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Online Dating

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Has anyone here ever tried it or been successful with it? I had signed up for one a few weeks back but I'm losing faith as I'm less than thrilled with the sort of man that tends to respond to me, hahah. Anyone have stories?


Well-Known Member
I Don't Know I Think It's All A Sham. Most Dating Sites Try To Lure You In With The Promise Of T&A And End Up Stealing The Info Of The Poor Dupes Who Fall For It. I Tried It Once Years Ago But I Had The Good Sense Not To Put In Any Important Info.


You can't kill me.
I've tried it years ago but didn't get any decent guys. I recently tried again after a breakup and have found nobody good lol. Though there could be a maybe. Though to be honest I'm not listed as not looking for a relationship, just a friend which could go somewhere, so I'm not too serious about it.


The Confucius of ReNews...Cheers KK.
I think if someone is to sign upto such things, it's best not to hold your breath.

This isn't to say nothing good will come of these sites, its just that you have to wonder on the motive/reason behind said people being on the sites.

Back in the day, they were just the internets version of the lonely hearts section in your local paper, but as the cyber world took shape, people had less time on their hands... so it was to do with '' like minded people '' rather than a collection of strangers trying to hit lucky.

As we go deeper into the cyber realm, i believe such sites are with more, socially defunct people rather than '' unlucky '' in love types... it's an ....anti social type of thing.

There are very few guys on these sites looking for '' her '' although i noticed a while back there were alot of girls who had grown fed up of guys and were using the sites as a last roll of the dice before enrolling in the local nunnery lol *joke*

This isn't aimed at any one, but i thought i'd just throw this out there anyway.....

Everybody wants to love, and be loved... we want to share our lives with that someone special, someone who accepts us...fits the jigsaw of ourlives like they were born for that specific job!

Listen, don't want to ****ter anyones hearts or switch the big reality light on....It's rarely that easy...love takes alotta hard work...you gotta put in the hours and effort... finding the love of your life isn't about standing on the street corner with a sandwich board shouting '' here is my beliefs, here's what i'm all about! think you're hard enough ? then come get some ! ''

No, takes work, takes time, takes patience, practice...devotion...also takes a full and ready heart. Love, despite what modern culture tells us, isn't something you pick up off the shop shelf.

In an age where it's all about, Rights and opinions and all that, people it would seem, are more interested in working for themselves, rather than at themselves.... that is to say, in short......

You really should just live your life, grow steadily, enjoy what you can, learn from that which you do and experience, and it'll all coem together quite nicely, when the time is right... no snow flake ever falls in the wrong place, and i firmly believe that.

There is every chance it's got more to do with ourselves, than it is the other people.... '' can't seem to meet the right type or kind '' maybe it's us....maybe we're not the type or kind for others.. maybe we need to adjust some things in ourselves in order to allow room for others to enter...

no point opening a door to the world and inviting them all in, when your front garden is jammed with signs and posts stating this belief, and that opinion and this rule and that rule... the do's and donts....people will just walk down the road else where...

But listen, my best friend, is someone i met off the net, so don't think am dissing... god only knows how much she has been an angel to me in my darkest hours,days,weeks,months and years....she kept her eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel when my vision was blurred and obscure...so don't think there are no diamonds in the rough of the internet....

It's just that alot of people, and myself at one stage, used to think that my lifes partner, or just a good Girlfriend, was something life owed me, but then, i realised life owes me nothing...

it aint easy wading through the ton of **** to try and find that someone.... trust me i know, am still in the thick of it.. and yes you start to think it's you.... maybe it is, but i doubt it's anything drastic, or something that can't be changed with a little attention and application.

it's all about honesty.... two questions to ask yourselves in the cold dead of night....

What are you looking for, and why?

I've nothing against dating sights, i'd just advise that ya'll be guarded and careful of predators.


Her royal court joker
Has anyone here ever tried it or been successful with it? I had signed up for one a few weeks back but I'm losing faith as I'm less than thrilled with the sort of man that tends to respond to me, hahah. Anyone have stories?
I don't have any experience with this. (Unless we count profile chats here at REN. My wives and mistresses here are fantastic. :p lol)
I don't know many people who have tried this, the only person (a woman) I know that tried this, have 1 bad experience with it. The man she met was a douche and it lasted a month.

