I'm sure you have all the available sources for September 1997 Fangoria and Starlog articles where McElroy talks about RE, but in case if you didn't have this one from later that year;
December 19, 1997
"Constantin Films of Germany acquired the rights to Resident Evil for development into a feature film earlier this year. Screenwriter Alan McElroy, most recently known for his work on the movie Spawn, has nearly finished writing the screenplay that closely follows the storyline of the game."
Maybe he was writing his final draft around that time. Yes that one draft did leaked out few months later, but maybe whoever leaked it to PSM only got the draft later, or was just sitting on it for some time.
Also Bran, if it's possible (and if it's real), whenever you get to talk about it in any future messages or your documentary, don't forget to mention draft info of McElroy's script(s). Meaning of course, is it listed as just another draft or is it a revision, re-write, polish, etc... Might help figuring something out about it when the time comes. And thanks for keeping us updated as always!
Note; This is another Ain't It Cool News article from 1998 where McElroy's script was mentioned, but this one is from June, and by that point Romero was already involved in the project, and like it was mentioned in July 1998 article i included before, McElroy's script was rejected pretty soon after that. It's not really very informative article, but it's still interesting read since they mention early version of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider written by Brent Friedman (who also worked on remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3) which was in development at the same time. And it did made me laugh how they refer to Tomb Raider as "PG-13 wannabe porno", because i read Friedman's script few years ago and it really wasn't that bad. On the other hand, most of the scripts which were written after his... Let's just say i wasn't a big fan of 2001 film, but reading some of those scripts did made me appreciate it some more, compared to what it could have been;
Atari Explorer, Z*Net, & ST Report: ST Report: 19-Dec-97 #1350
December 19, 1997
"Constantin Films of Germany acquired the rights to Resident Evil for development into a feature film earlier this year. Screenwriter Alan McElroy, most recently known for his work on the movie Spawn, has nearly finished writing the screenplay that closely follows the storyline of the game."
Maybe he was writing his final draft around that time. Yes that one draft did leaked out few months later, but maybe whoever leaked it to PSM only got the draft later, or was just sitting on it for some time.
Also Bran, if it's possible (and if it's real), whenever you get to talk about it in any future messages or your documentary, don't forget to mention draft info of McElroy's script(s). Meaning of course, is it listed as just another draft or is it a revision, re-write, polish, etc... Might help figuring something out about it when the time comes. And thanks for keeping us updated as always!
Note; This is another Ain't It Cool News article from 1998 where McElroy's script was mentioned, but this one is from June, and by that point Romero was already involved in the project, and like it was mentioned in July 1998 article i included before, McElroy's script was rejected pretty soon after that. It's not really very informative article, but it's still interesting read since they mention early version of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider written by Brent Friedman (who also worked on remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3) which was in development at the same time. And it did made me laugh how they refer to Tomb Raider as "PG-13 wannabe porno", because i read Friedman's script few years ago and it really wasn't that bad. On the other hand, most of the scripts which were written after his... Let's just say i wasn't a big fan of 2001 film, but reading some of those scripts did made me appreciate it some more, compared to what it could have been;

Who says you have to be a Hollywood insider to get a scoop? Not I. DeMeSSiah (ahem) here used the net to see what he could see, and here's what he saw about Tomb Raider and Resident Evil films. Enjoy I am DaMeSSiah , and since I live in a...