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how do you think resident evil should end?


The White Wolf
Im curius on your opinions do you think it will continue for many years or it shall end soon. Also how do you think it should end?


Super Saiyan Member
How it should end...Well...
Chris should die in action...
Claire should settle down and become a mother...Possibly with Steve, but if not it's no big deal...
Leon should resume his government work and be the playboy he is...
Ada follows the same route, staying a spy, maybe hooking up with Leon for drinks now and again...
Jill should work for the BSAA, but then after Chris' death resign and settle down...
Rebecca should be mentioned that she became a viral biologist...
Barry should be mentioned that he settled down with the family, but played the part of info gatherer when Chris needed it...
Bio-Terrorism will live on, but Chris dies happy and Jill retires happy knowing that the future of the BSAA is in the capable hands of the up and coming generation...


Super Saiyan Member
Chris should die in action...
Claire should settle down and have a child (Possibly with Steve, but if not no big deal)...
Leon should continue to work for the government and being the playboy he is...
Ada should be the same...Continue work as a spy, occasionally hooking up with Leon for a drink...
Jill should retire after Chris' death and settle down...
Rebecca should be a viral biologist working on cures for all the viruses...
Barry should be a family man, but occasionally be an informant for Chris, but mostly be a family man...
Bio-Terrorism should go on, but Chris dies, and Jill retires happy knowing that the future is left in the capable hands of the next generation of BSAA operatives...


Kahnum of Outworld
I'm fine with everything as long as they won't fly to safety and to the sunrise with a helicopter or something like that again.. -_-
NO! Flying into the sunrise to safety in a helicopter is what they do best! :p

Honestly, I think the series should have ended with Code Veronica but, since it didn't I would like to see: (Some of my opinions are the same as KennedyKiller's - for once.)

Chris die in action,
Jill retire, living single on some beach somewhere,
Claire should be a drifter, traveling the country on her motorcycle,
Leon should drop off the face of the earth, never to be seen again,
Ada should return to being the freaking spy she's supposed to be not some love-sick fool,
Rebecca should work on cures,
Barry should be the family guy, the guy who gave up the exciting lifestyle for his wife and kids.

But, since Capcom never does anything like how I want it, this is probably what will happen:

Chris and Jill will continue fighting until they're in wheelchairs,
Claire will be sucked into a black hole along with Rebecca and Barry, never to be seen or heard from again,
Leon and Ada will continue to dance around each other with Leon dually being a man-whore and Capcom's cash cow.


Kahnum of Outworld
Leon happens to be my favorite re character tied with hunk

Why do you not like Leon is it because he is possibly the dumbest protagonist in the series
He is the most irrelevant, his existence in the series makes no sense. Claire was tied into Resident Evil 2 through and through; she was there looking for her brother, Mr. X was after her because she was protecting Sherry - who had a G-Virus sample in her locket - and Birkin was after her because she was protecting Sherry, who would have been the most logical choice to implant an embryo in.

Leon was there for a job opportunity...but why was Mr. X after him? Neither Leon or Ada had a G-Virus sample - Ada was looking for one but she didn't have one. And why was Birkin after him? He would be a choice for an embryo, not the most logical one, but a choice. (And the way Annette talked, Birkin still had some basic faculties about him - enough to know that Sherry was the most logical choice in Claire's scenario anyway.) But that's not even how the story went; canon was Claire A/Leon B, which makes absolutely no sense. (Birkin's scenario could be rationalized by G's survival instinct, the Mr. X scenario...a little harder to explain away.)

His presence makes no sense and so his character makes no sense. Ada had a chance in Resident Evil to come back in Resident Evil 2 as a main character and to make it on her own but they didn't run with that, they brought her in as Leon's tag-a-long and, therefore, made her irrelevant as well.

Neither has any real holding in the series other than being the soap-opera, love affair cash cows. (And in truth, Ada doesn't even have that; she would be nothing without Leon's story line. Without him, no one would pay attention to her - Capcom didn't anyway.)


