Hi title says it all really! Wonder if anyone has more ideas about which next gen console they may support.
Theres also a 'pc/console' type thing, a STEAM Box, which is just a concept so far but is going to be marketed as a PC for your living room television and console gamers. It is all upgradeable which gives it noticable boost over the ps4/xbox 720 but it also comes in and like $1000.
Ps4 ive not followed too much but from what i can tell their going for a more pc based architecture which should allow game development to be easier rather than on ps3 where it was all its own awkward framework.
I've always been xbox mainly because of the unique IPs i prefer- Gears of war prety much does it plus a few others like Left 4 dead, and soon to be STATE OF DECAY! I think i will stick to the xbox when it arrives just for those. Ive seen some good looking unique ps games like The Last of Us but nothing that grabs my attention like Gears does.
Im also thinking about waiting 6 months after release till i buy either. I remember XBox 360, i brought it 6 years ago first, a bit after release and it was stil very unreliable. Went through 3 diferent xbox's ina year on the white xbox, then elite lasted 2 years, now had a Slim about a month. So if theres one thing thats worrying about geting another xbox 720 if they release it is the unreliability of hardware.!
Also what games do you hope will come on next gen near the launch. it would be awesome for me to see a new version of Gears of war, hopefully Class 4 (MMO sequel to State of Decay), Resident Evil 7 (or a new RE Boot), Ea's Skate, Fallout 4, Dark Souls II (im hoping will remake in high res for new console.)
Overall i feel xbox 360 got a bit of life left and i want to play it for maybe another 1 year, but some games look so old and tired compared to the top PCs. i remember playing BF3 about a year ago on friends PC and how damn amazing it looks. Then try on console and it looks like half the resolution and nothing like PC.
Theres also a 'pc/console' type thing, a STEAM Box, which is just a concept so far but is going to be marketed as a PC for your living room television and console gamers. It is all upgradeable which gives it noticable boost over the ps4/xbox 720 but it also comes in and like $1000.
Ps4 ive not followed too much but from what i can tell their going for a more pc based architecture which should allow game development to be easier rather than on ps3 where it was all its own awkward framework.
I've always been xbox mainly because of the unique IPs i prefer- Gears of war prety much does it plus a few others like Left 4 dead, and soon to be STATE OF DECAY! I think i will stick to the xbox when it arrives just for those. Ive seen some good looking unique ps games like The Last of Us but nothing that grabs my attention like Gears does.
Im also thinking about waiting 6 months after release till i buy either. I remember XBox 360, i brought it 6 years ago first, a bit after release and it was stil very unreliable. Went through 3 diferent xbox's ina year on the white xbox, then elite lasted 2 years, now had a Slim about a month. So if theres one thing thats worrying about geting another xbox 720 if they release it is the unreliability of hardware.!
Also what games do you hope will come on next gen near the launch. it would be awesome for me to see a new version of Gears of war, hopefully Class 4 (MMO sequel to State of Decay), Resident Evil 7 (or a new RE Boot), Ea's Skate, Fallout 4, Dark Souls II (im hoping will remake in high res for new console.)
Overall i feel xbox 360 got a bit of life left and i want to play it for maybe another 1 year, but some games look so old and tired compared to the top PCs. i remember playing BF3 about a year ago on friends PC and how damn amazing it looks. Then try on console and it looks like half the resolution and nothing like PC.