If you are judging or reviewing a remake, be it a remake of any kind, and are doing so with no knowledge of the original product, you're making your judgment or review without all the information available to you. If you DO have knowledge of the previous product and claim you're keeping your bias out of it in your judgment, you're wrong. You're going to inherently have some sort of comparison in your mind. As for you saying "no one is arguing about quality of remakes" you can't call me out for using a generalization like "This is literally exactly how we judge remakes of movies...why are video games any different? Movie A. had X,Y,Z, and Remake does not. It hurts overall product. Is labeled as bad. That's how movie remakes are judged. " when clearly I don't mean LITERALLY everyone. It's obviously hypberbolic. Then you give an EQUALLY hyperbolic generalization about "no one." So if you're going to allow generalizations that are literal that's fine. If you aren't that's fine too. But be consistent in your argument. You did the literal same thing I did that you acted like was such an issue.No, you're wrong because that's not what I said at all.
Yes, you did.
But back to the main point since you keep droning on and on about film remakes just to avoid admitting that you made a terribly hyperbolic sh*t take. No one is arguing about the quality of remakes. That's not the topic nor is it relevant to how people rate video games. Movies are timeless and remakes are treated entirely differently than video game remakes which are catered to a brand new audience who is still invested in an ongoing property due to lack of accessibility of older hardware and software.
Acknowledging the work something is based on isn't the same as judging the work on its own, judging it in comparison to the original, and then weighing the 2 and finding the medium like you did. There is no special formula for remakes. A game review is a game review. It's being rated as a product and not from the point of view of a fanboy with strange preferences and gripes no one cares about. It's being reviewed for a mass audience, not Resident Evil fanboys.
There is no prerequisite that one must play the original game before doing a review of a remake because they must be able to compare it and judge it so that they can figure out the final score... Yes, they do their research for the sake of being informative, but no one in their right mind is going to dock a point because they don't like Jill's new face or Nemesis doesn't chase you around like in the original, they cut content, story is different, etc.