Well, looking at it from the group of friends perspective, I can agree...Some friends feel more outcast than others...But perhaps splitting them up isn't the best option...I know in a group of friends it'd be odd not seeing them like I had grown used to..Perhaps what needs to be focused upon is tuning down the gays/lesbians/bi's...Those seem to be the three most common, and the one hogging the spotlight...Perhaps they should do a bit of soul searching to find out that it isn't something to, as someone said earlier "Shout from the rooftops" but to make you happier and better as a person...You say you're asexual...I highly doubt you go flaunting that...Because it's not something to flaunt...It's just...You..Nothing speical about it...The other three need to get a grasp on this, rather than splitting up everyone who does have something similar in common...Indeed you have.
It's supposed to be a social movement, but the "movement" part is kinda absent at my school. Though I was talking about the community as a whole. Although, regardless of the amount of activism in the community, opening your doors to all people and then only really welcoming two types of people isn't helpful. That's all I've been getting at. Let's treat this like a giant group of friends. Certain types of people in the group are attention hogging and the others feel like they can't get a word in. What should those people do?
Now that I think of it like that, I would just leave.
MY GOSH!That's it. As some people were saying earlier, there's too many letters! The community would probably be best served if it split up. Hm...how would that best be accomplished?
Oh and,
Btw, perhaps it's a good thing that the movement part is at a standstill...it makes it less of an issue to the outside public, which is the point anyway, right?