What up guys. I got the net back and for real this time, no getting free wifi, so this time if we lose the net, it's our fault. So I noticed everything is different. How the heck do I mail someone?? o.0 LOVE LOVE LOVE the new signature uploader thingy-ma-bob. Awesome-o Steve, great job. Noticed the background is darker now. -.- I have to change my PS REN background preset now, lol. Anyways. So I'm probably act like A noobie Idoit hardcore for the next week. Don't mind me bumbling into everything, just nudge me in the right direction. I appologise in advance. 
Oh, and now that I am messing around with the Uber awesome new setting for the posts, I am cheesing myself.

Oh, and now that I am messing around with the Uber awesome new setting for the posts, I am cheesing myself.