I miss the days when the villain was a global entity and not just one man. The feeling of overwhelming odds being stacked against you as you struggle to survive and barely make it out alive is just such a better feeling than taking out a guy with a rocket launcher... It's just too easy. I know it's been overdone to some of you, but I'm still just so very disappointed in the fact that Capcom dangled Umbrella in front of you, built up such a great story and just drops it all without giving you the satisfaction of of actually being there. (guys, just think of blue balls) I want a game that's set in the final "push" or the leading up to of Umbrella falling. Bring back the global entity with seemingly infinite resources with that "I'm so screwed" feeling and not just one "villain" pulling the strings that ends with a rocket to the face.
I liked that too. There's a certain amount of...I can't think of the word. But just look at movies like the one about the Tobacco industry, with Russel Crow...The Insider I think it was.
I just like the idea of a big company, the crookedness, deceit, etc.