I didn't find all the documents and stuff, but I don't see a lot of replay value in the long run.
Resistance was made by a team of only 19 people that has nothing to do whit the team that made resident evil 3 remake, two separate game and team, and this 19 people are the one updating resistance, so even if they United the re 3 team and resistance team, the effort of 19 people would not have changed the final game unfortunately ...
Also Re 3 team is already working on re 4 remake by rumor, that's why no dlc will be made for re 3 because the team is already doing something else