Haven't Seen these in a while
What's you're Highest Score on each map with what Character?
Urban Choas-Ada-12022006
Steel Beast-Agent-1204409
Mining The Depths-Carla-1184504
Rail Yard-Ada-1188655
High Sea Fortress-Chris-1146605
Requiem for War-AdaEx3 (Re2)-1250009
Liquid Fire-Ada & Chris EX2-1312405
Rooftop Mission-Ada-1246854
Creature Workshop-Agent-1293701
These are my Scores and Characters
If you want to put your scores in, Be my guest
What's you're Highest Score on each map with what Character?
Urban Choas-Ada-12022006
Steel Beast-Agent-1204409
Mining The Depths-Carla-1184504
Rail Yard-Ada-1188655
High Sea Fortress-Chris-1146605
Requiem for War-AdaEx3 (Re2)-1250009
Liquid Fire-Ada & Chris EX2-1312405
Rooftop Mission-Ada-1246854
Creature Workshop-Agent-1293701
These are my Scores and Characters
If you want to put your scores in, Be my guest