I Don't Know I Think It's All A Sham. Most Dating Sites Try To Lure You In With The Promise Of T&A And End Up Stealing The Info Of The Poor Dupes Who Fall For It. I Tried It Once Years Ago But I Had The Good Sense Not To Put In Any Important Info.
Big sites are not that unsafe, they have a name and reputation to care about. Sites that pay for TV adverts are probably more serious and trustworthy than a random site you find through a web search.


4 itchy tasty
My mom tried a few times, and I hated every guy that she dated. They sucked...they didn't even TRY to connect with me and my brother. I'm sorry but if you're gonna be with a woman who already has kids, you've gotta make an effort to interact with her children.

I personally haven't tried online dating, and I don't want to.


I make good toast
Tried it and it was a shambles but at the same time, I was kind of desperate so was probably sending out the wrong signals. Having said that, I do know people for whom it has worked out and obviously I met Steve online (although not through a dating site) and we've been married almost 5 years now. The problem with online dating is it's very fast-paced with people declaring love within a few days of chatting - you see it all the time on the profiles of people on forums, especially among those who chat every day for several hours at a time and then MSN all night.

Bring back the days of pen and paper, I say - much more time taken to write and post letters and therefore the response was carefully thought through because there was no edit or delete button. Relationships need to take time to develop but these days they are rushed through and people get hurt. Having said that, it took a grand total of 10 months from the first PM to our wedding day for Steve and I...it does work, you just have to be careful who you get together with.


Well-Known Member
I forget exactly what's the new statistic (according to Eharmony anyways) but isn't it like 1 in 4 couples now meet on an online dating site? It's suppose to be alot more common than most people think. Personally I've never tried for the sole reason that I was under the impression these sites are for folks who are extremely busy and have no time to meet someone in their spare time. I know someone who does use these sites but it always seems to turn into a quick bang and forget, for him anyways.


Chief Researcher
I have tried it, but I've only found uninteresting people there.
I've met some interesting people on the internet (not dating sites), even had a relationship with one of them.


Well-Known Member
I tried through messenger but in vain. Actualy people in my locale who truly believe in love do not go for dating sites. Only whores and cheap relationships look for love in online dating sites. So i would suggest not to rely on dating sites.


Her royal court joker
I don't have any experience with this. (Unless we count profile chats here at REN. My wives and mistresses here are fantastic. :p lol)

The problem with online dating is it's very fast-paced with people declaring love within a few days of chatting - you see it all the time on the profiles of people on forums, especially among those who chat every day for several hours at a time and then MSN all night.
After having joked with this a few times in the past, and after being reminded that there are some real relationships on the forums (over at the DMC forum), I just want to say that any relationship that I know of here at REN, is just for fun and not true relationships. At least the many I am involved in, lol.
I just felt the need to point this out since here probably are some people who where not around at the time the REN families started, I don't want people to get the wrong picture haha.


RE Chicken s**t
I've tried it... most of them are full of pervs/sex crazed pests.
Nearly did have a successful meet, until i saw him in town and he had his child with him. NEVER MENTIONED THAT ONE BEFORE! Anyway, I asked about it and he didn't have the balls to respond.

So now I've given up. VeeBee is destined to be lonely... :p

Mr Sunshine

Well-Known Member
No, it didn't work. I've been here for about two years and I've yet to find someone who doesn't leave more than 100 km away from me. :(

, I just want to say that any relationship that I know of here at REN, is just for fun and not true relationships. At least the many I am involved in, lol.

WTF are you talking about? :O

I've tried it... most of them are full of pervs/sex crazed pests.

Which reminds me...



Well-Known Member
I actually met my current boyfriend online, but it took a lot of bad ones to get to the good one. I suppose that's how it is in every context. There are good guys online, but you have to really get lucky. A lot of them are perverted or unusual, but my boyfriend seemed to think that most girls are strange who are online as well. There is success out there, but you have to have patience.

v for valentine

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't know about online dating sites. But back in the AOL days with Resident Evil chatrooms, I did meet someone particularly amazing. It was only after years of chatting though that we began to write to each other. He was a great friend, and I still think about him these days. Friends are a better option than love interests, but who knows? Sometimes people get lucky. ;)


Entertain me.
Don't think an online dating site would do much good, honestly. My parents met through those old newspaper ads, but the dating sites are horribly horribly different from those. The closest thing you have would be the dating section on craigslist. If you want to try meeting someone on the internet, I would suggest seeing what listings are there.

v for valentine

Well-Known Member
It just depends on the individuals. You could meet someone at a bar and they could be a complete idiot or beautifully intelligent, so online is the same as in the real world. It's hit or miss, I guess.
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