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parasite eve

v iBaxter

New Member
i played it but cant remember much since i was a kid that game dino crisis and resi are all awesome games.


I've never played it. Then again im young...

Also Rym since your new i will tell you this there is an edit button on the bottom of the post next to the quote button so you dont have to double post.

rym fury

Well-Known Member
sorry cus i double post but its my 1st time i get in a forum

this is my 1st one

and thank to tell me what shuld i do


Tiger Army Never Dies!
Dude! Dude! DUDE! I <3 Parasite Eve so freakin hard. I've beaten it three times! It's so epic and the music just fits it so well. I only got to play the second one for 10 minutes. I can't find that bastard anywhere lol. But you NEED to finish it.


Polkka. lol
Wow, I thought I was the only fan of Parasite Eve here. D:

I love Parasite Eve due to the amazing combination of Survival Horror and RPG. Not to mention, it really has a wonderful story that delved into real life and not some fantasy, though there are fantasy bits here and there. Eve definitely is one of the best villains out there aside from Wesker; I loved how she can make someone spontaneously combust right in front of your eyes, lol.

I wasn't able to play the second part much, but I've seen it was more of a survival horror game now than an RPG since random battles don't occur.

Parasite Eve: 3rd Birthday is coming out this year in the PSP, I hope it'll be awesome. :D


Her royal court joker
Haha I think I must check my eyes. I believed the subject was "Paradise Eve". :lol:

Levan;63801 said:
I love Parasite Eve due to the amazing combination of Survival Horror and RPG. Not to mention, it really has a wonderful story that delved into real life and not some fantasy, though there are fantasy bits here and there.
Interesting. :) This game I had never heard about before sounds like a little jewel.

Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
I don't know anything about the first game, but I have seen what the 2nd game looks like. It looks fun, setting was perfect, and gameplay was RPG style and RPG style games are one of my favorite games.

Just a d**n shame that I my PS1 broke about 5 years ago due to a f**king hurricane. If my PS1 was still working I would may have bought the game.

rym fury

Well-Known Member
bighardcheater my friend the only reson that i asked about this game is becuse it was one of the realy good games on ps1 game world and its need alot on thinking and consetret even the charectues are so good like
aya = looks like jill re3
kil = looks like carlos re3
i hope to take alook at this game one day

thank you


4 itchy tasty
Aw man...Parasite Eve was one of my favorite PS1 games. I never played the first one but I owned the second one and played it constantly. *sigh* Now I wish they'd make a new one.
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