The White Wolf
He is the most irrelevant, his existence in the series makes no sense. Claire was tied into Resident Evil 2 through and through; she was there looking for her brother, Mr. X was after her because she was protecting Sherry - who had a G-Virus sample in her locket - and Birkin was after her because she was protecting Sherry, who would have been the most logical choice to implant an embryo in.

Leon was there for a job opportunity...but why was Mr. X after him? Neither Leon or Ada had a G-Virus sample - Ada was looking for one but she didn't have one. And why was Birkin after him? He would be a choice for an embryo, not the most logical one, but a choice. (And the way Annette talked, Birkin still had some basic faculties about him - enough to know that Sherry was the most logical choice in Claire's scenario anyway.) But that's not even how the story went; canon was Claire A/Leon B, which makes absolutely no sense. (Birkin's scenario could be rationalized by G's survival instinct, the Mr. X scenario...a little harder to explain away.)

His presence makes no sense and so his character makes no sense. Ada had a chance in Resident Evil to come back in Resident Evil 2 as a main character and to make it on her own but they didn't run with that, they brought her in as Leon's tag-a-long and, therefore, made her irrelevant as well.

Neither has any real holding in the series other than being the soap-opera, love affair cash cows. (And in truth, Ada doesn't even have that; she would be nothing without Leon's story line. Without him, no one would pay attention to her - Capcom didn't anyway.)

Intresting take on leon i still like him though
I get from him though that you dont have to be special to be a hero he dosent have any special gualities he is as close to an average person as any of the protagonist in the series


Kahnum of Outworld
I get from him though that you dont have to be special to be a hero he dosent have any special gualities he is as close to an average person as any of the protagonist in the series
No, I believe that would be Claire, who was a college student, not a rookie cop with some semblance of training beforehand.:p


Kahnum of Outworld
But she was taught survival tips by her brother so she wastrained as well
We have no proof of that, especially since Chris was in the Air Force prior to becoming a member of S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City, which was at least a road trip away from where she was attending college. She was only nineteen at the time of Raccoon and Chris was twenty six; we have no idea how long he'd been a member of S.T.A.R.S. but I believe it was stated that Chris went into the Air Force early and went to S.T.A.R.S. directly after. If he had been eighteen upon entering the Air Force, she would have been eleven - a tad early for heavy duty survivalist training, especially the kind of training that would be on par with the training you'd get at police academy. (Or I'd hope anyway.)


The White Wolf
We have no proof of that, especially since Chris was in the Air Force prior to becoming a member of S.T.A.R.S. in Raccoon City, which was at least a road trip away from where she was attending college. She was only nineteen at the time of Raccoon and Chris was twenty six; we have no idea how long he'd been a member of S.T.A.R.S. but I believe it was stated that Chris went into the Air Force early and went to S.T.A.R.S. directly after. If he had been eighteen upon entering the Air Force, she would have been eleven - a tad early for heavy duty survivalist training, especially the kind of training that would be on par with the training you'd get at police academy. (Or I'd hope anyway.)
In one of the resident ebil rail shooters leon makes a comment on where did claire learn to fight she says she wad taught by her brother also in her bio it says chris gave her military training and tips in hand to hand combat


Kahnum of Outworld
In one of the resident ebil rail shooters leon makes a comment on where did claire learn to fight she says she wad taught by her brother also in her bio it says chris gave her military training and tips in hand to hand combat
Darkside Chronicles did nothing but screw up the story lines. If things actually went like that, Claire would have been shooting a gun before she could walk. Not that it can't happen but honestly, I'd like to believe that Leon got more training in the academy than a young girl did by her older brother before he ran off to the Air Force. (And if he didn't, it just cements his status as totally and completely useless and his jump in skill from Resident Evil 2 to 4 as even more unbelievable than before.)


