I am here .. now

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2009
Hello, I'm Rollin6z. I tried to do one of these before but it never worked. A message saying it had to approved is all. So anyways, I've been playing Resident Evil since it first came out in the mid 90's, I've beaten every single game except for 3 of them I've never played, 2nd Survivor, Dead Aim, and Gaiden. My daughter is named Alexia, I have a son Donavon and another on the way. I like metal and horror, Zombies preffered. So that's it. PS3 no 360 for me.
Welcome dude! Ive seen that avatar around somewhere on this site haha What was your old user name? lol sucks about the error.

Enjoy your stay bud
Ive got a xbox...Dont have any kids. first Resident evil game I played I had to watch my mate complete it before I even played it, an it was my own game! haha!!

Ive played-
Resi 1 remake
Resi 0 both for gamecube
Resi 4 on all formats haha...
an RE5!

Resi remake was my first Resi game an I loved the graphics.

Yes, the remake of 1 and the release of Zero hurt us Sony fans because it was on PS exclusively for some time. But I loved both of those games and thought the graphics were fantastic, and I like the additions to the mansion.

I got the avatar from www.zombiereportingcenter.com thats funny that you seen it on here though since it's not RE. lol
Ive only played em' on gamecube I never played the oringinals I bet they were just as good though lol.

An yeah that avatar picture is jokes ive seen it before loool Isnt is a painting that someones edited to make the folk look like zombies hahah



yeah I found it hahahaha!!!!
Okay- that is really scary... that man looks exactly like my political theory professor, stance and everything.

And welcome to the forums, Rollin. :)