ayşegül ϟ
I know her fear. She's in a village filled with insane morons. Of course she'd be frightened. She never experienced things like that before. Instead of that, she lived her pleasant life in America. She probably never hold a gun! However, I know her fear, 'cause I played the part where you play as Ashley. And I was in France last week. In a boring town called Brizon (in South France). I went outside at 1 am. It was pretty dark and nobody was there. At a certain place, it was more scarier, 'cause there wasn't much light there. It was a little bit more Silent Hill-like. I walked on, while praying of course. Otherwise I'd crap in my pants. Well, then I heard something in the bushes, probably a cat. Then, I imagined Dr. Salvadors out there and ran like hell. Too scary to go out at 1 am in a small town on your own D:!
Nope, she was twenty :3 It stays there in the files D:
Brave 10 year old child :nod: I'd probably try to escape and run like hell
Like Sherry did :3 But a 10 years old child never can push an adult to the ground D:
Romero;56098 said:
She's 17. The only time she shows signs of defense, is when she throws a stick at Leon. I think they completely forgot to give her AI.
Nope, she was twenty :3 It stays there in the files D:
Mobe;56063 said:I mean, even a 10 year older can push an adult to the ground.. All she's good at is "LEEOOON! HELLLP".
Brave 10 year old child :nod: I'd probably try to escape and run like hell