My "most violent game" award...hmmm...
Grand Theft Auto gears more towards "morally wrong". The focus is more on breaking the law in general than actual violence.
Ninja Gaiden has amputation and blood galore but you never actually beat a persons face in or rip them in half.
Fighting games aren't too brutal until the finishing moves. A couple of them are over the top but it's not something you see on a regular basis.
Shooters ultimately face the same dilemma as fighters on this one. Yeah you can kill a guy with that chainsaw, but it's the same animation every time you do it. I don't consider shooting someone to be gore any more. There's a blood splatter effect and a limp body, nothing more. It's violent but it's not over the top enough compared to other games.
I'm going to have to go with the God of War series. So much gore, blood, and general brutality. It's the brutality that makes it so much
worse better than the other titles. No matter which God of War you're playing or at what point in the story it is,
there is always something that pushes the limits in ways to mutilate something.
When it comes down to it Kratos, Ghost of Sparta is the most bloodthirsty mother
clucker I've ever had the pleasure to see in a video game.
Game 1 Mission 1: Kill 3 baby sea monsters, blind the mother, and impale the mothers head on a broken ship mast
through where her eyes used to be...yeah.