We should probably have a thread for RE.net ''site buddies'' usernames so we can compare data with each other.
We can see who is the best on REN forums
My username is Loki158
Edit: I'll put all the usernames in this post so people won't have to scroll through the whole thread.
PS3: Loki158 (Loki), TYLERDM94, Shinigami724 (Shinigami7724), eXcElLeNt29 (ex29-), MissDomino, hidden_player_, blivvy, Ada Wong (lNaminel), KKAAIIG, Jessabel (Glamour), Ghostly_soul (Book Of McGlynn Memories), Rea29 (Rammlied), Ada Wong (Ada), Redfieid_Chris, Daburcor
Xbox360: TheVacantThrone, TC74 (ToCool74), MetalGamer2, Wake Up Ne0, kgould01, H3adShotty (Xi.), kirsop1992 (mark_nufc), The Eos Dawn
We can see who is the best on REN forums

My username is Loki158
Edit: I'll put all the usernames in this post so people won't have to scroll through the whole thread.
PS3: Loki158 (Loki), TYLERDM94, Shinigami724 (Shinigami7724), eXcElLeNt29 (ex29-), MissDomino, hidden_player_, blivvy, Ada Wong (lNaminel), KKAAIIG, Jessabel (Glamour), Ghostly_soul (Book Of McGlynn Memories), Rea29 (Rammlied), Ada Wong (Ada), Redfieid_Chris, Daburcor
Xbox360: TheVacantThrone, TC74 (ToCool74), MetalGamer2, Wake Up Ne0, kgould01, H3adShotty (Xi.), kirsop1992 (mark_nufc), The Eos Dawn