Resident Evil 6 how good is RE6?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2012
i was only born when the first resident evil came out, so i never knew how the games used to be because i never got around to playing them, i only started playing from 4 and on.

some critics have buried this game, others have called it good, but im asking you guys, how good is it, as true fans, not those whiny b**hes who call themselves critics, is the game really good or is it bad and if so tell me why it was rated bad
Well, I know *I* love it, and that's all that really matters to me. Hell, I think it's the best all-new installment since Code Veronica. I'd highly recommend it if you dig the series at all but, honestly, you should ignore both good and bad reviews and just play the game for you and your own enjoyment alone! If you like it, that's all that should matter!
Although it's not very much like any other Resident Evil, I didn't expect it to be. It brings a lot of new ideas to the series and I like that. Really fun!
Honestly, one of the best games I've played in recent years and you can really see the effort put into it. If only more games of the current generation were half as good.
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In my opinion I thought that this is what 5 shouldve been. 5 focused too much on action but 6 blended 3 different types of gameplay into one game. Basically when you play it, buckle up and enjoy the ride
It was a "ok" game in my book, mostly because I enjoyed Leon's part of the game.

the other campaigns are crap in my opinion.
To be honest, I had really high expectations of the game but it just kind of... I don't know. I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. It seems kind of messy and unpolished compared to the other main games of the series. I just finished Leon's campaign and I'm done with the first chapter of Jake and Sherry's... I don't suspect I'll be crazy about Chris' either but who knows.

My verdict is still up in the air.
my favorite campaign is chris's but ive only played leon's and chris's and for those who have beaten chris's the ending is just so emotional it left an impact on me as a player. its been a while since i cried for a video game and i applaud capcom for making an emotional end to that campaign

btw i ****ing love the game
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It's really fun
Although not as addicting as other games still fun as all hell

Mercenaries provides loads of entertainment as well
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probably some people might think it's not the best RE but still the game is great.
most people want it to be survival horror but know that horror doesn't do any good whenever you play for the third or fourth times 'cause it's already predictable especially for cheap jump scares.
survival horror doesn't always need to be dark, spooky, lack of ammo, jump scares or something like that, the most important thing is that it will cost your life.
it can be on a daylight with a wide area, but if the situation might get you kill, that's survival horror right there, fight for your life.
With all respect

most people want it to be survival horror but know that horror doesn't do any good whenever you play for the third or fourth times 'cause it's already predictable especially for cheap jump scares.
survival horror doesn't always need to be dark, spooky, lack of ammo, jump scares or something like that, the most important thing is that it will cost your life.
What about Alan Wake? Dead Space? Silent Hill? Siren? Amnesia? Just to list some of the relatively new releases.

The problem is not action, but rather too much action. That gets predictable too, and it kills the tension.

it can be on a daylight with a wide area, but if the situation might get you kill, that's survival horror right there, fight for your life.
That's simply survival, not horror. With that logic Battlefield 3, and MW3 are survival horror too.
Unless you count repetitive gameplay as horror. Then, they are indeed.

And no, I'm not hating the series, only stating my opinion. I'm saying this because people tend to throw the word 'hater' around here so easily.
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With all respect

What about Alan Wake? Dead Space? Silent Hill? Siren? Amnesia? Just to list some of the relatively new releases.

The problem is not action, but rather too much action. That gets predictable too, and it kills the tension.
the only games that close which would be Amnesia and Silent Hill but then again, most Amnesia part were scripted (except for certain custom stories), whenever you get the keys or items, the Gatheres appears, you play it many times eventually you'll know when it will appear, either by smashing the door or you visions getting fuzzy.

Dead Space are more or less similar with RE. the horror were mostly at the beginning, it will going off too much action later on especially Dead Space 2, heck, first game was more horror than the second installment but still everything seems predictable and scripted.

Siren was good but the enemies kinda have their own guideline to walk, they aren't stranded too far from their path.

Alan Wake was cool, i do love the lack of ammo but it's doesn't have the scary factor. the main important thing was to stay alive!

like i said, Survival Horror doesn't always have to be lack of ammo, dark, spooky, tight corridors. the most important thing about Survival Horror is that it might cost your life in a f*cked up / bizarre way and you need to take whatever necessary to stay alive.

Silent Hill possibly have all of it. most part in Silent Hill 2, 4 and Downpour wasn't really dark however the atmosphere in SH2 was totally amazing. the best thing about SH is that you don't know what the f*ck is going on and you are surrounded by deadly monsters so all you need to do is to stay alive.

have you ever seen Chainsaw Massacre? most of the scene were in the daylight, less at night, a crazy guy with a chainsaw chasing you whenever you go. that film just proved that not all the horror need to be in the dark.

also with random approach, seems to be like most Survival Horror / Horror games lack of that. everything just cheap jump scares. the random approach which would be the old Clock Tower, the midget with scissor was hilarious but the way he approach you were totally random and everything was complete silence until you saw him then the music starts to rise. it's not really scary (most time was funny cuz the midget was too slow chasing you) but it gives you spook and tension that horror supposed to have.

even games like Left 4 Dead was listed as Survival Horror even tho it's too much action. why L4D was listed as Survival Horror? cuz the main objective is to STAY ALIVE!
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The problem isn't that there's too much action, it's that the action SUCKS. The gameplay is just so boring & clunky. Every battle in this game is a mindless cluster****. I'm playing through RE4 right now and the combat is still way funner in that 7 year old game, even though it's much slower and you can't move & shoot.
Well I thought they did a pretty decent job trying to bring back survival horror into Leon's Campaign. (didn't seem like there was but its there). I mean yea its mainly an action game but they did that only because of RE5's popularity when it was pure action
Well I thought they did a pretty decent job trying to bring back survival horror into Leon's Campaign. (didn't seem like there was but its there). I mean yea its mainly an action game but they did that only because of RE5's popularity when it was pure action

Correction: They did bring horror back. lol Leon's campaign is how the rest of the series should be like. But I would have preferred to have a full length game of his campaign with a second campaign of Jake's. Then you could have a unlockable Ada campaign. The only one that didn't feel like horror was Chris' but that was what they were aiming for with him. He did have some cool horror-like parts. Yawn 2.0, His Boss fight, fighting the Rasklapanje. But overall His campaign wasn't RE. However the other three campaigns are great. Leon's is amazing the different kinds of zombies and especially Bloodshots. Are exactly scary and gross mutations of the C-virus. Personally i think that they should use the C-virus again for the next Jake's campaign was great and even tho you fight Javo most of the time You felt a sense of dread around these characters and them trying to escape was just great. It worked for Jake and Sherry. Chris was the low point of the game, It was still enjoyable but not nearly as the others. Ada's campaign was laid out realy well. The puzzles were hard enough that you didn't just beat them easily and move on and in some cases hard. lol Great game and a def buy for anyone that is a RE fan.
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