Forum Rules

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I make good toast
Feb 3, 2009
Rules, we have them. Learn them, abide them, love them.

  • All posts must be made in English or include an English translation.
  • No trolling, harassing or insulting others, or otherwise behaving like an idiot.
  • Please don't advertise - if you have something you desperately want to plug to people here and you think it's really worth it, contact an administrator FIRST. Unsolicited stuff will be wiped and you could risk being banned.
  • Double-posting or reviving 'dead' topics is only allowed under very specific conditions. Use common sense to determine whether or not you have a legitimate reason to engage in either.
  • Refrain from excessive cursing and don't try and get around the swear filter.
  • Discussion of illegal activities such as file sharing, software and media piracy and intellectual property violations are a big no-no. This includes the sharing and exchanging of 'CD keys', 'cracks' and the like.
  • Do not post links to questionable websites - use common sense as to determine what we might consider inappropriate. Hint: If it contains anything to do with warez, pr0n, or anything offensive to our delicate senses, keep it to yourself.
The Staff
I would like to provide some reminders to members who might have missed this thread:
  • Double posting is not permitted here under most circumstances. While there are some exceptions and we encourage you to use your own discretion, please wait until another member responds before replying again. Staff reserve the right to delete any messages that violate this rule.
  • Please do not respond to any messages that are very clearly spam. Our moderation filter catches many, but there are still some that occasionally falls through the cracks. You will lose any posts and likes you receive when the thread is deleted - which it inevitably will be - so there is little point in responding. Report and move on.
  • Every post should have some sort of message or idea. Posts made entirely of emoticons or text that is incoherent enough that it can't be read will be deleted
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Reactions: AgentZero
Currently in the process of updating some of the rules - most likely they will remain very similar to what we already have above, but it's been 5 years since they were last reviewed, so it doesn't hurt to go over them again.

Also, for new members, please don't panic if your posts and threads don't immediately show up - we have had to install a very strict spam filter system to try and get rid of bots using genuine email clients (mostly Outlook) to try and spam us to Mars and back. The downside is it puts the first few posts of any new user straight into the approval queue for moderator approval.

With this not being automated, staff have to do it all themselves, so please bear with us and we will aim to get your content approved within 24 hours max of you posting. I myself am in a British timezone, so if you're from across the pond you may find that when you're just getting set up for your day, I'm getting ready to unwind for the evening; please be patient and if in the highly unlikely event there is an issue with your content, you will be contacted accordingly.

And, as always, thanks for being an awesome community. You guys are the best! :biggrin:
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