Most nostalgic games

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Rocket Trash Panda
Mar 19, 2015
What are some classic games that hold a special place in your heart? Mind you, I'm not talking about more recent games, I'm talking about older titles (early 2000s and before) that you have fond memories of.

Here's some of mine:

Resident Evil 1-3 (especially 2)
Final Fantasy VII
Silent Hill 2
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Tomb Raider II
Dino Crisis
Devil May Cry
Ninja Gaiden
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Chrono Trigger/Cross
Sonic 3/Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure 2
Street Fighter II
Soul Calibur II
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
GoldenEye 007
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The Legend of Zelda
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)
Super Mario Bros. 3
Street Fighter II
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Sega)
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Resident Evil 2
007 Golden Eye
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Rampage: World Tour
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Spider-Man (2000)
WWF No Mercy
Luigi's Mansion
Batman: Vengeance
Halo: Combat Evolved
Fusion Frenzy
Metroid Fusion
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Kart: Double Dash
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Love this thread idea! Was getting all nostalgic just the other day over 007 Goldeneye and just now with your lists.

There’s absolutely no rhyme or reason to how I have the games listed here.

Crash Bandicoot 1/2/3
Resident Evil 1/2/CV
007 Goldeneye
Mario 64
The Lost World of Jurassic Park
Silent Hill 1-4
102 Dalmatians Puppies to the Rescue :biggrin:
Sims Pets
The Oregon Trail
Twisted Metal 1 and 2 (zomg I miss 2!)
Fusion Frenzy
WWE Smackdown
Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City
Dino Crisis 1/2
Alien Resurrection
Alien vs Predator Extinction
Predator Concrete Jungle (they need to make a new game)

There’s a submarine game for the original PlayStation that I can’t remember the name of but you had to fight other ships/torpedoes and also fight against monsters including one that looked like a statue.

Edit: it’s called In the Hunt.
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¨Puppies to the rescue¨ :lol:

I´ve been thinking about Super Mario World, Super R Type and Contra lately, i miss those. I also miss Turok 2.
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Game Boy
Donkey Kong (1994)
Kirby's Dream Land
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Pokemon Blue
Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
Wario Land

In case it wasn't obvious, I got my start in gaming on Game Boy.
A red Game Boy Pocket and a fistful of games.
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The only time I was sad during Yoshi's Story was when the credits rolled way too soon.
That's a game that you basically need to 100% to get your money's worth.

Maybe so- I really can’t remember the specifics to that game but I looked up the ending song and I think that it has this sad tone to it and was probably why I felt sad when the credits rolled.

This is so stupid. It really needs no graphics remastering at all. In fact, this game´s graphic presentation and feel is what makes it stand apart from the stupid looking 3d of D3. Stacraft 98 and Diablo 2 are the best thing that ever came out of Blizzard. I know the guy who did the cinematics for D2, he´s name is Jay. He left Blizzard around 2011 if i´m not mistaken. He´s the one who handed me over blizzard games when i visited the states as a kid. He´s been working on mmo´s in the last few years and he told me once that when he left blizzard and was doing job interviews he told one company that he animated all in game units in SC2 (which is true) but they didn´t believe him lmao!.
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- Rayman
- Resident Evil 2/3
- Crash Bandicoot 1/2
- Mario 64
- Mario Sunshine
- Mario Kart 64
- Mario Kart Double Dash
- Luigi's Mansion
- Super Smash Bros. Melee
- The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker
- WWF Attitude
- Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City
- Bubsy 3D
- Abe's Oddesey
- Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow/Gold/Silver/Crystal
- Pokemon Stadium/Pokémon Stadium 2
- Jersey Devil
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
- The Sims/The Sims Bustin' Out
- Sonic 1/2/3
- Ristar
- Super Monaco GP
- Streets of Rage
- Taz in Escape from Mars

There's probably more I've forgotten but I think that's plenty to be going on with. :lol: Makes you realise how many games you played as a kid.

I loved that game!
-Resident Evil 2
-The Sims 1 (console version)
-Champions of Norrath
-The Simpsons Hit and Run
-TimeSplitters Future Perfect
-The Fairly Odd Parents Shadow Showdown
-Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the real one)
-Devil May Cry 1
Beside Resident Evil 1,2,3 and CVX

GunStar Heros (Sega Mega Drive)
Stargate (Sega Mega Drive)
Rambo 3 (Sega Mega Drive)
Rambo (MSX)
Knightmare (MSX)
Nemesis (MSX)
Penguin Adventure (MSX)
Beside Resident Evil 1,2,3 and CVX

GunStar Heros (Sega Mega Drive)
Stargate (Sega Mega Drive)
Rambo 3 (Sega Mega Drive)
Rambo (MSX)
Knightmare (MSX)
Nemesis (MSX)
Penguin Adventure (MSX)

Got some MSX in there, nice.
Did you ever play the "official" English translated version of Metal Gear?

Sonic 1 - 3
Streets of Rage
Crash Bandicoot 1 - 3
Wipeout 2097
Final Fantasy VII, VIII & X
MGS 1 - 3
Die Hard Trilogy
Jedi Knight II
Resi 1 - 3
Tomb Raider 1 - 3
Bushido Blade
Tekken 3
Devil May Cry
Dino Crisis
Mario 64

I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of right now. Oh and there was this awesome Terminator 2 game but I can't remember which system it was on.
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There's quite a lot of games from my childhood and teens I dig.

Resident Evil 1 - 4 + CVX and Outbreak.

Yume Nikki.

Yakuza and Yakuza 2.

Silent Hill 1-4.

Jedi Knight II.

Devil May Cry 1-3.

Metroid in general.

Streets of Rage.

King of Fighters.

ESPECIALLY Virtua Fighter.

Soul Calibur - mostly III.

A crapton of PS1 games.


Final Fight, minus that 3D one.


Yoshi's Story.
I would continue, but this is already incredibly long.

I adored Nintendo and Capcom.