Outbreak File 3 ?

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v iBaxter

New Member
Dec 27, 2009
I really enjoyed the Outbreak series and i don't understand why they wont make file 3 on next gen consoles, with todays online abilities it would make a awesome experience, what do u think ?
if it was just improved in places it would be good like no AI partner unless u want to or if its only online maybe.
I would like to see a file #3. The first one I didn't play, but I did play the second one and I loved it. It was fun playing in some areas like the police department, zoo, run downed hospital, and the subway.

The one thing I did't like was the AI. The AI was stupid as h**l. I tell them to follow me and they all say no, I tell one to give me a shotgun he or she says no, I ask to be healed and he or she says no, everytime I need, ask, or command something it is always no.

But I would like a file #3 since I did enjoy the 2nd and all of your ideas Wesker Shades sound like a good idea.
Weskers Shades;61756 said:
thanks i thought i did:D but i just wish thecapcom would listen to what the fans want a bit more u know...:(

Exactly. They hardly listen to fans. The only time that they ever listened to their fans was when they announced new DLC on a new $60 disk then after they made a poll they finally listened to their fans and announced that it would be put on DLC and on a disk.

The #1 time that they didn't listen to their fans was the f**ked up versus mode. Not only was it terrible, but it was also over priced at $5 and it was only 2MG. (Sorry if I offeneded people who liked versus, but I am telling the truth. It was horrible, over priced, small, messed up lobbies, no bots to fight against, and no new characters or maps. If it had bots I would have liked it more.)

The #1 thing I want Capcom to do is make another Outbreak and some remakes of some of the other games, except for Survivor 2 (That game was horrible. Everything about that game was terrible. Sh***y graphics, f**ked up gameplay, no voice, stupid boss battles, no fun, and it was 2000% not scary.) Survivor 1, I am ok with, but #2 needs to die.
Weskers Shades;61761 said:
ive never played survivour series and it sounds like i made the right decision, is it really that bad ?

The first one is alright. Some people called it terrible, but it was alright to me. It was in first person, had some puzzles, and a alright story. Some of it was stupid like you had to fight multiple versions of Mr.X, some graphics were terrible, and some of the voice acting wasen't good.

The 2nd one Survivor 2: CV was just plain s**t. It was in first person and it had reloading animations, but the graphics were s**t, gameplay was terrible (it is the same with the first one, but you were always on a time limit), brought back a dead enemy aka Nemesis (which I found was kinda stupid), no voice acting, no good level design, s**t story, and it didn't make any sense at all and was a complete rip-off of Code Veronica.

The 3rd one Dead Aim, was alright. Graphics were ok, gameplay was alright, story was alright, voice acting was alright, and it was fun. The #1 thing I didn't like was the subtitles, for some reason it was always different then what someone said (Example, when the main antagonist says "I won't let you get away" the subtitles say "B*****d!"). It was an ok, but not one of the best, but it was alright.
I concur, a File #3 would be pretty terrific. I really enjoyed the first two, maybe they will be ported onto the Wii via Archives(although unlikely).

It would be cool if they made it more from the point of view of the UBCS, just add something to that little part. We of course got to see Nicholai in the first one, and we get to see many others including that sniper, Arnold in File#2.

Perhaps they could make it kind of like RE5, but still having 2 partners, but less gratuitous responses that the character's seemed to just blurt out in the first two in the series.
yeah but keep it a corner camera not over the shoulder cause when its over the shoulder its not as scary when u see one zombie its just like oh its a zombie but when its corner camera its like oh **** zombie !.
wpstudart;61871 said:
If they didnt do a stupid AI as Outbreak 2 and Sheva's, the game gonna be great!

Yeah, improvements for the AI are without saying, I would like it if you didn't have to rely on your partner for everything, most of all when you lose so much health you have to wait for them to 'resuscitate' you...:(

@Weskers Shades, I would have to dissagree there, partly anyway. I don't think having the camera angles made it any more or less scary, in fact I thought that was quite irrelevant.

It could be because we are actually able to aim, which allows us to handle the enemies better perhaps...

I wouldn't mind seeing camera angles like in RE1, but when you aim it actually goes over-the-shoulder, to allow you to actually aim. Pretty fair compromise I think, but I doubt Capcom will go with that.
sounds like its a good idea, maybe that would work but need to test it alot to see if it would, i remember me and my mate (english people call their freinds mate, idk) would stay up late tryin to complete the remake and there was a certain part in it where there was a crimson head around the corner but we couldnt see if he was there or not so we ended up ****in ourselves when he grabbed us and we ran down the corridor and got stuck in a room cause we didnt have the balls to leave :lol:. but the fear came cause we couldnt see what was round the corner but in resi 5 if that happend we would have crushed his head with chris pecks which is a quick thrill. not as fun:sleep:.
What about the Reapers. You can't say that you aren't on the edge of your seat whenever you hear them and see them crawling on all their limbs and that wierd stuff that emitts from them and just knowing that they are about to one-hit-kill you...

Anyway, not seeing enemies can be annoying sometimes...not all the time, but anyway, the only time there were really any fear moments were just little things popping out or if I was nearly dead and I had to pass a room filled with Hunters.:)

Or when a crimson head popped through a door, a feature exclusive to the REmake.
yeah but handling enemies easier is what makes the game a walk in the park if its corner cam then u have to have skill like getting distance before shooting, conserve ammo or shoot in resi 5/4 it was just bombardment of bullets and ammo was everywhere. not saying that i dont like resi 4/5.
I really liked the Outbreak games because even after RE4 I wanted to experience that old school feeling, and I would always fall back on REO
1&2. I would really like to see a third one with the old camera angles and control scheme, but realistically I don't see it happening.

My questions is how do you guys feel about a Hybrid Control Scheme? The camera angles and movement style of The Old, with the Aiming System of the New? Of course in a fully 3D environment this would be quite possible.
im gunna stand my ground and say that it was better the original way.
it actually felt as if it was a survival horror game.
The one thing I did't like was the AI. The AI was stupid as h**l. I tell them to follow me and they all say no, I tell one to give me a shotgun he or she says no, I ask to be healed and he or she says no, everytime I need, ask, or command something it is always no.
The reason as to that is that you mightve chosen partners that aren't compatible with each other. If you use Kevin, try Yoko and George as your partner