The White Wolf
Your right when saying she wad a little young to be learning military training but she had more years of exp then leon did and while i hate to admit it leon is becoming a bit to over the top i will always remember him as he was in re2 a rookie cop caught at the wtong place at the wrong time


Well-Known Member
He is the most irrelevant, his existence in the series makes no sense. Claire was tied into Resident Evil 2 through and through; she was there looking for her brother, Mr. X was after her because she was protecting Sherry - who had a G-Virus sample in her locket - and Birkin was after her because she was protecting Sherry, who would have been the most logical choice to implant an embryo in.
You do not have not have to be directly linked to a main character to be relevant. Especially in your first game. Leon was caught in the Racoon City incident which is what RE2 is mainly about civilians fighting against bioweapons in order to survive. So I don't see how that is irrelevant. Later he becomes even more relevant fighting against BOWs just like everyone else.
Leon was there for a job opportunity...but why was Mr. X after him? Neither Leon or Ada had a G-Virus sample - Ada was looking for one but she didn't have one. And why was Birkin after him? He would be a choice for an embryo, not the most logical one, but a choice. (And the way Annette talked, Birkin still had some basic faculties about him - enough to know that Sherry was the most logical choice in Claire's scenario anyway.) But that's not even how the story went; canon was Claire A/Leon B, which makes absolutely no sense. (Birkin's scenario could be rationalized by G's survival instinct, the Mr. X scenario...a little harder to explain away.)
I believe I remember that even before DC, Mr. X was after Leon because he was to exterminate anyone who might have known information that could be of danger to Umbrella which they already knew that the RPD officers were likely canidates for optaining this info. Mr. X attacked Ada in defense. Birkin was after Leon because he was a crazy monster that was implanting embryos into humans, it wasn't a personal thing against Leon, it was a survival thing.

His presence makes no sense and so his character makes no sense. Ada had a chance in Resident Evil to come back in Resident Evil 2 as a main character and to make it on her own but they didn't run with that, they brought her in as Leon's tag-a-long and, therefore, made her irrelevant as well.
She was a supporting role. She was a spy after the G-Virus. She wasn't irrelavant either.
Neither has any real holding in the series other than being the soap-opera, love affair cash cows. (And in truth, Ada doesn't even have that; she would be nothing without Leon's story line. Without him, no one would pay attention to her - Capcom didn't anyway.)
I don't care for their "love" story either. But Leon has as much purpose in the series as any other top character. I agree, he may be used too much, but he has holding.

Honestly hun, I think Leon just rubs you the wrong way. I don't mind that you don't like him, I wouldn't expect everyone to like him, but your assumptions about him are unfair and make no sense.

As for being on topic: I think a few of the heros should die. I think it's cheap to kill off only villains and I noticed that people are only picking characters they don't like, to die. I wouldn't mind it if Leon got killed as long as he went out like a boss. I was hoping Chris died taking Wesker down but oh well. I don't see why it would hurt to kill a female character too. I don't want to see my lady badasses settling down having ten kids and becoming some in the kitchen house wife to some unknown dude after they kicked so much butt over the years


The White Wolf
As for being on topic: I think a few of the heros should die. I think it's cheap to kill off only villains and I noticed that people are only picking characters they don't like, to die. I wouldn't mind it if Leon got killed as long as he went out like a boss. I was hoping Chris died taking Wesker down but oh well. I don't see why it would hurt to kill a female character too. I don't want to see my lady badasses settling down having ten kids and becoming some in the kitchen house wife to some unknown dude after they kicked so much butt over the years
I agree completly


Sexually Active Member
Its kind of like with silent hill, some say they should of ended it with sh3.

Those people can shut it because Silent Hill 4 kicked ass and Homecoming was worthwhile.

I really don't think they plan on ending it anytime soon- it sounds like Capcom wants to milk it dry.

The only way I would want to see Chris killed off is during an epic battle against Wesker. Albert Wesker- the guy that he has some scores to settle against- not some tool named Alex.

Otherwise (if RE5 is truly Wesker's demise) I want to see Chris live to be a badass with an epic beard, as he hangs outta chppers shooting down enemies and protecting all the inexperienced newbies that Capcom will more than likely bring into the series. Basically living in Barry's footsteps.
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