Yet it's still really easy for something that calls itself "Hard" mode... nowhere near RE2's highest difficulty. Actually, RE3 on Hard feels like 2 on Normal, so they should have called it that and added yet another, really hard mode.
My complaint about this game is not anything in the game itself actually, apart from that it barely adds anything new, but that the few cool things it does add never show up again in later games. The reloading tool is my favourite - we already mix our own medicine, so why not ammo too? I also like the dodge move, which would be a nice compromise between the old-school tank controls and the new controls, not granting the player total freedom of movement, but still giving them a chance to get away when a hunter comes flying towards them. And last but not least, the white selection screen, which gives you the opportunity to alter the story a little even if it turns out more or less the same in the end. The latter would have been a great addition to Code Veronica, a game that doesn't offer special weapons, costumes, difficulty levels, alternate endings or anything else in the way of replay value, but unfortunately it was never used again.