Like in the umbrella chronicles, Hunk will be played by Keith Silerstein. He also confirmed Hunk appearing in the upcoming chronicles sequel. He will probably be played in a bonus level like in UC maybe explaining a bit of his involment in Code Veronica. Also, he is possible that he will appear in the south america section with Leon and possibly ( very very very likely) Krauser.
Personally, I'm glad that Hunk is back. His charcater is one of the most mysterious as well as Ada, who should also be playable in Darkside Chronciles. Sorry this blog is shorher than most., but the only information I can give you is that he is back.
Did you ever think.... Hunk is Krauser?
Both heve blonde hair. I dunno Krauser's age, but Hunk's around 40's by the time of RE2, i think.