Nice list.hunterseeker;59227 said:There's good and bad things about both:
The original:
It has the BEST sounding music to it.
Has a much more original feel to it.
The bad:
Terrible acting.
Not very good graphics.
Gets boring quickly,until your out the mansion for the first time.
The remake:
Is much more scary than the original.
Darker more sinister music used.
Shadows appear in the almost darkness on the walls,etc.
Crimson heads.
Lisa Trevor.
Much better graphics.
Even the beginning mansion part doesn't get boring unlike the original. As you can pick up daggers or stunner or grenades, so you can't get bitten, or use them for the hell of it, for extra fun.
More enemies.
More tasty, more powerful weapons.
Better,harder puzzles.
Doesn't have as good music as the original.
Doesn't have that originality feel.
Conclusion: The remake I prefer.
But when I want the nostalgic original feel and music, I play the original.

The original has better music?? That must be more because of the choice of music and not the sound quality. But now we are talking personal taste and preference. I have not heard the music so I have no preference here.