It's not bad, definitely enjoyable to play (and I really should go back to it because I haven't finished it yet), but I have to admit that the inclusion of guns in the game feels a little off to me. Out of the entire series I've only got Dead Souls and Yakuza 4, but that's only because the rest of the series is extremely hard to find in Britain (at least for me). Why wasn't Dead Souls as popular?I know it wasn't popular but I'm enjoying Yakuza Dead Souls. I like how the outbreak slowly spreads over time and there are still areas of the city untouched thanks to the military barricades set up.
I guess because Dead Souls was so different from the previous games by relying on shooting instead of hand-to-hand combat. I heard that the sales didn't do so well and it was the reason that Yakuza 5 almost didn't get released outside Japan.It's not bad, definitely enjoyable to play (and I really should go back to it because I haven't finished it yet), but I have to admit that the inclusion of guns in the game feels a little off to me. Out of the entire series I've only got Dead Souls and Yakuza 4, but that's only because the rest of the series is extremely hard to find in Britain (at least for me). Why wasn't Dead Souls as popular?