Resident Evil Outbreaks and maybe Code Veronica. Outbreaks should continue with the newer systems, would be awesome.
No to mention, it gives true closure to the story started in the original Resident Evil. While Gameplay wise, it wasn't amazing, It's one of my all time favorite for the story value...For me, it's a tie between Resident Evil 0 and RE5. Resident Evil 0 offered a twist that many people were asking for from this "tired" series. It was an excellent entry in the series and by far more survival horror than the oh so popular RE4. Then there's Resident Evil 5, a departure from the series with even more new ideas. I get it, it's too different, hate it for that, but many people falsely claim terrible game with this one. Aside from the co-op A.I., which I never really had a problem with, there's nothing wrong with RE5. It's crafted really well and is a solid experience from beginning to end. The game is great, it's just not a good survival horror game.
i totally agree that RE5 was underated. It is a very well crafted glitch free good looking game with huge replay value plus has a few bonus scenarios to lengthen it out. I think if it was part of any other series apart from RE it probably would have been regarded as great, same with RE6. Swear we RE fans are the hardest fans of any series to pleaseFor me, it's a tie between Resident Evil 0 and RE5. Resident Evil 0 offered a twist that many people were asking for from this "tired" series. It was an excellent entry in the series and by far more survival horror than the oh so popular RE4. Then there's Resident Evil 5, a departure from the series with even more new ideas. I get it, it's too different, hate it for that, but many people falsely claim terrible game with this one. Aside from the co-op A.I., which I never really had a problem with, there's nothing wrong with RE5. It's crafted really well and is a solid experience from beginning to end. The game is great, it's just not a good survival horror game.